Отдельная ветка про патчи для
W595 SW-R3EA037 Generic LTВсе патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение
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Идеи и запросы патчей А2
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В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка -
Учёт занятого места в замейн:126cd100 - 126cd190 ;Advanced range of brightness adjustment
126cd190 - 126cd230 ;Sounds on opening/closing slider, v.1.3
126cd230 - 126cd260 ;Vibra on connecting
126cd260 - 126cd290 ;Vibration in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call
126cd290 - 126cd7e0 ;Copy/move files to any folder, v.1.0
126cd7e0 - 126cd850 ;Key Code
126cd850 - 126cd8d0 ;Opening table of symbols by long pressing key "*"
126cd8d0 - 126cd900 ;Change color background in FileManager
126cd900 - 126cd920 ;Change background color in pictures and video preview on selected
126cd920 - 126cd950 ;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
126cd950 - 126cd980 ;Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode
126cd980 - 126cda10 ;Choose time for showing message "Message delivered"
126cda10 - 126cdac0 ;Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network
126cdac0 - 126cdb00 ;Change operator name to own
126cdb00 - 126cdb30 ;Vibra when switching to a new track
126cdb30 - 126cdbf0 ;управление ФМ-радио с клавиатуры v.1
126cdc00 - 126cdcb0 ;Sounds on opening/closing slider, v1.4
126cdcf0 - 126cdd70 ;Добавить в информацию о файле отображение размера файла в байтах., v2
126cdd80 - 126cde20 ;Office player and radio through Headsets, v.4
126cde30 - 126cde90 ;The choice of colors when viewing SMS
126a64a0 - 126a6520 ;Office of Videoplayer
126a6520 - 126a6540 ;Change colors in application Video
126a6540 - 126a6570 ;Short vibra on rececive/sending file, OBEX
126a6570 - 126a6630 ;Playing mp3 file, which is recorded on the delivery of messages.
126a6630 - 126a66b0 ;Adds item "Restarting" on Quick Access Menu
126a66b0 - 126a67e0 ;Add the menu, causing on Quick Access Menu item on/off Bluetooth.
126a67f0 - 126a6840 ;Полноценная работа телефона без SIM-карты, v.1.2
126a6840 - 126a6870 ;Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/other/patches" through activity menu
126a6870 - 126a68d0 ;Vibration on start and end voice conversation
126a68d0 - 126a6970 ;Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call
126a6970 - 126a69c0 ;Sound when start the camera
126a69c0 - 126a69f0 ;Show Radio in fullscreen
126a69f0 - 126a6a30 ;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5)
126a6a30 - 126a6aa0 ;Hourly sound
126a6aa0 - 126a6ae0 ;Work SleepMod\'a everywhere except deployed java
126a6ae0 - 126a6bb0 ;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone, v2
126a6bb0 - 126a6bf0 ;At the time of the vibro/losses network, as well as in carrying out new searches network
126a6bf0 - 126a6cb0 ;Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network, v edited
126a6cb0 - 126a6da0 ;The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call
126a6da0 - 126a6dc0 ;Icon of incoming calls forwarded
126a6dc0 - 126a6de0 ;Курсор при передаче смс всегда на первом контакте из списка
126a6de0 - 126a6e00 ;Function Play/Pause by short pressing button Walkman
126a6e00 - 126a6f20 ;Отображение имени из телефонной книги вместо номера при просмотре SMS
126a6f20 - 126a6f80 ;Show icon for connecting USB cable in statusbar
126a6f80 - 126a6fd0 ;Просмотр входящих SMS при залоченной клаве
126a6fd0 - 126a7010 ;Vibra after updating Bluetooth devices
126a7010 - 126a7060 ;Turn off the Player/Radio when you remove the headset
126a7190 - 126a76d0 ;Change Quick Access menu style, v1 - v2.2
126a7730 - 126a7760 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device"
126a7760 - 126a7940 ;New item on menu "Bluetooth-> Saving Energy"
126a7940 - 126a7980 ;Added an item to the Equalizer
126a7980 - 126a79d0 ;Отдельные иконки на изображения