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Satio R2AK006 patches : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: LathandredCrusader



Регистрация: 1.12.09
Сообщений: 59
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Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #1 [17.02.12, 04:38] Satio R2AK006 patches   

I could not find a more suitable place for this thread..

Отдельная ветка про патчи для Satio U1 R2AK006

Перед тем как выложить патч, смотрим Правила оформления патчей.

Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение ТУТ

This topic is for patches only, All discussions are HERE

Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

All request about porting write - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

Дополнительную информацию этой ветке

For more information Visit here

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!
Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других.
В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).

Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка - <--- at least, for now...

Do not save these codes with "vkp" extension. Save them with "rmp" extension..

Many of these patches may also work in Vivaz and Vivaz Pro, too. But you must test it yourself.
If a patch doesn't work in Vivaz or Vivaz Pro, report this issue to the creator of that patch.

Patched Files: 

[ Edited by LathandredCrusader в 23.2.12 20:33 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: Vov4ик, a6b6, LiNkMaN



Регистрация: 1.12.09
Сообщений: 59
Репутация: 1025
Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #2 [17.02.12, 04:50] Re: Satio & Vivaz Patches   

Installation of C2Z patch for Satio and Vivaz..
Lot's of special files, for example, acoustic drivers, camera drivers, and etc. are contained in Z drive.
But, as you know, Z drive is a "read only" drive. So, you can not move or copy files to that drive.
C2Z patch is a special patch that was used for moving and copying your files to Z drive.
It's working principle is mapping C and Z drives.

1. Download C2Z_Maker_v1_0_EN.SISX from http://www.mediafire.com/?gwnzry1yzyh and install it to your phone.
2. Open this application. Click on "Options", and then click on "Generate"
3. You will see a message: "Succeed save to E:/c2z.rmp"
4. Find "c2z.rmp" in "E drive" and apply it by using ROM patcher

Now, when you wish to change, for example, "Z:\ P folder \ R folder \ S file", put your file to "C:\ P folder \ R folder \"
and then, restart your phone. When your phone restarts, your file in C drive will go to Z drive...

Now, ordinary (normal) patches:

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Change keypad shortcut functions.
;Change XX parts as you wish by checking "hex values".
;Example: if you wish to change *#06# to *#99#, change: "300036:XX00XX" to "300036:390039"
;(c) Lathander Crusader

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Disable program installation
;Your phone denies: sis, sisx, jar and wgz files.
;This patch may be useful againts viruses.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Lock Service Menu
;When you apply this patch, no one can open your Service Menu until you disable the patch.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Disable to access File Manager and Media Center from Main Menu.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

For more information about editing MBM files, visit: http://mobilefree.justdanpo.ru/newbb_plus/viewtopic.php?topic_id=5516
;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Ability to change all images in Camera Menu and Camera Settings Menu from memory card
; Patch Usage:
; 1. By using X-Plore file manager, open Z:/Resource/Apps/
; 2. Find secamera.mbm, secammenubar.mbm and secamsetup.mbm files and copy these file to E:/Resource/Apps/ folder.
; 3. Apply this patch to your phone
; 4. Now you can edit these mbm files by using "MBM Tools" image editor in your PC.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Disable Message Reading
;No one can read your incoming and outgoing messages if you dont disable the patch.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Disable opening "Notes"
;No one can read your notes if you do not disable the patch.
;(c) Lathander Crusader

These are only patches actually made for other devices, but also working properly in Satio / Vivaz.
So, I've changed their introductions to mobilefree.justdanpo.ru format.

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Increase call (missed, dialed, etc.) and sms logs from 30 days to 365 days.
; -Apply patch.
; -Open Log application.
; -Settings.
; -Set Log duration = 30 days. Not true. It lay 365 days.
; -press OK.
; -verify: Select again. "No log is selected". This mean patch applied.
; -no need to apply patch on boot.
;(c) wadowice & Marshall.87

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;When you long press shutdown key, phone restarts instead of switching off
;(c) wadowice

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Disable charging messages:
;"connect the battery charger", "disconnect the battery charger", "battery is full" messages
;(c) wadovice

[ Edited by LathandredCrusader в 23.2.12 20:30 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: a6b6, MrGraL, MNS81, Nook, Therion, James_LaBrie, dimony, -DeJaVu-, crisbeto, LiNkMaN, bill_kevin, buhh83



Регистрация: 1.12.09
Сообщений: 59
Репутация: 1025
Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #3 [20.02.12, 03:19] Re: Satio & Vivaz Patches   

Finally it works.. Send this edited contentlist file to "E: \ Resource" folder and then, apply this patch:
;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Ability to send jar, sis and sisx files via Bluetooth.
;1. Copy my edited "ClosedContentList.rsc to E:\RESOURCE folder
;2. Apply this patch
;(c) Lathander Crusader

Now you are able to send your jar, sis and sisx files from file manager by using BT.

[ Edited by LathandredCrusader в 23.2.12 20:31 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: zzz, biems



Регистрация: 1.12.09
Сообщений: 59
Репутация: 1025
Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #4 [22.02.12, 22:17] Re: Satio & Vivaz Patches   

;Satio U1 R2AK006
;Change alarm time
;For this, change XXXXXX by checking "Alarm time table"
;Example: if you want to change alarm time to 3 minutes, change XXXXXX to 95BA0A
;(c) Lathander Crusader

[ Edited by LathandredCrusader в 23.2.12 20:31 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: Zormax, Done4, Gurkan!, Aang

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