Patches with ! at starting line means that this patch has mismatch!!!k770 SW-R8BC004
442E6FA0-442E7024 Phone book, as in 3150 v. 2
4438EA60-4438EB3C Замена имени оператора на логотип
4438EB40-4438EBDC id3v2 compatiblity fix (DIE WIN1251 DIE!)
443b6680-443b6708;Cam Light Call Mod
443b6708-443b675A;Easy change to MediaPlayer from Radio
443b675a-443b6830;Add the ability that control the display of the time and date on standby
443B7250-443B7284;Vibration on opening Radio
443B7290-443B72B0 non vibrating alarm clock
443bb440-443bc518;Privacy Patch
!443bc540-443bc74A;Add a new item in the bluetooth menu Bluetooth - Powersave - Super Economic Mode
!443BC550-443BCAB0; Replacing phone graphics aka SYSGFX patch (v2)
443BC74A-443BC76C; Sound when a message appears "call diverted"
443BC780-443BC7С0;Вибра в начале приёма/передачи файла через Bluetooth и OBEX
443BC7C0-443BC7E8;Показывать радио на полный экран
443BC7F0-443BC824; Vibration on opening Radio
443BC830-443BC864;Вибра при переходе телефона в спящий режим (SleepMode)
443BC870-443BC894;Звук при появлении сообщения "Вызов переадресован"
443BC8C0-443BC8E4;По нажатию на качель - сбрасывает яркость дисплея и подсветки клавиатуры
443BCAB0-443BCAD4;Добавить иконку на пункт Новое устр-во в "Bluetooth--Мои устройства"
4506E82A-45D544E8 Дополнение для смены скинов к патчу "Улучшенный плеер" v. 1.5
4556b010-4556b034 Viewing incoming SMS in the locked key
457be270-457be300;control media player with keypad
457be970-457be98С;calendar alarm patch - needs cal_alarm.elf to be running.
457BE990-457BE9AС;Show main menu in full screen
457BEC20-457BECA8;Get features of Video player in File manager
457bef50-457befA0;Icons for images
45d10310-45d103C0;Add numbering of songs in "Now Playing" list
45d103c0-45d104A0;Delay the appearence of soft keys when incoming call
45D10880-45D108A0; Cursor transfer sms is always the first contact from the list
45d108a0-45d108e4;Equalizer setting works for music in file manager
45D14040-45D140BC;Поддержка русской WIN-кодировки в плеере(ID3), почте, txt файлах и т.д.
45D140C0-45D14148;Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове
45D14150-45D141DC;Recorded telephone conversations in the format YYYY-MM-DD_CHCH-MM-SS_Caller.Amr
45D141E0-45D141FC;Icon of incoming calls forwarded
45D14200-45D142A0; Timers to rejet and / or mute an incoming call
45D142A0-45D143B4;Display saved contact name from the phone book instead of numbers in SMS
45D14400-45D1A9F0; QA Patch
!!!45D1A9F0-45D1AA24 vibrate when changes to new track
!!!45D1AA00-45D1AA30;Вибра при поднятии трубки на другом конце при исходящем вызове
!!!45D1AA00-45D1AA70;Adds item on the menu Restarting the phone and called on the button On / Off
!!!45D1AA10-45D1AA68;Vibra 55 th seconds of each minute
!!!45D1AA30-45D1AA60;Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры (v3.5)
45D1AA70-45D1ABA0;Displays caller name assigned to a quick call when dialing
45D1ABA0-45D1AC44;Softkey Hook
45D1AC50-45D1B000;Additional shortcuts
!!!45D1B000-45D1B158;Adding phone numbers when writing SMS
!!!45D1B160-45D1B200 Vibro in early admission / transfer files via Bluetooth and OBEX
!!!45D1B070-45D1B0A0; Vibration on changing silent mode
!!!45D1B1a0-45D1B1d4 Vibration connect USB
!!!45D1B160-45D1B1D0;display day of the week in standby
45d1b1d0-45d1b594;MediaPlayer to Walkman 2! (v2)
45D1B5A0-45D1B60C;Hourly sound (in begin of each hour make sound)
!!!45d1b610-45d1bb60;View logs for 5th tab of Calls menu
!!!45D1B870-45D1B910 Office player and radio through Headsets v. 4
45D1BF00-45D1BFA4;Advanced softkeys handling
45D20000-45D22940; Tartes's Elfloader
45D22950-45D22A78;Switching to full-back video and book. by button "*"
45D22A80-45D22B70;Add "Videos" link to MediaPlayer v 3p/4
45D22B70-45D22C14;minimize Bluetooth transfer, etc (v1.3)
!!!45D22C50-45D22D78 Switching to full-back video and book. by button "*"
!!!45D22C50-45D22D78 45d416E0-45d41760 Added shortcuts when viewing video
45D22E80-45D22F70 Add "Videos" link to MediaPlayer v 3p/4
45D23000-45D23410 Allows you to designate events in the reference joystick v.3
45D2FC00-45D33BFC;Elfpack's Library
45D40000-45D40020;Смена цветов фона/текста в sleepmode
!!!45d40020-45d404C0;Advanced snooze alarm
!!!45D40b40-45D40D18 Auto power off the player and radio V3
!!!45d404c0-45d40ad0;Fullscreen (v3)
45d40ad0-45d40b34;Add a new item in the music player menu to set the current track as ringtone
45D40E50-45D41038 Add the ability to include - disable time and date in standby mode v2
!!!45D41040-45D41120 Add to deploy a hidden window admission / transfer files via Bluetooth
!!!45D41040-45D41110 Добавить возможность разворачивать скрытое окно приема/передачи файлов через Bluetooth v1.0 Fix
!!!45D41120-45D412B7 Add to QuickAccess items in "standby mode" AND " Close all running Java
!!!45D41130-45D41258 Added ability to minimize the sound recorder application
45D41260-45D412E4 Add free heap in shutdown menu.
45d41300-45d41608 Add information about mp3
45D41610-45D416B6 Add-On "BLEplayer.elf" ©jUlIoNaRu
45d41760-45d41784 Add icon at the point of new devices in the "Bluetooth-> My Device"
45D41900-45D41938 Disabling player / radio if you disconnect the headset
45D41940-45D4196C Clear message "Play through speakers?"
45D41970-45D419B0 Vibration at the end of renovation Bluetooth devices Fix2
45D42100-45D42128 Adding icons in Notes
45D42130-45D421C4 Sounds of the opening and closing the cover of the camera. v 1.3fix
45D42600-45D42640 On / off images by pressing the joystick hours in Sleepmode v. 1
45d45860-45d45988;Change MediaPlayer menu GUI to fullscreen
45D459D0-45D45AB4;Phone name from BT device name
45d45ac0-45d45baС;Add the item "Record" function in FM-Radio
45d45bb0-45d45fB0;Advanced MM_Browser (Media Player menu)
45d45fb0-45d4606C;Tracks list exceptions
45d46070-45d46156; Displays status Obex (bluetooh transfer, etc.) in standby
45d46160-45d4619C;Addon to patch: Improved File Manager (version 7 (c)IronMaster) (Addon 1)
45d461a0-45d461D0;Addon to patch: Improved File Manager (version 7 (c)IronMaster) (Addon 2)
45d461d0-45d46254;Blinking red led while charging
45d46260-45d46410; Add to display information about a file size of the file in bytes.
45d46410-45d46454;Complete Work phone without SIM-card
45d46460-45d4652C;management of FM radio on your keyboard
45d46530-45d4690C;To add possibility to include the automatic mode of USB during connecting of cable
!45d46910-45d46e98;Flash and Silent SMS
!45D46DB0-45D46EB0;Move Characters And Smiles In Table
45d46ea0-45d46f4C;Full access to OBEX protocol in FS phone
45d46f50-45d46fcc;Opening table of symbols by long pressing key "*"
45d46fd0-45d47060;Add Softkey to put a pause on the music in the File Manager
45d47060-45d47214;Add "Queue" option in MediaPlayer morelist (Albums and Artists)
45d47220-45d47330;Add "More" menu list on main and sub menu
45D47280-45D472B2 Change MediaPlayer Colors- Change Tracklist Color (!)Only for Patch "Advanced Player" by IronMaster & "Full Walkman" by myrzeugv2
45D472C0-45D47310 Change MediaPlayer Colors (Change Color Total Tracks/Time Played/Tracks/Artist-Album)
!!! 45D47320-45D47354 forced garbage collector (MEHRDAD)
45D48080-45D480C4;Работа эквалайзера в диспетчере файлов при воспроизведении видео
45D480D0-45D48124;Фонарик на кнопках громкости
45D48130-45D4819C;Выбор клавиш включения подсветки в SleepMode
45D49200-45D4932C;Добавить пункт "Tag editor" в функции->файл в меню плеера
!!!45D49340-45D4937C Clear window on lock buttons v. 3
!!!45D49330-45D4940C;Переназначение клавиш телефона (v3)
!!!45D49410-45D496EC Add a menu item that allows On/Off. confirmation of acceptance of the file via BlueTooth and ObEx v.1 update
!!!45D494A0-45D494BC;Icon of incoming calls forwarded
45D496F0-45D49790 Show different bluetooth icon in statusbar when access request is off v.1
45D49790-45D497F0 Добавить в Функции плеера пункт "Радио"
45D49808-45D49870 Infrared diode burn until the phone is switched off v2.1
45D498F0-45D49A08 Добавить софткей, позволяющий ставить на паузу воспроизведение музыки в диспетчере файлов V2.0
45D51E60-45D51F00 Добавить в Walkman "RepeatMode.elf" (c)InvisibleW
45D51F00-45D51F40 Вкл/выкл изображения часов по нажатию джойстика в Sleepmode v. 1
45D536A0-45D53700 Возможность отменить посылку SMS-сообщения Ver 2.0
45D53700-45D53839 Установка пароля на доступ к окну управления будильником при срабатывании v1.0 fix
45D53850-45D53B44 Корзина v.2.2.1
45d53ba0-45d5416C Смена 4-й вкладки в Activity Menu на Диспетчер файлов V1.0
45D54200-45D5423C Замена цветов в диспетчере файлов (в режимах 3x3 и 5x5)
45D54250-45D542C0 Ежечасный звук
45D54300-45D544B6 Выбор времени автоблокировки клавиатуры и подсветки v. 1
45D545A0-45D545D4 forced garbage collector
45D545F0-45D546B4 Добавить нумерацию песен во временном списке воспроизведения ver 1.1
45D54700-45D54912 Звуковой контроль заряда аккумулятора
45D54920-45D54964 Полноценная работа телефона без SIM-карты v.1.2
45D54930-45D54A34 Вкл/выкл подсветки клавиатуры
45D54A50-45D54B00 Изменение Русской раскладки (добавление латиницы)
45D54BF0-45D54CA9 Flash Menu
45D545A0-45D545D0 Система комбинаций для блокировки клавиатуры как Siemens v.1.1 fix
45D54CD0-45D54D94 Добавить нумерацию песен во временном списке воспроизведения ver 1.1
45D57460-45D5749C RF on/off reject mode with hold button "back" when incomming call
45D63AF0-45D63D84 добавить пункт "Световые эффекты" в функции плеера при выборе пункта запускается эльф Lighting_player.elf
45D644F0-45D6457C Открытие того что запущено (Радио или Плеер) при нажатии на кнопку "Оператор" v2
45D64588-45D645E0 Automatic shut off Bluetooth over a given time.
45D74CB0-45D74CCC Смена цвета фона в картинах и предпросмотре видео на белый
45DA0B10-45DA0B3C;Replacing operator on behalf of its
45DA0B40-45DA0B7C;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5)
45DBB640-45DBB668;Show Radio in fullscreen
45DB7CCC-45DB7D88 Office Player v. 2.2
45DBB670-45DBB690; Change color in MainInput BACKGROUND
45dbb690-45dbb980;Change On/Off menu style
45dbb980-45dbbac8;Show icons for Connecting USB cable, File transfer, Phone mode, Print in statusbar (v2.1)
!!!45DBBB00-45DBBEAC Change On/Off menu style;Items added:;+Restart phone;+Activate/Deactivate FlightMode;+WALKMAN;+Radio;+Camera
!!!45DBBB00-45DBC1BC Change On/Off menu style;Items added:+Returns to standby mode+Close java aplications+Close web connection+Bluetooth+Restart phone+Activate/Deactivate FlightMode+Free heap
45DD8250-45DD826C Close Radio when press button "Back"
45DD8320-45DD835C Vibra at the end of a voice call
45DD8370-45DD83B0 Vibra at end search Bluetooth Device
45DD83B0-45DD83E0 Short vibration on changing video files on VideoPlayer
45DD83E0-45DD83FC При переходе в альбомный режим отображения изображения значки скрываются сами
45DD8400-45DD8458 Vibro in the 55 th second of each minute of conversation
45DD8460-45DD84AC Add to receiving MMS soft "ok"
45DD84B0-45DD8540 Short vibrations and play a sound when enter to browser bk. v.1.5
45DD8600-45DD891C Password for file transfer / viewing videos in the file manager / video v.3.0fix
45DD8A00-45DD8CAC Blacklist Reject mode v 1.0
45DD8A00-45DD8CB8 Blacklist Reject mode v 1.0
45DD8B90-45DD8C1C Add a window with an animation at the entrance to the equalizer
45DD8CB0-45DD8CE8 Vibra at shutdown
45DD8CF0-45DD8D1C Включение блока клавиш и слипмода после разговора
45DD8EA0-45DD8EF4 Mode silent "player, Vidio player and radio not working
45DD8F00-45DD9010 Extended character table. Added 55 characters v1.1
45DD9010-45DD9034 addon for Patch office player player V 2.0
45DD9040-45DD9078 Снятие скриншотов с видео клавишей Камеры
45DDC560-45DDC5B0 Download style windows select playback mode and stereo mode of the general style of the player
45DDC680-45DDC99E Garbage collector v.2.2.1
45DFA100-45DFA35F;add mode no elfpack at startup
!!!45dfa370-45dfabcc;Copying / moving files to any folder (v7)
!!!45DFB000-45DFB410 Allows you to designate events in the reference joystick v.3
45dfbd30-45dfbd90;MegaBass (EQ changing)
45dfbd90-45dfbf0C;Ability to repaint the player with the help of elves (v1.5)
45DFBF10-45DFBFD0 Show the picture MegaBass if you have selected in the equalizer (as in Walkman)
45DFF350-45DFF3D4 Remove window "SMS delivered" in 1 seconds v. 1
45DFF400-45DFF488;Alows to adjust brightness from 10 before 100%
45DFF490-45DFF514;Remove msg "SMS delivered" in 2 seconds
45DFF520-45DFF5FC;Automatic recording at the beginning of the conversation
45DFF610-45DFF654 Close Radio when press button "Back" V.2
45DFF730-45DFF770 Vibra on connect charger
45DFF770-45DFF7DC Sound when you turn on sleep mode
!!!45DFF800-45DFF90C New Year Patch "

!!!45DFF800-45DFF914 Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1
!!!45DFF800-45DFF8D8 Set display brightness according to current time v.1
!!!45DFF800-45DFFBA4;Replacing phone graphics aka SYSGFX patch (v1.1)
45DFFC00-45DFFC20;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
45DFFC20-45DFFC88;Show MegaBass image when Bass EQ is selected (as in Walkman series)
45DFFCA0-45DFFE18 Improved Player Pressing up / down, or 2 / 8 a list of songs (as in the series W) v. 1.5
45DFFCA0-45DFFE18;Advanced Player
45DFFEA0-45DFFF68;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone
!45dfff70-45dffff8;Allows you to set the tone for the unknown (unsaved numbers) and hidden call (withheld)
!45DFFF70-45DFFFF0;Phone book, as in 3150
45DFFF00-45DFFFC8;MediaPlayer to Walkman 2! (v1)
[ Редактировано Zormax в 19.7.09 20:20 ]
[ Редактировано Mikaёль в 8.12.09 20:21 ]
[ Редактировано SEVENI в 3.2.10 09:49 ]