;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Убрать ограничение максимального(+8) и минимального(-8) значений при ручной настройке эквалайзера ;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Increase user dictionary t9 2 times ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Remove message when saving picture in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo 10E1AC34: FEF7F0FF C046C046
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Get features of Video application in File manager ;(c) yener90 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Clear Window \"On. Menu cat. Appears when you start your phone. Mode Flight mode phone ... \" ;Clear message \"Menu Mode\" Flight mode \"will be displayed when you turn on the phone.\" ;(c) Se-MaG ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;White list to black list ;(c) the_laser ;(p) HeMo 10E12DD0: 00D1 00D0
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Remove message \"CAUTION: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing.\" ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) HeMo 10DC8144: 1ED3 1EE0
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Clear message: ;\"First, write down the team. Burn now?\" In standby mode ;\"Teams are not recorded. Burn now?\" and \"voice dialing function included\" ;\"The function of dialing voice off\" ;(c) Sic ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Save videos made in VideoDJ as *.mp4 ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) HeMo 11F45258: 3300670070 6D00700034
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Remove background on Radio ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) HeMo 10FAB5BA: 00F02DFE C046C046
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Clear messages about the low charge ;(c) Sic ;(p) HeMo 10BFBD58: 2CD2 2CE0
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Clear message \"When you increase the brightness is reduced working time in standby mode\" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) HeMo 10DC906C: 50 FF
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card/phone) ;next to the name of the file manager ;(c) PSIX ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Minimum interval for Automatic redial ;Quantity Automatic redial attempts is unlimited ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Rename files with extension ;Now when rename shows full filename including extension ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone ;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;(c) mobilefree.justdanpo.ru , neoDimm ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change Quick Access menu style ;Added items Restart, FlightMode, Bluetooth and PhoneStatus ;On left softkey added items MainMenu, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display amount of free heap ;v.2.2 ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(r) 2007KrasH ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo
Добавлено 20.11.09 20:25
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to \"Menu -- Options\" ;(c) yener90 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Advanced range of brightness adjustment ;Allows you to adjust brightness from 10 to 100% ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Displays the name of the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS ;(c) Sic ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;KeyCode ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in \"Service tests\"-\"Keyboard\" ;(c) RandoM ;(e) Joker XT ;(p) HeMo
Добавлено 21.11.09 01:07
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone ;Added viewing of current percent of charging battery ;v. 2 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Changing the background to orange at the entrance to the Camera ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) HeMo 108DC7A0: C9C9C9FF 3399FFFF ;color of background
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change fonts in Camera ;v1.2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change font in sms, list of Word sugegestions and somewhere else ;00 - small, 02 - big, 01 - default ;(c) SiNgle ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change font in PlayQueue ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo 10AFA3D6: 2B21 C046
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change Equalizer border color to orange ;(c) jasiek ;(p) HeMo 108F207C: 0000FFFF 3399FFFF ;color
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change color progress bar of record video. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) HeMo 108DD1D8: 0DC311FF 3399FFFF ;color
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change color of progressbar in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Ability to set ringing volume and on/off growing calls in silent mode ;(!) When you adjust the volume, the growing call is not disconnected ;v.2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Activate settings item for all applications ;(c) RandoM ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change size of font title text on GUI\'s TabMenuBar. ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change time of showing PlayQueue ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo 10C91900: 8813 1027 ;time
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Changing to black the text \"Press 0 for help\" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo 108DC7A4: 5C5C5CFF 000000FF ;color of text
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Connecting with mode Mass storage without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) HeMo 109C5000: A8F0DCF80B49 00F024F810E0
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Font color to display a new track is white ;(c) Sic ;(p) HeMo
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Remove the restriction on the transfer of files in File Manager mode "Flight Mode" switched off Bluetooth ;v.1.0 fix ;(c) KrasH ;(p) willi_flow
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Ability to set SWF file as the startup screen ;Go here: Settings -> Display -> Startup screen -> Picture -> Pictures ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) willi_flow
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms ;Replace time for sms sound. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) willi_flow ;10073584: 10270000 60EA0000 ;60 Seconds ;10073584: 10270000 15333300;Longer than 6 Minutes 30 Seconds ;10073584: 10270000 915F0000;90 Seconds ;10073584: 10270000 C8AF0000;45 Seconds ;10073584: 10270000 30750000;30 Seconds ;10073584: 10270000 204E0000;20 Seconds
;W595 SW-R3EH001 Vodafone ;Change combination *#06# on any other ;(c) Sic ;(p) willi_flow
[ Редактировано willi_flow в 22.2.10 18:52 ]
[ Редактировано willi_flow в 13.3.10 15:09 ]
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