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ClearBass 2.4 : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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  #1 [19.05.10, 19:39] ClearBass 2.4   


After very very long break with developing ClearBass elf, I decided to completely rewrite this elf.

I fixed ALL bugs and improved some things. In this version:
- Saving last preset and restoring it after restart of player (you don't have to set preset everytime )
- When you go to equalizer, you will see last opened equalizer and last presets

- SWFs are not used anymore!
- Support for DB2020, DB3150, DB3210

Comparing to older DB2020 version, there are some more important changes:
- Now only one elf is working, not three (it was manager, manual, presets)
- Affecting sound in real time (you don't have to press 'select' to hear the difference)
- Huge code optimization

Needed events:

At the moment these are not preset in any A2's dyn_const.bin, so I spend some time for porting it. Dyn_const for DB3150v1 (ported by Madfish) / DB3150v2, DB3210 and DB2020 in attachment.

1. Installation
- First of all - remove everything connected with old version!
- Install patch:
;ClearBass Equalizer add-on
;(!) For new version 2.0
;Sending event 0x3020 when pressing 'Equalizer' in music application
;(c) mc_kibel

Here's ASM for porters:

- Download ClearBass.elf and place it to ZBin or Daemons
- Download equalizer.zip
- Exract it, place all files from archive to /Zbin/Config/Equalizer [phone memory]
- Download Equalizer_Display_QVGA.zip - put Equalizer_Display.xml from this archive to /Zbin/Config/Equalizer [phone memory]
- Run elf

2. Usage
- Start music
- Press more -> settings -> equalizer
- That's all, now you can play as long as you want :D

3. Replacing ClearBass presets (creating EQS files) - Optional, not necessary
- Let's take a look at this screenshot:

- Let's create EQS file with this preset. We can see:
-->> in 1st band: 14
-->> in 2nd band: 14
-->> in 3rd band: 4
-->> in 4th band: 5
-->> in 5th band: 6

- Count: visible level - 8 + 20
- In this case:
-->> for 1st band: 14 - 8 + 20 = 26
-->> for 2nd band: (same as first) 26
-->> for 3rd band: 4 - 8 + 20 = 16
-->> for 4th band: 17
-->> for 5th band: 18

- Convert value to hex
-->> for 1st band: 0x1A
-->> for 2nd band: 0x1A
-->> for 3rd band: 0x10
-->> for 4th band: 0x11
-->> for 5th band: 0x12

- Write values into file by WinHex:

- Save file as PresetX.eqs (number of preset instead of X, 1-9), then put it to ZBin/Config/Equalizer in phone memory.

- Now Equalizer is drawn directly on player (Thanks to Julionaru!)
- Update Equalizer_Display.xml and whole Equalizer folder!
- Hiding softkeys background (A2 phones only)
- Extremely faster XML parser (starting elf is much faster) - YOU HAVE TO UPDATE Equalizer_Display.xml !
- Edited for new ElfPack
- DrawLibs are not used anymore
- Ability to edit presets (.eqs files)
- Placement of items is dependent from Equalizer_Display.xml
- Fixed softkeys order
- Config path changed to /ZBin/Config/Equalizer

[ Edited by mc_kibel в 20.7.10 19:57 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Equalizer.zip Equalizer.zip (331.23 kb; 798 hits) Скачать файл
ClearBass.elf ClearBass.elf (13.17 kb; 228 hits) Скачать файл
Equalizer_Display_QVGA.zip Equalizer_Display_QVGA.zip (0.48 kb; 722 hits) Скачать файл
ClearBass_v2.3.elf ClearBass_v2.3.elf (11.76 kb; 183 hits) Скачать файл
ClearBass_v2.2.elf ClearBass_v2.2.elf (11.45 kb; 137 hits) Скачать файл
ClearBass_v2.4.elf ClearBass_v2.4.elf (11.80 kb; 660 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: Thilina, 4elentano, kakagi, crazysharath, Wels, timos_06, E1kolyan, MEHRDAD, -DeJaVu-, mortezaw810, okejokej, bazya, skill_boy, D-SHEL, TahaSpawn, -Sanek-, MickThompson, gekasilos, Cyrax, LitEFlieN, DemoN-PC, FADISWF, Boysie99, farid, Pavlus, Sotik11, KIBER-DEMON, Blend, DuMOHsmol, snzuev, VиK, russ123, Happy, xGhost, toha257, Runtep, KIDLIF, Vov4ик, enoc, SEREGAW595, glebkotov, Hypnotic



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  #2 [19.05.10, 20:08] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

gr8 many many thanks :)



Регистрация: 21.12.09
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Откуда: Izhevsk

  #3 [19.05.10, 20:09] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

Great work!

SE C510 R1HA035
SE J20i Hazel Black/White R7CA065

Sony Ericsson arc S White 4.1.B.0.587 Rooted
Спасибо сказали: VovanLS



Регистрация: 14.5.09
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Откуда: Romania, Brasov

  #4 [19.05.10, 20:18] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

it's a little lagy because use internet browser. Can u make swf files a nice gui? Anyway great elf



Регистрация: 21.12.09
Сообщений: 243
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Откуда: Izhevsk

  #5 [19.05.10, 20:20] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

Только вот настройки сами он не меняет, так и задумано?)

SE C510 R1HA035
SE J20i Hazel Black/White R7CA065

Sony Ericsson arc S White 4.1.B.0.587 Rooted



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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Откуда: Poland

  #6 [19.05.10, 20:28] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

xGhost пишет:
Только вот настройки сами он не меняет, так и задумано?)

I'm not sure I understand you. But if so, update your dyn_const.bin.

Radwkw: in C901 it's not buggy. Also there's no putchar, so I won't make a gui for this.



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  #7 [19.05.10, 20:34] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

mc_kibel, ты патч перекомпиль. 15D08200 с510

Sony Ericsson C905 SW-R1FA035
Sony Ericsson K810 SW-R8BF003
Sony Xperia™ S
ZTE Blade X3



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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Откуда: Poland

  #8 [19.05.10, 20:43] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

E1kolyan пишет:
mc_kibel, ты патч перекомпиль. 15D08200 с510

;C510 SW-R1HA035
;Redirects from equalizer position to elf
;(c) mc_kibel

Is it what you wanted ? :p



Регистрация: 14.5.09
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Откуда: Romania, Brasov

  #9 [19.05.10, 20:52] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

mc_kibel пишет:
Radwkw: in C901 it's not buggy. Also there's no putchar, so I won't make a gui for this.

isn't buggy it's laggy(work but slowly when music is playing) and is very annoing because i must allways set manual preset



Регистрация: 27.3.06
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  #10 [19.05.10, 20:53] Re: A2 ClearBass Equalizer !   

mc_kibel, don't use patched CXCs to compile patches ;)

promt is better than google translate
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