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J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Регистрация: 8.8.09
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Откуда: Indonesia

  #1 [27.02.12, 12:45] J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange

Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение тут

This topic is for patches only!!!!
All discussions are here!!!

Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

a2 runtime patcher для патченья платформы а2 обсуждается в этой ветке

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Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка -

Установка патчей с помощью a2uploader.
Installing patches using a2uploader.




[ Edited by farid в 14.5.12 02:21 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

J105_R1GA026_ORANGE_EP.rar J105_R1GA026_ORANGE_EP.rar (33.17 kb; 192 hits) Скачать файл

SEMC DB2000, DB201X, PNX5230, DB2020, DB3150, DB32XX, DB3350
Спасибо сказали: MrGraL, Aang, Ridd1cK, GaS, a6b6, biems, andwie, piotrekk6, DjMishaL



Регистрация: 8.8.09
Сообщений: 343
Репутация: 5753
Откуда: Indonesia

  #2 [27.02.12, 12:51] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 ORANGE   

;J105 R1GA026_ORANGE
;Fix int2strID, Str2ID
;(!) Is necessary for some patches and elves (BookManager, etc.)
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 R1GA026_ORANGE
;Heap Shift! More stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) biems
;Info 4 patchmakers: 4BB44EAC...4BB54EAB
;This info is firmware version dependent!

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Copying / moving files in any folder v.2.1.2
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders Tpa, System, IFS, Boot, Sys, Patches
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL
;Added ability to copy a folder Tpa, IFS, Elfs, Patches
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Added ability to rename a jar and jad files
;Added ability to display hidden files (Options -> Advanced -> Hidden Files)
;Added ability to display file extensions (Options -> Advanced -> Extensions (otobr.))
;Added ability to rename files with the extensions (Options -> Advanced -> Extensions (pereim.))
;Added ability to disable the tab "Internal FS" (Options -> Advanced -> Internal FS)
;Added ability to disable the tab "Elf" (Options -> Advanced -> Elves)
;Added ability to set Gui full screen (Options -> Advanced -> FM fullskrin)
;Added ability to disable softkeev (Options -> Advanced -> Softkey)
;Added password protection window change settings "Advanced" (use a phone code)
;Added ability to disable the password (Options -> Advanced -> Security settings)
;Ability to change attributes of files / folders (Information -> Change)
;Added ability to copy / move folders
;(!) Revert "Rename the file with the extension"
;(!) Revert "Displays files with the extension"
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) Se-MaG, HotRabbit
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Shortcut Add Fix
;Allows the use of labels as a shortcuts for db2020
;Is necessary for compatibility with some elves (eg BookManager)
;MenuBook_Desktop_GetSelectedItemID = 0x14FF4F08
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

SEMC DB2000, DB201X, PNX5230, DB2020, DB3150, DB32XX, DB3350
Спасибо сказали: gian_lucio, buhh83



Регистрация: 20.5.10
Сообщений: 81
Репутация: 1648
Откуда: Rain City, Indonesia

  #3 [27.02.12, 19:35] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 R1GA026_ORANGE
;add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" or "Flight mode"
;Auto close window after select "Normal mode" or "Flight mode"
;Added icon to display Flight mode state at softkeys
;Settings->General->Flight mode->Options
;(c) rong862
;(e) farid
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Addition to an elf Black List
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add item "Black List" to Calls
;For an elf "Black List" (c) IronMaster
;Path to elf "/card/other/ZBin/Daemons/BlackList.elf"
;v. 1 Fix
;(c) Alex_1992
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to cancel the sending of SMS-messages
;When sending out a window "Sending messages"
;To this window is added to the "Cancel" on the right softkey
;+ Added item "Close" on the joystick
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;The volume not change after reboot
;© KrasH
;(p) biems

pardon me if i have mistakes, i'm still learning..
who am I? I'm just who I'm.
Спасибо сказали: farid, buhh83, Done4, LiNkMaN, gian_lucio



Регистрация: 31.1.10
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 133
Откуда: Indonesia

  #4 [27.02.12, 20:02] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Reduction of KEY-HOLD time
;Example: when writing, you don't need to hold "2" SO long time as before, to get a "2" instead of abc etc...
;(C) IronMaster
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Reduce long press retention
;(c) dimonp25
;(r) mobilefree.justdanpo.ru
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Clear background window darkening
;(c) UltraShot
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Disable sound and vibration when requested USSD messages
;in USSD messages with the ability to answer
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Enable the transfer of java-applications
;In order to pass Java remove the hidden attribute from a folder on the ams
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Faster long filename scrolling
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) andwie
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc

Добавлено 27.2.12 23:04

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Permanent sms remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;v2 (+unified message editor)
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Save messages in Drafts without confirmation
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;(c) GVELF a.k.a. Kaa
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Scrolling long file names in the phonebook
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Move flashmenu to memory stick
;/tpa/preset/system/desktop/flash -> /card/theme/flash/menu
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) andwie

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add 72 symbols
;(c) CyberMaster
;(r) SlaveMaster
;(p) andwie

[ Редактировано andwie в 28.2.12 09:24 ]

Naite™ SW-R1GA026 Orange
Спасибо сказали: farid, biems, DjMishaL



Регистрация: 20.5.10
Сообщений: 81
Репутация: 1648
Откуда: Rain City, Indonesia

  #5 [27.02.12, 22:38] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Sent when copying text
;When you receive Event "void *message" is "wchar_t *copied_text"
;ver. 2 (rewritten)
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Display Number of Contacts and Numbers in the Second Row Header
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026_Orange
;Add the question of replacing the file (if file name already exists)
;Works to copy / move one / multiple files
;"Yes" - replace coinciding file
;"No" - standart copy / move with file name changing to "file name (N)"
;When copy / move several files question will be asked for each coinciding
;Added "Yes, All files" and "No, All files" for copy / move several files
;(c) RaANdOoM
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (Call event 0x3010)
;Added question to run again Deskbar elf if it isn't running or closed
;Added notification if Deskbar.elf not found at Daemons
;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher
;code is totally rewritten
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (MenuItem_EditDeskbar)
;(!) Elf should be at "/card/other/ZBin/Daemons/Deskbar.elf"
;Ver 2.2
;(c) mc_kibel, farid
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Events:
;Sent by the relevant actions
;When receiving Event "void *message" is "DISP_OBJ *maininput"
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;3A9: void DispObject_SetBackgroundImage( DISP_OBJ*, IMAGEID );
;(c) MahmudS
;(p) biems

Added 28.2.12 19:20

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to Set Playing Track on Permanent Repetition
;Activation: Options-Settings-Play Mode-Loop (On, Off, All)
;(c) Therion
;(e) D3mon
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Change Quick access menu
;Now showing items: Shutdown, Restart, Flight Mode, Silent Mode, Keylock,Go to standby, Phone Status, Profiles, Games, Applications, Walkman, Radio, Play/Pause Music
;View icon, heap and platform in title
;Remove popup in silent mode
;Ability to change GUI in QAM
;Ability to change orientation in QAM
;Ability to change style in QAM
;Ability to change style title
;Ability to show/hide softkeys
;Ability to show/hide icons
;Ability to show/hide title icon
;Ability to change function button C: open mainmenu/filemanager/calculator
;Ability to on/off sound when entering QAM
;Ability to chose dont close on/off menu after select option
;Ability to change heap format
;Automatically refreshes the page after selecting GUI/orientation/style
;Press hold activitymenu button in quick access menu - open normal quick access menu
;rewrite code
;(!) Put file QAM.mp3 to folder card/other/ini
;(!) LNG
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) michlantecuhtli, jamesbond22
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add a menu item that allows on / off. confirmation of acceptance of a file via BlueTooth and ObEx
;Go here, Bluetooth --> Visibility
;(!) is not compatible with patch "Remove confirmation when making a file via bluetooth / etc "
;v.1 update
;(c) Sic
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Battery Percentage Next to the Clock in the Status Bar
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) biems

[ Edited by biems в 28.2.12 19:23 ]

pardon me if i have mistakes, i'm still learning..
who am I? I'm just who I'm.
Спасибо сказали: Aang, Gurkan!, andwie



Регистрация: 31.1.10
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 133
Откуда: Indonesia

  #6 [02.03.12, 19:45] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Warning Having removed / having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;(c) mobilefree.justdanpo.ru , neoDimm
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Save BackUp contacts in the folder "Others" on the memory card
;(c) McG
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Radio without headsets
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add the OK button to some information windows (MessageBox)
;V. 1
;(C) IronMaster
;(P) biems

Naite™ SW-R1GA026 Orange



Регистрация: 20.5.10
Сообщений: 81
Репутация: 1648
Откуда: Rain City, Indonesia

  #7 [02.03.12, 20:05] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;A2 Walkman skinner
;Adds possibility to edit the Position,Color,Font
;Enable/Disable Title,Artist,Album,Genre,Total/Elapsed/Remaining time,Extension,Bit-rate,Total/Current track number,progress-bar,Album art
;Adds new items of Genre,Extension,Bit-rate,Overlay image to Walkman
;Adds possibility to edit position of icons shuffle/EQ/loop/state/wheel,Title/Artist/Album/Background/Overlay image
;Adds possibility to use skins in Walkman Player
;Adds skin editor for easy loading & editing of skins
;Adds possibility to use Walkman 4 visualization
;Redraws everything in Walkman,optimized for better Walkman experience
;+ can draw image on top progress bar
;(c) blacklizard
;(r) KreN

thx to D3mon..
;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;A2 Walkman Skinner
;Added the ability to edit the position, color and font of each element
;Added On. / Off. every element of the player
;Added new items genre, Extension, Quality and Substrate
;Added ability to edit the position of each icon
;Added the ability to use skins
;Added editor for editing and installing skins
;Added the ability to use visualization Walkman 4.0
;(c) blacklizard
;(r) KreN
;(e) D3mon
further information, see here

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Softkey "Delete All" in the Text Entry Box
;Options -> Delete All
;(c) rong862
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add ability to disable / change the layout Standby
;(Operator, notes, clock, date, timer, a call alarm, your profile name)
;Added ability to add day of week-to-date
;To Preset patch to add a new item in menu.ml phone
;Added the second line of information about item
;(c) Ploik & MaPkiZzz
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to minimize the window file transfer via Bluetooth
;Original idea by Joker XT
;(c) E1kolyan
;(e) myrzeug
;(p) biems
;Removed unnecessary stuff

Added 2.3.12 23:14

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Supplement to patch "Standby Manager"
;Ability to move the alarm clock and timer
;Now, timer icon is displayed properly without stretching and phone not freezing when use timer
;(c) Ploik
;(e) blacklizard
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add a file information display the size of the file in bytes
;also works with folders, java-applications and e-mail messages
;added a separate map of java-applications, the size of jar file and application data
;(c) Tartes
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Message Alert Time Selection
;Message Alert -> Option -> Ringtone time
;Visual Timing
;(c) Ploik, farid
;(r) RaANdOoM
;(p) biems

;No more need heapshift & Elfpack
;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add item "System graphics" in the Service menu
;Added display of current icons ID
;Added remembering the last position
;Added view all registered icons (graphics elves, patches, etc)
;View loadable icon from 0xE541 - 0xF902
;left: prev 1 items , right: next 1 items
;down: prev 2 items , up: next 2 items
;1: prev 10 items , 3: next 10 items
;4: prev 50 items , 6: next 50 items
;7: go to the first , 9: go to the last
;(!) LNG : 0x229 - View System Graphics
;(c) Therion
;(e) farid
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Informations about MP3 Files
;Added items Bitrate, Samplerate and Channel mode
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) biems
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc

[ Edited by biems в 2.3.12 23:15 ]

pardon me if i have mistakes, i'm still learning..
who am I? I'm just who I'm.
Спасибо сказали: farid, gian_lucio



Регистрация: 31.1.10
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 133
Откуда: Indonesia

  #8 [02.03.12, 20:20] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Clear message when installing java - 'Run now'
;(c) -=Alex=-
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Disable Prompt to Update Time
;(c) McG
;(e) -DeJaVu- a.k.a -BourNe-
;(p) biems

;J105 R1GA026_Orange
;SMS fast access
;If you select "New message" will be immediately activated SMS editor
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;When you press the "Back" player "Multimedia" does not appear ever
;(c) D3mon
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Change font size in main menu
;For example Messaging, WALKMAN and etc..
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) biems
;15AD4EC4: 32003400 31003200; Size = 12

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Updating the list of java apps after removing one of them
;Fixes a problem, because of which a list of java applications are not updated after removing one of them
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Edit File Information
;Now in the "Location:" the full path to the file
;v. 2
;(c) Joker XT
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) biems

[ Редактировано andwie в 3.3.12 09:18 ]

Naite™ SW-R1GA026 Orange
Спасибо сказали: GaS, buhh83



Регистрация: 20.5.10
Сообщений: 81
Репутация: 1648
Откуда: Rain City, Indonesia

  #9 [02.03.12, 22:48] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Adding tel. numbers when writing MMS
;Function appears instead of Add. signature
;To add numbers to click Options -> Advanced -> Add. contact
;v. 1.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to Redraw Volume Control with Custom Skin
;Use "VolumeSkinEditor.elf" to edit
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Information about the Audio in the File Manager
;Track and album name are displayed in the window title bar
;Display album art
;On/off animation screen appears
;Ability to minimize the window
;View information about the track
;Editing in Music Tagger (/usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf)
;If there is no elf in it's path, the softkey does not appear
;Ability to choose the window style (Standard, Full Screen)
;Ability to choose the alignment of the header text (Left, Center, Right)
;Joystick Up/Down - volume, * - key lock, 0 - information
;v. 2.1
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add item Service Menu to Update Service Menu
;(c) farid
;Idea by biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Remove Message "Orange Homescreen turned off"
;(c) biems
1517854E: 27D0 24E0

Added 3.3.12 02:36

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Remove String "Calling"
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) biems

Before installing the patch must apply the attached reg file (with the help of an elf RegistryEditor, if someone does not know).
If someone would port, be sure to attach it to your post.
From the menu options have been removed Icons arrows, to provide a single view.
For many softkey and pressing the joystick probably will not do.
;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Additional Links
;Allows you to assign links to hold the left/right/up/down, center softkey, left softkey, right softkey
;Functions are assigned from Menu-> Settings-> General-> Shortcut
;(!) Before installing the patch, apply the attached shortcut_addon.reg
;(!) Not compatible with all patches that change the function of the softkey on your desktop
;v. 2-icon
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Ability to Set the Radio on Fullscreen and Back
;+ Possibility to hide / display softkey
;(c) Ploik, Joker XT
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;View logs for 5 tab Challenge
;Patch is in addition to the elf Call Logger, without him it makes no sense
;In the call appears 5 tab, where you can view / delete logs
;Added item for viewing online internet traffic
;Added option to view the blocked calls (Elf Black List)
;Added a date for you want to view the log
;(!) Requires Elf Black List at least v.1.3
; pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;v. 3
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Player controls with the keyboard
;Management buttons in Music Application
;1 - Volume +
;2 & 8 - view tracks
;3 - Equalizer
;4 & 6 -Prev, next track
;5 - Pause/Play
;7 - Volume -
;9 - Play mode
;0 - File information
;* - Close/Minimize
;# - Keylock
;Call button - Portrait/Landscape
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) lost
;(p) biems
;Original idea by Sic
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

pardon me if i have mistakes, i'm still learning..
who am I? I'm just who I'm.
Спасибо сказали: godlesplay, GaS, buhh83



Регистрация: 31.1.10
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 133
Откуда: Indonesia

  #10 [03.03.12, 06:27] Re: J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange   

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;ClearBass Equalizer add-on 2.0+
;New version
;Now, standard equalizer is not removed
;It is replaced only if elf is started
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Phone Number Region
;Displays the name of the operator for incoming / outgoing calls
;Regions are writing to a file "/ usb / other / ini / PNumRegions.ini" (file is saved in ANSI-encoded)
;Support Russian Win-encoding
;v 1.1
;(c) Amir_82111
;(e) Joker XT
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Switching between portrait and landscape mode as a button "c"
;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) myrzeug, Improved code, proper work
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add Softkey "GO to" to the List of Text Label
;(c) D3mon
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Disable switch tracks by holding the volume keys
;(c) D3mon
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Add item "3G only" In the Settings menu: Communications Network GSM/3G network
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;© Sic
;(p) biems

;J105 SW-R1GA026 Orange
;Logo Changer
;Ability to change the operator name
;Menu>Settings>Connectivity>Phone name
;if put empty text operator name will be back to default
;(c) K790alex, farid
;(p) biems

Naite™ SW-R1GA026 Orange
Спасибо сказали: a6b6, farid
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