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27.03.11, 20:31
 MahmudS, I don't understand English write pls..

laurafarsas, hehe everyone time's child was not it? =)

27.03.11, 20:59
 Gurkan!, you don't understand, forget it
Fight with everybody in this forum for a stupid rank ;) good luck

27.03.11, 21:01

27.03.11, 23:31
 Maybe porter instead of patcher for godles1994?

28.03.11, 01:08
 laurafarsas, Sorry my english a bit bad. :-D
i know u are right title is only colour of work
but who new starting to this job then they getting happy otherwise stars not gives idea to our minds:-)

Atreyu, for me negative vote. because these are patches very very simple =)

28.03.11, 01:19
 Title/rank are for other users to know to whom ask for help IMO ;)

28.03.11, 07:26
 Gurkan!, sorry, my english is bad too :lol:

Why you have his source? He must creating .asm files and porting patch himself.

laurafarsas, thank you, I'm laugh :-)

28.03.11, 17:51
 Gurkan! qam v3 from juhu is simple patch? :)

30.03.11, 21:30
godles1994 пишет:
Gurkan! qam v3 from juhu is simple patch? :)

I don't understand you =)

30.03.11, 22:06
 you wrote: for me negative vote. because these are patches very very simple =)
than I sad that patches from Juhu like qam aren't simple etc :)
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