Хотите статус Патчмейкера, Эльфмейкера или Разработчика? : О сайте и форуме : Форум

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28.06.09, 19:12
 кто что скажет

28.06.09, 19:26

28.06.09, 19:29
 Я ЗА то чтобы markross'у повысили статус.

[ Редактировано -BourNe- в 28.6.09 22:29 ]

28.06.09, 19:33
 -BourNe-, Danik, при вручении статуса девелопера голосуют только девелоперы..
П.С: Я за))

[ Редактировано Therion в 28.6.09 18:34 ]

29.06.09, 04:33
 How to say it.. Спасибо :-D

29.06.09, 06:52
 Pakoko, hm)) try to port lagest pathes))like as
;Flash SMS
;Позволяет отправлять Flash SMS
;Для отправки после выбора адресата выберите Функции -- Дополнительно -- Flash SMS

29.06.09, 11:45
 Therion, +1

29.06.09, 15:10
 This user for patcher :)


;K770 R8BC004
;Show MegaBass image when Bass EQ is selected (as in Walkman series)
;(C)Shadow Player
;Edited by gunot12 for Diezil's addon Mega Bass patch
;Should be used with Diezil's addon Mega Bass patch
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Phone name from BT device name
;use the bluetooth name for phone model name
;(c) RandoM
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Add the item "Record" function in FM-Radio
;saved in "card/music" with name "fm.amr"
;© 2007KrasH

;K770 R8BC004
;Advanced MM_Browser (Media Player menu)
;Display little white arrows on the right side of menu items
;Info for patchporters: Sorry for the mess
;© Shadow Player
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Copying / moving files to any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini
;Added ability to copy in a folder tpa and ifs
;Added ability to copy directly to a folder elfpaka
;Now it is possible to select the display at 5 tab
;Ubrany restrictions on copying of protected files
;Now it is possible to rename a jar and jad files
;v. 7
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

; K770 R8BC004
; Displays status Obex (bluetooh transfer, etc.) in standby
; (c) Sic
; (p) moedjs

;K770 r8BC004
;Blinking red led while charging
;When the battery charge full, stops blinking
;(!) heapshift (2018D3BC-2018D3BD)
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

; K770 R8BC004
; Add to display information about a file size of the file in bytes.
; Also works with folders, java-applications and e-mail messages.
; v4
; Added a separate display at the java-jar file size of applications and data applications.
; (c) Tartes
; (p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;minimize Bluetooth transfer, etc.
;Ver 1.3
;(c) Joker XT
;(e) Se-MaG
;(p) moedjs
;(i) Now works with PC Bluetooth File Transfer
;(!) remove previous version first (before edited)

;K770 R8BC004
;Complete Work phone without SIM-card
;Everything works except for functions that require cellular
;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;management of FM radio on your keyboard
;1-record radio
;4-prev channel
;6-next channel
;0-rename channel
;(!) to record radio install "Add record in radio" patch
;v 1.1
;(c) ilmir5555
;(r) Joker XT
;(p) moedjs

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Automatic recording at the beginning of the conversation
;(!) Heap shift (2018D898-2018D89F)
;© Sic
;(p) moedjs
;(i) recording window auto hide / not on top

;K770 R8BC004
;Change MediaPlayer menu GUI to fullscreen
;final version
;Background image should be 240x320, and header image is advised to be transparent
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(p) moedjs

;k770 R8BC004
;display day of the week in standby
;(c) Sic
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Allows you to set the tone for the unknown (unsaved numbers) and hidden call (withheld)
;Put in the folder /card/music/ringtones files unknown.mp3 and hidden.mp3
;In the absence of the files will play the ringing tone
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;To add possibility to include the automatic mode of USB during connecting of cable
;Setting of the mode via "Settings" -> "Connectivity" -> "USB" -> "USB connection"
;Or when you connect usb cable : "More" -> "Options"
;If you wanna disable the automatic mode, choose "None" from the options list
;v1.0 fix:
;Fixed bug with reboot
;(!) Heap shift (used: 2018D414, 2018D410, 2018D412)
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) moedjs

29.06.09, 15:31

Для статуса Патчмейкер нужно 10 разных замейнов. Не связанных с графикой и папками.

29.06.09, 16:24
 zzz, ты посмотри на те патчи!!! Я говорю Да
Mojsa,this is your friend? =) =)
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