SE Image Tool 2.6 - замена графики на телефонах SE : Моддинг : Форум

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25.02.08, 17:28
 skyli, the program's optimization should be ok... maybe your's icon is too big? Try to resize it to the original image size.

25.02.08, 18:47
 the filesize is bigger but the size iz OK. But what is that i only moved the icon 1pixel left and not working?

25.02.08, 18:58
 skyli, try to make patch that contains only that images, and include all graphics in it (in expert mode) - and write if it works.

25.02.08, 19:37
 it forks i think. But now i try to make something with these images in PS first :D
But, how can i make the unoptimized color?(blue to orange) Not with ctrl+u, not the same.

Добавлено 25.2.08 19:50

try this plz! i uploaded my vkp for w850 r1kg and the imt too.
Some battery icons and the charging and the volume bar is bad but i dont know why :(

Добавлено 26.2.08 16:05

Hmm... What if the roblem isn't in the images, its in the patch? I changed the volume bar to an other what worked for a men but not for me in the patch. Maybe these pictures wants to repace wrong pictures, or not all picture's place is good?

Yesssssss! I made it! I made a new patch with only battery and charging images and now FULL WORKING!

So i think the problem is in the too much images in one vkp.

[ Редактировано skyli в 26.2.08 21:27 ]

27.02.08, 12:12
 skyli, hm... I'll try to replace all that images in my phone, however I'll make an another project from your images, because my phone is K800.

28.02.08, 21:00
 rest, а где она тебе меняет? Или ты снял галочку "Исправить цвета и оптимизировать изображение"?

02.03.08, 02:37
Error while converting image to RGBA!
Error code: 4294967295

I get this error when i want to put one of my icons.

02.03.08, 02:50
possible you have moved directory with unpacked program? try to return it back (where was unpacked program first)...

[ Редактировано KiTx3m в 2.3.08 02:00 ]

02.03.08, 13:35
 Hmm ok, i'll try with a new "setup". THNX!

03.03.08, 10:23
 skyli, First check if there is optipng.exe and pngcrush.exe in programs folder.
If they are, then send me an icon which throws this error.
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