MissedEventsReminder v0.7 : Эльфы : Форум

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11.03.08, 00:38
 MissedEventsReminder v0.1

If you have a missed events elf play sound (reminder.mp3) and 3 times flash the lamp.
It's execute every 60 second until you don't read missed events.

Put reminder.mp3 in /card/MP3/MissedEventsReminder/

It should be:

MissedEventsReminder v0.2
+ works with BookManager 2.5

MissedEventsReminder v0.3
+ config file added

Put missed.ini in standard ini folder.

[AudioPath]: /card/MP3/MissedEventsReminder/
[PlaySound]: 0x01;
[FlashLamp]: 0x00;

+ bugs fixed
+ vibration added

MissedEventsReminder v0.6
+ added filename option
+ added interval of reminder (in seconds - not limited)
+ added lamp flashing time (from 1-10 times max)

[AudioPath]: /card/MP3/MissedEventsReminder/
[FileName]: /reminder.mp3
[ReminderInterval]: 30

[PlaySound]: 0x01;
[Vibrate]: 0x01;

[FlashLamp]: 0x01;
[FlashTimes]: 10

MissedEventsReminder v0.7
+ "missed.ini" you should put in "/tpa/user/other/ini/jasiek/missed.ini" (for w800)
+ reminder volume is taken from active profile
+ vibrate option is taken from active profile
+ maybe work on K750i
- [FlashTimes] became reduced to max 5 value

(c) jasiek


11.03.08, 00:55
 а чё делает этот эльф?

11.03.08, 00:58
Why you would not make that elf worked with Bookman 2.5

Добавлено 10.3.08 23:59

Этот эльф при пропущенном вызове или сообщении -- 3 мигает фонариком и запускает мелодию.И все это делает каждую минуту.

11.03.08, 01:31
ты не тестировал этот эльф? У меня вроде не работает... Пробовал на пропущенном смс... Правда у меня стоит патч на напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и смс и работает именно он...

11.03.08, 01:54
 Мелодию не ставил,а вспышка на фонаре раз в минуту моргает

11.03.08, 01:55
you've outstripped me :D

my version:
- uses macroses in config ([FILE]: %AUdio_EXT%/system/notification.mp3)
- doesn't contain separate settings for vibra/sound (it uses current profile settings)
- doesn't signal during incoming/outgoing calls
- doesn't signal immediately after a call
- can unload itself
- doesn't show messagebox when started from Daemons
but it requires dyn_const/library update

[ Редактировано den_po в 11.3.08 02:06 ]

11.03.08, 02:43
You're developer, i'm normal user.
Your version is very good, my version is poor.

It's all in this topic :-)
Please, public your elf.

11.03.08, 03:13
 Работае отлично, и фонарь, и звук. Еще бы на кнопке камеры лампу задействовать и конфиг прикрутить, и подобный патч можно было бы забыть. Но и за это респект :)

11.03.08, 04:44
jasiek пишет:
You're developer, i'm normal user.
Your version is very good, my version is poor.

It's all in this topic :-)
Please, public your elf.


11.03.08, 13:50
 а звук любой можно взять

And sounds where can be taken or anyone can be thrown
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