Calls Blocker v2.7beta3 (bcfg) : Эльфы : Форум

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04.02.09, 05:03
Try the latest dyn!
Added 4.2.09 05:18
I tested the w800, it worked! But RF_ON is hard! Maybe RF_ON is wrong?
And i find a bug, the phone will show the message all the time when i set 0s in the message time, i think it will not show when i set 0s. Maybe i should set it from 1 to 10, not 0,haha!
Add show or not.

[ Edited by yang853 в 4.2.09 05:21 ]

04.02.09, 06:29
 yang853:Thanks for create this post. ill add the option to remove messages when you set time to 0.try switching functions position to test rf.
Rf method is more slow that busy, because the process is slow.

Edit: New version, some changes.Folder goes in internal memory->config.

[ Edited by jonico в 4.2.09 07:04 ]

04.02.09, 07:50
nemanja пишет:
Not working for me. I do not have 330 and 331 functions, but even with the Busy Tone in settings, the elf is not blocking the calls (incoming and outgoing).

This is my problem too ..
and please jonico or others give me the 330 and 331 function for K770 ..
or maybe latest dyn_const.bin for K770 .. maybe dyn_const is my problem .. but i can't find the latest one ..

thanks ..

04.02.09, 08:08
 jonico писал:
Edit: New version, some changes.Folder goes in internal memory->config.

Thanks for the new version. It began seems to me a RF-method more stably to work. Return possibility to take an icon from firmware, please.

04.02.09, 10:19
 I make a mistake when i test w800, i change the position.
Now it's perfect!
Thank you! D-MAN
v2.5 haven't icon from main?

04.02.09, 14:23
 ok, i'll add icons from main too.

04.02.09, 15:55
 just found functions for mine...
;W610 SW-R6bc002
0CC0: 00000000 31246444; 330: void * RF_off(void);
0CC4: 00000000 15246444; 331: void * RF_on(void);

04.02.09, 20:03
 I also got this from kirpeace .. but still not working


;K770 R8BA024
0CC0: 00000000 F16D7744; 330: void * RF_off(void);
0CC4: 00000000 D56D7744; 331: void * RF_on(void);

I install elf on my friend's W610 .. it's working
but not on my K770 .. so strange ..!

Добавлено 5.2.09 07:07

The problem is the dyn_const. I've changed it, n now it's working, thanks very much D-MAN.

05.02.09, 03:56
 D-Man,the icons of files will be lost when i use v2.5, the files are in regfile.elf, i use 1.9.1fix with regfile.elf by itself. I think it'll ok if you don't use elfpack bin.

05.02.09, 06:01
 Yang: i'm using the same elfpack, and i don't have any problem.maybe other elf that eat too much heap like mine?
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