DayDis 1.1 : Эльфы : Форум

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21.03.08, 18:58
 а как редактировать еби бинарные файлы, у меня вообще пишет выполнить обновление? на главном екране и какуюто глючную дату показывает, подскажыте пожалуйста как ето все настроить, спасибо

22.03.08, 09:23
SCREEN_LOCATION]: 0x01; on the operator line

22.03.08, 10:09
jamesbond22 пишет:
[SCREEN_LOCATION]:  0x01;   on the operator line

Thanks for the info - will add it to the next version (0.9) that I plan to release today. Did not yet play around with possible locations - but when users give feedback about that, I don't have to find out myself ;-)

[ Редактировано eddmund в 22.3.08 21:31 ]

22.03.08, 11:33
this elf most to work on k750 or not ???

22.03.08, 13:23
this elf most to work on k750 or not ???

no work elf in K750! Because lack file .bin for this phone.

22.03.08, 13:55
jamesbond22 пишет:
this elf most to work on k750 or not ???

no work elf in K750! Because lack file .bin for this phone.

I see no reason why it should not work on a K750. The .bin file for K750 is not yet shipping with the package, but you can create it yourself! To start, just copy the existing "W800_R1BD001.bin" file to "K750_R1CA021.bin" and edit the .ini file as follows:
[LNG_FILE]:  K750_R1CA021.bin
;[LNG_FILE]: W800_R1BD001.bin
;[LNG_FILE]: W810_R4EA031.bin

See the results and let me know!

22.03.08, 14:41
no. dont work on k 750, elf write wrong text

22.03.08, 15:22
PUZ пишет:
no. dont work on k 750, elf write wrong text

That's good because this is the expected behavior 8-) So this is the proof that is does work on the K750. Now, you only need to hex-edit the .bin file to the proper values for the K750. See the included "bin-format.txt" file in the "LNG" sub directory for instructions:

The hexadecimal language IDs for several phone models / firmware versions 
are given in the table below. 

You can determine the hexadecimal ID numbers by opening a *.lng file with 
"LNG Editor" by SvanSvan. Make sure that the checkbox "ID in HEX" is checked. 

                                W800_R1BD001 W810_R4EA031

Full weekday names:
                     Monday         0159         0C84
                     Tuesday        01A5         14AF
                     Wednesday      01B5         1759
                     Thursday       0197         144F
                     Friday         012D         069A
                     Saturday       0175         0183
                     Sunday         0195         13CD
Short weekday names:
                     Mo             0B54         0C83
                     Tu             12C3         14AE
                     We             14F5         1758
                     Th             126A         144E
                     Fr             05F9         0699
                     Sa             1044         11DC
                     Su             11EF         13CC
Short month names:
                     Jan            0371         03A6
                     Feb            034D         037F
                     Mar            037B         03B1
                     Apr            031A         0029
                     May            0385         03BB
                     Jun            0373         03A8
                     Jul            0372         03A7
                     Aug            031D         002D
                     Sep            041A         045F
                     Oct            03B9         03F7
                     Nov            03B6         03F4
                     Dec            0464         0368

Each language ID .bin file holds all relevant language IDs for a given 
phone model, with the specified firmware version. It consists of 52 bytes 
binary code containing the 2 byte-language ID for each item, 
in the following order:  

The weekdays, in the order Monday -> Sunday, in two alternative variants:
First for the full weekday names (the first 14 bytes - offset 0x00 - 0x0D), 
then for the short weekday names (offset 0x0E - 0x1B), followed by 
24 bytes for the month names, in the order Jan -> Dec (offset 0x1C - 0x33). 

For example, the file "W800_R1BD001.bin" contains the following hexadecimal 
byte values for the phone model "W800" with firmware version "R1BD001":

0159 01A5 01B5 0197 012D 0175 0195 0B54 12C3 14F5 126A 05F9 1044 11EF 0371 
<---    Full weekday names    --->|<---   Short weekday names    --->|<--- 

034D 037B 031A 0385 0373 0372 031D 041A 03B9 03B6 0464
---              Short month names             ------>

Knowing this format, you can create new .bin files for additional phone 

[ Редактировано eddmund в 31.3.08 20:46 ]

24.03.08, 01:33
MNS81 пишет:
А у меня почему-то какую-то хрень вместо даты пишет про безопастность тырнета и про какие-то сертификаты а в конце развлечения 2008 подскажите как мне его настроить

If you want help from me, please write in English because I can't understand Russian, unfortunately. I'm planning to release a new version soon, so if you have a problem, let me know and I will look into it.

24.03.08, 02:02
MNS81 пишет:
А beside me why-that instead of date writes about internet and about some certificates but at the end of the amusement 2008 prompt how do I his adjust. Forgive for my english

Phone model?
.ini settings?
Please post a screenshot.
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