Song Changer in Stanby v1.3 - Updated! : Эльфы : Форум

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21.05.09, 20:37
 Hello :)

First of all: I know there is a patch, which does the same thing, but it's very buggy on my phone. And I prefer elfs - they are universal, we don't need to port them, like patches, so every elfpack-enabled phone can run it. This elf is very easy, but very useful for me (for example you can use it like add-on for CAiS by UltraShot).

Song Changer in Standby v1.3
-Prepared to work with RadioStation Changer elf.
Author: Mc_kibel

1. Installation:
-Put an elf into ZBin or Daemons and run it!
-BCFG file will be created on memory stick in Config folder - if MS is not present, file will be created in phone memory.

2. Options:
-You can switch between track by pressing any key, when you are on standby
-You can change volume by pressing any key, when you are on standby
-You can set any key as play/pause key (doesn't work for middle-key and right softkey)
-You can use elf when keypad is locked!
-Keys are configurable by .bcfg - default:

  • [*]next track - Navigation key right, short press
    [*]previous track - Navigation key left, short press
    [*]volume up - Navigation key up, short press
    [*]volume down - Navigation key down, short press
    [*]Enable Play/Pause key? - Enabled
    [*]Play/pause key - 5, short press
    [*]Enable when keylock is on? - Enabled

  • -You don't need to disable shortcuts! =)

    3. Thanks to:
    -Slawwan for big help with code
    -JamesBond22 for events to changing volume

    I hope it will be usefull for ya :)

    Regards :-)

    [ Edited by mc_kibel в 23.5.09 01:58 ]

    [ Edited by mc_kibel в 23.5.09 02:01 ]

    [ Edited by mc_kibel в 25.5.09 22:25 ]

    Прикрепленный к сообщению файл: (1.87 kb; 161 hits) Скачать файл (2.26 kb; 101 hits) Скачать файл (2.45 kb; 185 hits) Скачать файл (2.46 kb; 537 hits) Скачать файл

    21.05.09, 20:52
     Phone w810, elf works perfect! Thanks :-)
    Is it real to add the function of fast rewind on long key press in standby?

    21.05.09, 21:12
     эм, а что этот эльф делает?

    21.05.09, 21:15
     sergkyky222, даёт возможность в стэндбае переключать пеcни джойстиком/клавой

    21.05.09, 21:38
    mc_kibel пишет:
    -You don't need to disable shortcuts! =)

    but need to choose "Short Release" and not "Short Press".

    I use a little bit sometimes W850, yet....

    Can you add buttons for volume control and the choose to work buttons or not on keylock and sleepmode?

    21.05.09, 21:39
    InvisibleW пишет:
    Phone w810, elf works perfect! Thanks :-)
    Is it real to add the function of fast rewind on long key press in standby?

    It's not real I think. I can't find any event which can rewind the track.

    In next version I'm planning to add ability for changing volume by pressing joy up/down. I hope it will be possible.

    Regards :-)

    Edit: Jamesbond22 - I'm using short press - and everything works fine ;-) But I added BCFG configuration for setting up the keys :-)

    [ Edited by mc_kibel в 21.5.09 20:41 ]

    21.05.09, 21:39
     а что не понятно?Это типо дополнения к коверарт от UltraShot'а...переключение треков в StandBy

    21.05.09, 21:47
     Если еще кому чего не понятно, вот похожая штука от отечественного производителя

    21.05.09, 21:47
     mc_kibel писал:
    I'm using short press - and everything works fine

    On W850 (db2020) need to using short release. And everything works fine too.

    mc_kibel писал:
    In next version I'm planning to add ability for changing volume by pressing joy up/down. I hope it will be possible.


    [ Edited by jamesbond22 в 21.5.09 19:59 ]

    21.05.09, 23:25
     Еще бы перемотку приделать будет ништяк.
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