Hangman : Эльфы : Форум

08.11.12, 22:14
 A little fun, simple game of hangman =)

Hangman v.1.0
(c) diezil

Extract "Games" folder to "Internal Mem/Config/Games"

4 - scroll keyroll left
6 - scroll keyroll right
5 - enter
0 - next phrase (if you have no lives or phrase is incomplete - starts new game)
back = exit

for those who wish to use other languages you must edit keys.txt and dict.txt...!
format of text files must be UTF-16-LE (with or without signature... eg. CreateTextFile.elf -> unicode )

dict.txt: write a list of phrases or words to be guessed, 1 per line (see example)
keys.txt: (optional) write your alphabet (abc) and numbers ( 0-9 ) to text file (see example), if not present english will be used.
font.bin: (optional) needed for 176x220pxls (included w810/c902 font.bin)

typedef struct {
    int keyroll; // used for char select
    int guessed; // used for chars tried
    int info; // lives/# of guessed chars
    int score; // score
    int phrase; // main phrase

Hope you enjoy =)

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Hangman_1.0.zip Hangman_1.0.zip (8.62 kb; 25 hits) Скачать файл

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