W580 SW-R8BE001 Orange : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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07.07.10, 20:19
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;A complement to patch: Improved File Manager v.7 © IronMaster
;Add folder icons on ZBin/ini/Config/Daemons in the 5th tab of Filemanager
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) Laura_P

07.07.10, 20:28
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Change folder "Ini" to "DLL" in the 5th tab of Filemanager
;(c) Laura_P

09.07.10, 03:29
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;List of menu BlackBerry (BBLM)
;It changes the way when one enters the menu Quick Acces (QAM)
;Now it enters BBLM
;Explorer - Messages - Principal Screen - Calls - Reproducing
;(!) to enter again the QAM pressing On/Off
;V1.0 Beta Test
;© k790Alex
;(p) 05M4N

[ Edited by 05M4N в 9.7.10 01:53 ]

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09.07.10, 04:37
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Hide softkeys in flashmenu
;(c) yener90
;(p) Laura_P
4505B75C: 06090000 20000078

09.07.10, 04:51
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Add 2 options when is copying/moving files
;1. View mode
;2. Sort by
;(c) K790alex
;(p) Laura_P

09.07.10, 05:13
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Work keys in message "Phone ready to be used with computer"
;Back=Return to menu
;LongBack=Close menu and return to standby
;Left Softkey=Close
;(c) K790alex
;(p) Laura_P

15.07.10, 03:16
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;ClearBass Equalizer add-on
;(!) For new version 2.0
;Sending event 0x3020 when pressing 'Equalizer' in music application
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) Laura_P

[ Редактировано laurafarsas в 15.7.10 15:41 ]

16.07.10, 20:03
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Добавить вопрос о замене файла (если имя файла уже существует)
;Add question about replacement of file (if file name already exist)
;Работает для копирования/перемещения одного/нескольких файлов
;Work for copy/move one/several files
;"Да" - заменить совпавший файл
;"Yes" - replace coinciding file
;"Нет" - стандартное копир./перем. с изменеием имени файла на "имя файла (N)"
;"No" - standart copy/move with file name changing to "file name (N)"
;При копир./перем. неск.файлов вопрос будет задан о каждом совпавшем
;When copy/move several files question will be asked for each coinciding
;Добавлены "Да, Все файлы" и "Нет, Все файлы" для копир./перем. неск.файлов
;Added "Yes, All files" and "No, All files" for copy/move several files
;(c) RaANdOoM
;(p) Laura_P

16.07.10, 20:50
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX, Download pages
;(!) Heap shift (201A42B0-201A42C2)
;v 2.0
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) Laura_P

[ Редактировано laurafarsas в 19.7.10 20:48 ]

23.07.10, 07:56
;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Ability to redraw the player with the help of Elfs
;Send the event 0x3019 DISP_OBJ to launch the player
;Changed opening event
;Added driver for the book AdvPlayer
;(!) Removed unnecessary code
;(!) Remove previous version
;V 1.5
;(C) MaPkiZzz, UltraShot
;(E) mc_kibel
;(p) 05M4N

[ Edited by 05M4N в 23.7.10 20:43 ]

Added 26.7.10 23:01

;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Отображение имени абонента рядом с номером в смс
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) 05M4N

Added 28.7.10 20:38

;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Radio mod
;2/8 - opens a list of radio stations
;4/6 - change the station
;v 0.1
;© Therion
;(r) ilmir5555
;(p) 05M4N

[ Edited by 05M4N в 28.7.10 20:46 ]

Added 1.8.10 03:50

;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;ClearBass Equalizer add-on 2.0+
;New version
;Now, standard equalizer is not removed
;It is replaced only if elf is started
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) 05M4N

Added 2.8.10 02:06

;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Logo changer
;Enter to Menu>Settings>Connectivity>Bluetooth>Phone Name
;Then select item "Bluetooth" or "Operator"
;When you press "Accept" in Operator Gui the name will change
;(!) You need change the name again after of reaboot phone
;(i) Edit your lng 0x1E23: Operator
;© k790Alex
;(p) 05M4N

Added 3.8.10 01:01

;W580 SW-R8BE001_Orange
;Full screen Walkman
;Hide statusbar
;(i) Delete the label "play" to use with elf Adv. Softkeys

Added 3.8.10 03:48

;W580 SW-R8BB001_Orange
;Sound when enter at menu
;Put the file "mainmenu.mp3" in the folder /tpa/preset/system/sound
;Not sound in player/radio or silent mode
;© Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) 05M4N

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