K800 SW-R8BF003 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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27.01.09, 00:26
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Office Player
;v. 2.1
;(c) Sic
;(e) E1kolyan
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Not record dropped calls, missed
;(c) Sic
;(p) markross
;(fixed port)

Added 27.1.09 15:47

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Add a menu item that allows On/Off. confirmation of acceptance of the file via BlueTooth and ObEx
;(!) Is not compatible with patch "Remove confirmation when receiving files over bluetooth/etc"
;v.1 update
;© Sic
;(p) markross

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 21.7.10 16:00 ]

30.01.09, 03:22
 Поправил удаление ярлыков в активити меню

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Additional Links - ENGLISH
;Дополнительные ссылки
;Позволяет назначать ссылки на удержание влево/вправо/вверх/вниз, короткое нажатие джойстика, долгое нажатие джойстика, короткий л.софт, долгий л.софт, короткий п.софт, долгий п.софт
;Функции назначаются из Меню->Настройки->Общие->Ссылки
;Добавлено динамическое название софтов в режиме ожидания в зависимости от установленной ссылки
;Рекомендую удалить старый файл tpa/system/settings/dyn_shortcut.dat
;(!) Softkey Hook
;v. 2.5fix
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) michlantecuhtli
;(e) PRO

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 30.1.09 16:34 ]

Добавлено 30.1.09 17:23

Для тех, кто использует патч "EP Folder Icons v2.6"
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Сохранение записей диктофона в Прочее/Аудиозаписи
;(!) Откатить патч "Удаление папки Мои друзья"
;(c) Sic
;(p) human83
;(e) PRO

Добавлено 30.1.09 18:29

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Addon for Patch Additional Links v. 2.5fix
;Removed icons next to softkey
;(c) PRO
;(e)gunot12 (Remove icon when a softkey is set to "menu")

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 31.1.09 15:04 ]

02.02.09, 19:11
 Something for SOFTKEY_HOOK users

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Addon for Patch Additional Links v. 2.5fix
;Removes label "[Empty]" when link deactivated
;(c) markross

03.02.09, 00:13
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Vibra on connect charger
;© E1kolyan
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Not apear sleepmode on pressings buttons vol - and vol + in book SleepMode.
;© jamesbond22
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Changing the scroll images in the slideshow to 5 sec.
;© jamesbond22
;(p) markross
;Idea by Joker XT

11.02.09, 00:09
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Vibra when moving the phone in sleep mode (SleepMode)
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) markross
;Idea by MaPkiZzz aka Vital

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Sound when you turn on sleep mode
;File "sleepmode.mp3" put in the folder/tpa/preset/system/sound
;Does not play when the player/radio, and silent mode
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
; Clear message "files moved" and "Files copied"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) markross

11.02.09, 22:07
;K800 R8BF003
;Убрать сообщения "Сообщение будет передано после выключения режима "Полет""
4514F920: 0129 0EE0

;K800 R8BF003
;Show twice as more frames in a free video playback
453418EC: FA 7D

11.02.09, 23:15
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Rapidly change the lights on the retention button operator
;First Pressing - MIN / Second Pressing - MAX
;(c) Alex
;(p) markoss

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Sound control battery (0%, 5%, 100%)
;Sounds put in a folder tpa\preset\system\sound (0percent.mp3, 5percent.mp3, charging_.mp3, fully_charged.mp3)
;(!) Heap shift (2018EF01-2018EF02)
;(c) CyberMaster
;(r) Ax
;(p) markross

; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Change the color of the time and date in Photographs
; (c) Va_st
; (p) markross

Added 12.2.09 15:58

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Playing sound file in the emergence of the start-up menu
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Office Player
;Game A - Volume -
;Game B - Volume +
;1 - enlarged. Stereo
;3 - Equalizer
;7 - File Transfer
;9 - Playback mode
;0 - File information
;# - Exit to main screen
; v. 2.2
;(c) Sic
;(e) E1kolyan
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Office Player
;Game A - File Transfer
;Game B - Stereo widening
;1 - Volume +
;3 - Equalizer
;7 - Volume -
;9 - Playback mode
;0 - File information
;# - Exit to main screen
; v. 2.2
;(c) Sic
;(e) E1kolyan
;(p)(e) markross

26.02.09, 00:00
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Adjust the brightness of the display buttons "Volume +/-"
;Does not have effect on locked keypad.
;v.1 fix
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Adding phone. numbers when writing SMS
;Allows you to add a number from the phone book directly when writing SMS
;To add a number and press Options -> Add. contact
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) markross & APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Clear message "The function of dialing up voice is power-on / power-off"
;(c) Alex
;(p) markross

27.02.09, 00:58
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;change nowplaying screen, version ...
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Work SleepMode only when the keyboard locked
;(!) Not compatible with other patches to work SleepMode
;Original idea by Sic
;(c) Alex
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Remove some of your messages using Bluetooth
;Added vibration instead of "awaiting confirmation"
;v 2.0
;(c) Alex

01.03.09, 13:48
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;убирает иконки ключика в приложениях и играх
;(c) Adrian. Top Sony Team
;(e,p) jamesbond22

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