K800 SW-R8BF003 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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02.03.09, 00:58
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;MediaPlayer to Walkman 2!
;Shows the album cover like in walkman 2 (in the series W)
;(!) Cover image is taken from the path of Current Song Played, and should be called "cover.png"
;(!) Size recomended for cover.png: 150x150 pixels
;Custom position of the cover art: artist / track / album
;Custom position of the icons: cover.png / EQ / shuffle / loop
;EXTRA icons: Artist list / Track list / Album list / Walkman logo
;(!) sysgfx 0xF3B4 = Default cover image
;(!) sysgfx 0xF3B5 = Walkman logo image
;© myrzeug
;(p) markross & mojsa

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Load faster the first video file in MM_Browser
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) markross

@request, png's by michlantecuhtli

[ Edited by markross в 2.3.09 00:27 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

K800_walkman1.4.rar K800_walkman1.4.rar (65.37 kb; 202 hits) Скачать файл

03.03.09, 10:31
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Disable SleepMode
;(c) Sic
;(p) jamesbond22
45c734f8: 792B4945 00000000

04.03.09, 00:23
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Addon for the patch "Copying/moving files to any folder, v.7"
;Possibility to display files *.txt, *.htm, *.html and *.swf in the 4th Tab
;(c) yener90
;(e) IronMaster
;(p) PRO

07.03.09, 00:05
; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Vibro and sound, with keylock and activated without a sound
; Now the sounds are not played when the player or radio
; Added compatibility patch "Remove window on zalochke buttons v3"
; (c) CyberMaster aka McG
; v 2.5
; Sounds kidaem at tpa / preset / system / sound /
; Keylock.mp3 - Sound with keylock
; Nosound.mp3 - sound when activated without a sound
; (p) APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Infrared red diode to full off phone activated by long pressing button on/off and from menu
;Function of long pressing button on/off replaced is on function Restarting
;Added icon to label "Shutdown"
;Vibra at shutdown and Restart
;v. 3
;(c) CyberMaster
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) markross & APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Clear message "changed Wallpaper"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(r) Joker XT
;(p) APAP beta

07.03.09, 11:01
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Изменить положение иконок PLAY/PAUSE и прогрессбара в плеере
;(!)Нужен gfx патч
;(c) diezil
;(e) PRO
;(p) PRO

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

new_sysgfx_to_progresbar.zip new_sysgfx_to_progresbar.zip (10.17 kb; 177 hits) Скачать файл

09.03.09, 19:49
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;включить все настройки в полномочиях java (+"без запроса")
;enable all java permissions settings (+"never ask")
;(с) den_po
;(p) winlogon777

15.03.09, 18:33
 Тестим Патч:
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Работа SleepMod'a везде, кроме запущенной java
;Патч для "ICQшников"
;(!) Не совместим с другими патчами по работе SleepMod'a
;Original idea by Sic
;(c) Alex
;v 1.0 edited
;(p) PRO

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 15.3.09 17:34 ]

15.03.09, 18:48
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Отображение установки эквалайзера в плэере,когда песни не имеют облоку
;Ставить патч поверх патча Walkman 2.0
;Графика и некоторые дополнения по ссылке:
;(!!!) При установке будет мистмач-это нормально(!!!)


Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

37821_1237120156.png 37821_1237120156.png (52.03 kb; 553 hits) Скачать файл

15.03.09, 20:22
;Addon MediaPlayer
;Change Color Item Selected to Oranje
;fix offset address
;(c) ElohiM
;(p) PRO

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 24.3.09 01:36 ]

16.03.09, 00:02
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;The opportunity to photograph when java is started in a background.
;(c) Alex
;(p) markross
;Original Idea by SiNgle

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Password for file transfer / viewing videos in the file manager / video
;Password also can be not only the numbers (str2hex)
;(!) Do not forget to set the password at the bottom of the patch
;(!) Uncomment the appropriate
;(!) Rebut by pressing / hold "back" when exiting the movie player
;To avoid rebuta start and stop a video
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Cooperation of Player/VideoPlayer/Radio with the Silent mode
;© jamesbond22
;(p) APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Pulsating vibration when it comes sms and short vibration for incoming calls
;© jamesbond22
;(p) APAP beta

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Remove the top of the list in the picture and Ul.pleere Current
;(c) Ax
;(p) APAP beta

Added 16.3.09 21:39

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Display the clock on the screen while charging off
;(c) RandoM
;(p) APAP beta & markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Lock/unlock keyboard by pressing a buttons volume (+/-)
;Short pressing - lock/unlock not work when Player/Radio is runned
;Long pressing - lock/unlock work when Player/Radio is runned
;(c) jamesbond22
;(r) 2007KrasH
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Sleepmode on long pressing button on/off
;(c) jamesbond22
;(r) CyberMaster
;(p) markross

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