W660 SW-R8BB001 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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01.06.09, 18:41
;W660 R8BB001
;Полноценная работа телефона без SIM-карты
;Работает всё кроме функций,для которых необходима сотовая связь
;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree
;© 2007KrasH

06.06.09, 06:47
 Here, a pretty nice patch, needs some fixes, but Works

;Change gui of walkman to full screen
;© michlantecuhtli
;(e) Mojsa
;(P) lyahBro

10.06.09, 01:09
;W660i R8BE001 GENERIC
;Change way to showing Activity Menu
;Now Activity Menu showing like File Manager
;© jamesbond22
;(e) yener90
;(p) LiNkMaN

[ Редактировано LiNkMaN в 2.7.09 23:23 ]

12.06.09, 13:13
;W660 SW-R8BB001
;Всегда показывать прогресс бар в альбомном ориентире(видео)
;(c) Tartes , yr4ik
;(r) RandoM

;W660 SE-R8BB001
;Movil with PUK locked
;Using the mobile bearing blocked PUK (SIM locked)
;© k790alex

18.06.09, 08:14
 I didn't know that this patch wasn't already ported for W660 R8BB001 Generic, so here it is, thanks LiNkMaN for telling me ;-)

;Complement for the patch "Copy/Move files to any folder (v.7 © IronMaster)"
;Change the icons of the folders folders Tpa / System / Ifs in the 4th tab
;© Ploik
;(p) lyahBro

;W660 SW-R8BB001
;Add a new item in the bluetooth menu Bluetooth - Powersave - Super Economic Mode
;When Super Economic Mode is selected, is not possible to activate Bluetooth
;v.1 fix_3
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) -=Mur@metS=-
;(*)lyahBro (Translated to english & corrected the MSG Boxes on Activate/Deactivate the Powersave)

For those who do not read :-x here are the previews of what the corrections do =)



22.06.09, 11:03
;W660 R8BB001
;Replacing the phone graphics
;In folder ini (/tpa/user/other/ini), place GFX.ini file
;In GFX.ini specify the path to replaced graphics
;Example: [GFX_Folder]: /tpa/user/other/IMG (+ enter on the end of line)
;In this folder lie icons XXXX.PNG (XXXX.GIF, XXXX.JPG),
;where XXXX - hex number of replaced icon
;Ver 1.1
;(C) Joker XT
;Ver 2.0
;(c) Vertexbz
; -Works from phone strats, not from StandbyBook
; -Icons for sysgfx and in main can have different resolutions
;(!!!) Heap shift! 2018C3D0-2018C3D6
;(p) LiNkMaN

;W660 SW-R8BB001
; Cursor transfer sms is always the first contact from the list
; If contact is not listed, it will be on the "Contacts"
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) LiNkMaN

;W660 SW-R8BB001
;Turn off vibrations in alarm
;(c) Sic
;(p) LiNkMaN

I dont like to have videos in my phone :-P

; W660 R8BB001
; remove "online channels" from "MM_Browser_Toplevel_Book"
; © SEDev's
; (!) not compatible with Add video link to MM_Browser_Toplevel_Book
; (p) LiNkMaN

27.06.09, 20:04

; W660 R8BB001 GENERIC
; To add possibility to include the automatic mode of USB during connecting of cable
; The automatic mode is disable the choice of point "None"
; Setting of the mode is being in "Settings" -> "Connectivity" -> "USB" -> "USB connection"
; Or in the standard menu of choice of the mode -> "More" -> "Options"
; V1.0
; (!) Heap shift - 2018C3D8...2018C3F8
; © MaPkiZzz aka Vital
; (P) lyahBro

; W660 R8BB001 GENERIC
; Change Gui of startup menu to fullscreen
; Removed softkeys
; v1.0
; © Mojsa
; ® MaPkiZzz aka Vital

[ Редактировано lyahBro в 27.6.09 11:06 ]

04.07.09, 23:48
;W660 R8BB001
; Password for file transfer / viewing videos in the file manager / video
; Password also can be not only numbers (yuzayte str2hex)
;(!) Do not forget to set the password at the bottom of the patch
;(!) Rebut by pressing / hold "back" when exiting the movie player
;(!) Uncomment the appropriate
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) LiNkMaN

16.07.09, 04:04
;W660 SW-R8BB001
;Remove the limitation of maximum (8) and minimum (-8) values in the manual to configure the equalizer
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) johnliang

17.07.09, 23:39
;W660 SW- R8BB001
;Пароль на передачу файлов/просмотр видео в диспетчере файлов/видеоплеер
;Пароль также может быть не только цифрами(юзайте str2hex)
;(!)Не забудьте задать пароли внизу патча
;(!)Раскомментируйте нужное
;© 2007KrasH

;W660 SW - R8BB001
;Fast rewind long mp3 and video files
;(c) SiNgle

;w660 SW- R8BB001
;Телефонная книга во весь экран
;(с) Dimon_p25

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