W580 SW-R8BE001 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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05.04.09, 20:23
 thx RandoM for help to add some code to align code and make it work on W580 :

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Shows the album cover
;(!) Cover image is taken from the path of Current Song Played, and should be called "cover.png"
;(!) sysgfx 0xE5DD = Default cover image
;You can put images with any size and they will be resize to 150x150
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) MILAD,RandoM

[ Редактировано milad_a в 5.4.09 20:25 ]

06.04.09, 01:42
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Changing the mode the display of the image startup and shutdown
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Replace item "Online channels" on "Videos" in the MediaPlayer
;Updated VideoPlayer UI
;Choose own color of scrollbar and color border
;Loading "Videos" list text colours not from theme but from the default menu style
;Background image (ED06) of "Videos" is on full screen :)
;Background of softkeys and statusbar is loaded from skin
;© SEDevelopers
;© myrzeug, michlantecuhtli, Shadow Player, diezil
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

Icon for the Video Item

;replace system graphics of db2020 phones
;automatically generated by
;SE db2020 Image Tool 2.04 (c) 2008 Magister
;çàìåíà ñèñòåìíîé ãðàôèêè òåëåôîíîâ íà db2020
;àâòîìàòè÷åñêè ñãåíåðèðîâàí ïðîãðàììîé
;SE db2020 Image Tool 2.04 (c) 2008 Magister
;çàì³íà ñèñòåìíî¿ ãðàô³êè òåëåôîí³â íà db2020
;àâòîìàòè÷íî ç´åíåðîâàíèé ïðîãðàìîþ
;SE db2020 Image Tool 2.04 (c) 2008 Magister

[ Редактировано miguel8e в 6.4.09 03:49 ]

[ Редактировано miguel8e в 6.4.09 03:50 ]

06.04.09, 16:37
 Было подобное на w610, автора нигде не нашел.
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Изменение настроек эвквалайзера
;Настройки MegaBass изменены на HyperBass
;(p) DuMOHsmol with APAP

[ Редактировано DuMOHsmol в 6.4.09 16:38 ]

06.04.09, 20:56
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Change background color on watching video in vertical mode
;© jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

09.04.09, 16:59
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;change the color of the bottom play/pause/... icons in WALKMAN
;its changed to white
;(c) yener90
;(p) Photographer

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Change align for some title texts in Walkman
;instead you can substitute 02:
;01 - right, 00 - from the left, 02 - at the center
;(c) jamesbond22
;(P) Photographer

14.04.09, 07:49
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Change background color on watching video in vertical and lanscape mode
;© jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Change font for info RDS
;© jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e
450F7E28: 35 12;value for font

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Changes on window "Channels" in Radio
;© jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Show Radio in fullscreen
;© jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

Добавлено 15.4.09 01:56

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Short vibration on changing video files on VideoPlayer
;Short vibration on pressing "Play" of video files on file manager
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Vibration on changing silent mode
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Vibration on opening Radio
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) miguel8e

19.04.09, 15:09
;W580 R8be001
;Активировать пункты настроек для всех приложений
;Activate settings item for all applications
;(c) RandoM

19.04.09, 19:09
;W580 R8be001
;Активировать пункты настроек для всех приложений
;Activate settings item for all applications
;(c) RandoM
;(i) dimonp25

23.04.09, 20:11
 correct port:
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Clear message Phone is ready to work with computers
45215F50: 4EF1A2FF C046C046

25.04.09, 23:58
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Pulsating vibration when it comes sms and short vibration for incoming calls
;Пульсирующая выбрация при входящем СМС и короткая вибрация при звонках
;© jamesbond22
;(p) VanKO15

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;убрать иконку непрочитанного сообщения из статусбара
;(c) dimonp25
;(c) VanKO15

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Убрать иконку пропущенного вызова из статусбара
;(c) dimonp25
;(c) VanKO15

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