W580 SW-R8BE001 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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08.01.10, 19:55
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Убрать сообщения "Принятых вызовов нет", "Исходящих вызовов нет", "Списки вызовов пусты", "Непринятых вызовов нет"
;(c) Grinvich
;(p) Alex1992

09.01.10, 15:44
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Установка подсветки из настроек при показе времени в Sleep Mode
;(c) KrasH
;(p) MurametS
45391836: 06D0 C046

albertnet3, доволен? =)

[ Редактировано MurametS в 10.1.10 16:26 ]

10.01.10, 01:11
it's wonderful that you are porting for this firmware R8BE001 but this patch was created for this firmware R8BE001 by me brother fernandodks.

patch by (c) Fernandodks:

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;challange the time of draw in mediaplayer
;more fast in mediaplayer
44F32750: 8A02 D007

you port:

;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Выбор времени обновления прорисовки в WALKMAN
;Более быстрая работа плеера
;(c) Fernandodks
;(p) MurametS

12.01.10, 06:25
 Wow :-o , very good patch, congratuletions!!! yener90 ;).
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Change 4th tab in the Activity menu in File Manager
;1: Album of the chamber
;2: Sounds
;3: Image
;4: Video
;5: Issues
;6: Other
;7: Personal information (where you can put files that are hidden from others)
;8: All of Java (you can send installed games and other applications) - we need a patch
;9: Elves (folder ZBin)
;Folder "personal data"
;1: Create a private system folder (on phone or memory card)//card / system / private or // tpa / user / other / private.
;2: Put the files hidden
;3: Restart your phone and navigate through the menu of the activity
;(!) To correct the text labels: 0x19F ;- Elfos0x1A0 - All Java
;(c) yener90
;(p) albertnet3


12.01.10, 17:36
;W580i R8BE001
;Сохранение видео сделанным в VideoDJ'е в *.mp4
;Save video made in VideoDJ'е in *.mp4
;(c)Joker XT
;(p) Mr.Allig@ (Port with a help: APAP)

;W580i R8BE001
;Удалить "Синхронизацию" в органайзере и параметрах
;Delete synchronisation in organizer & settings
;(C) Pakoko !!!
;(p) Mr.Allig@ (Port with a help: APAP)

[ Редактировано Alliga в 12.1.10 21:10 ]

12.01.10, 19:42
 Alliga, КОПИРАЙТЫ СОБЛЮДАЙ! рас портанул апапом, так и пиши в шапке, что апап тоже поучавствовал!!!

12.01.10, 20:23
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Changing Operator Logo
;Put file "LOGO.ini" in the folder "/ tpa / user / other / ini"
;example of LOGO.ini:
;[LOGO]: 0x3
;Yuzayte elves to edit a file
;v1.0 Beta
;(c) k790alex
;(r) Sic
;(p) albertnet3

;Changing Operator Logo
;file path in the folder in the folder "/ tpa / user / other / ini"
;v1.0 Beta
;(c) k790alex
;(r) Sic
;(p) albertnet3
[LOGO]: 0x1
;[LOGO]: 0x2
;[LOGO]: 0x3
;[LOGO]: 0x4

15.01.10, 19:10
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Добавить иконки на пункты при выходе из редактора SMS
;(c) Va_st
;(p) -DeJaVu- a.k.a -BourNe-
;(p) TRISTAM92

18.01.10, 07:47
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Add "More Menu" to Main Menu
;Ability to acces directly to Settings through "Menu -> More" to:
;Background Pic
;© yener90
;(p) miguel8e
;(e) albertnet3
;add acces directly to:


18.01.10, 20:19
;W580 SW-R8BE001
;Ability to hang the action on hold buttons play / pause
;We hang 4 of switch between them:
;Options - General - Keys. "Start / Stop" - Features
;(c) ZEN
;(p) albertnet3

[ Редактировано ploik в 18.1.10 21:25 ]

[ Редактировано den_po в 10.6.10 20:23 ]
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