K770 SW-R8BC004 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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22.04.09, 12:31
;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Icon of incoming calls forwarded
;28E6 is Icon
;(c) Sic
;(p) johnliang

22.04.09, 13:24
;K770 R8BC004
;Display saved contact name from the phone book instead of numbers in SMS
;(c) Sic
;(p) moedjs

22.04.09, 14:32
;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Blinking red diode to full off
;(c) CyberMaster
;(p) johnliang

Added 23.4.09 09:57

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Включение того, что стоит на клавише Пуск/стоп при подключении гарнитуры
;Turn on player/radio automatically when you connect the headset
;(c) d1gger17, E1kolyan
;(p) johnliang

[ Edited by johnliang в 23.4.09 10:16 ]

Added 24.4.09 14:59

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Turn off the player / radio when you remove the headset
;(i) This patch is conflicted with patch "Vibration when disconnect hheadset"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) johnliang

[ Edited by johnliang в 27.4.09 11:05 ]

27.04.09, 06:28
;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Hourly sound (in begin of each hour make sound)
;In the folder /tpa/preset/system/sound/ put hourly.mp3
;(c) Sic
;(p) johnliang

[ Edited by johnliang в 27.4.09 14:13 ]

28.04.09, 03:21
;K770 R8BC004
;permanent sms character remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;(p) moedjs
;(i) you have to increase layout.xml/StringInputInfo/STRING_INPUT_STATUS_COUNTER_WIDTH

;K770 R8BC004
;Clear message "The message will be sent after you quite flight mode"
;(!!!) not compatible with "sms in rapid way" patch
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) moedjs
;K770 R8BC004
; Minimal gap between automatic redial
; Now you have unlimited number of attempts (before it was 10)
; v. 2
; ©IronMaster
;(p) moedjs
;K770 R8BC004
;Remove message when changing wallpaper
;only works if phone doesn't ask standard or maximized option
;Ver 2
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) moedjs

Добавлено 1.5.09 06:26

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Advanced MM_Browser (Media Player menu)
;Use joystick or 2,8 to navigate through Now Playing list
;v. 1.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) mc_kibel
;(e) moedjs
;before edit: 2 and 8 keypad can't scroll Now Playing list
;after edit/fix: 2 and 8 able to scroll Now Playing list (behave like d-pad)

Добавлено 1.5.09 09:58

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;View logs for 5th tab of Calls menu
;The patch is in addition to the Call Logger elf, without him it makes no sense
;A Call logger to a 5 tab, where you can see / remove logs
;Added Internet Access log for viewing Internet traffic
;Added choice of dates
;v. 2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) moedjs
;very much thanks to kirpeace

Добавлено 1.5.09 18:26

;K770 R8BC004
;calendar alarm patch - needs cal_alarm.elf to be running.
;when a calendar reminder is triggered, instead of just beeping and vibrating once,
;it will now keep doing so every 10 seconds until a button
;(joystick click/left or right softkey/back arrow) is pushed.
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) moedjs

12.05.09, 13:30
;K770 SW-R8Bc004
; Changing time sounding the alarm
;(c) demion
;(p) johnliang

12.05.09, 17:19
;K770 R8BC004
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;© supertrubka.org
;(p) moedjs
;!!! All directories are corrected !!!

Добавлено 26.5.09 12:46

;K770 R8BC004
;Remove box "Use now?" After receiving the file
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) moedjs
4500a7a8: 52F166FE31E0029A 201CFFF7BCFD30E0

Добавлено 26.5.09 12:47

;K770 R8BC004
;addon to Show MegaBass image when Bass EQ is selected (as in Walkman series) patch
;(c) diezil
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Show MegaBass image when Bass EQ is selected (as in Walkman series)
;(C)Shadow Player
;Edited by gunot12 for Diezil's addon Mega Bass patch
;Should be used with Diezil's addon Mega Bass patch
;(p) moedjs


Добавлено 26.5.09 12:50

;K770 R8BC004
;Phone name from BT device name
;use the bluetooth name for phone model name
;(c) RandoM
;(p) moedjs
;thanks to yener90

;K770 R8BC004
;Change GUI on/off to full screen
;(c) mojsa
;(p) moedjs
45411CFC: 0221 0421

;K770 R8BC004
;Changing the style of the menu, due to on / off switch
;(c) mojsa
;(p) moedjs
45411D0C: 0021 0421

;K770 R8BC004
;Add the item "Record" function in FM-Radio
;saved in "card/music" with name "fm.amr"
;© 2007KrasH
;thanks to mcming1989

;K770 R8BC004
;Save sound records, radio records and call records in a folder called "Recorded sounds"
;Folders "Saved pages" and "Bookmarks" are moved to folder "Others"
;Folder "Web page" in File manager can be deleted after applied patch
;(c) Sic, Boyden
;(e) yener90
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Add the item "Record" function in FM-Radio
;saved in "Recorded sounds" folder in File manager with name "Radio.amr"
;(!) apply also the patch: Save sound records, radio records and call records in a folder called "Recorded sounds"
;© 2007KrasH

;K770 R8BC004
;Advanced MM_Browser (Media Player menu)
;Display little white arrows on the right side of menu items
;Info for patchporters: Sorry for the mess \"=)\"
;© Shadow Player
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Tracks list exceptions
;will except the following folder from displaying in Tracks of Media Player /tpa/user/other, /card/other
;/card/music/ringtones, /card/music/videodj, tpa/user/music/ringtones, tpa/user/music/videodj,tpa/user/system,card/system.
;will appears music files only from following folder (and subfolder) card/music and tpa/user/music
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(e) -=Mur@metS=-
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Copying / moving files to any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini
;Added ability to copy in a folder tpa and ifs
;Added ability to copy directly to a folder elfpaka
;Now it is possible to select the display at 5 tab
;Ubrany restrictions on copying of protected files
;Now it is possible to rename a jar and jad files
;v. 7
;© IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

[ Редактировано moedjs в 10.7.09 10:55 ]

29.05.09, 16:07
;K770 SW-R8BC004
;In Menu-Settings-Connectivity-Mobile Networks-GSM/3G networks appears "Only 3G"
;(c) Sic
;(p) johnliang

30.05.09, 01:16
; K770 R8BC004
; Displays status Obex (bluetooh transfer, etc.) in standby
; (c) Sic
; (p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Activate settings item for all Java applications
;(c) RandoM
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;Cooperation of Player/VideoPlayer/Radio with the Silent mode
;when silent mode activated, music, video, and radio will not sound
;© jamesbond22
;(p) moedjs

[ Редактировано moedjs в 31.5.09 05:28 ]

Добавлено 1.6.09 04:12

;K770 R8BC004
;Addon 1
;Addon to patch: Improved File Manager (version 7 (c)IronMaster)
;Change folder icons on ZBin/ini/Config/Daemons in the 5th tab of Filemanager
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) moedjs

;K770 r8BC004
;Addon 2
;Addon to patch: Improved File Manager (version 7 (c)IronMaster)
;Change folder icons on Tpa/System/Ifs in the 4th tab of Filemanager
;(c) Ploik
;(p) moedjs

02.07.09, 11:32
 Добавлено 2.6.09 04:51

;K770 r8BC004
;Blinking red led while charging
;When the battery charge full, stops blinking
;(!) heapshift (2018D3BC-2018D3BD)
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

Добавлено 2.6.09 07:11

; K770 R8BC004
; Add to display information about a file size of the file in bytes.
; Also works with folders, java-applications and e-mail messages.
; v4
; Added a separate display at the java-jar file size of applications and data applications.
; (c) Tartes
; (p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;minimize Bluetooth transfer, etc.
;Ver 1.3
;(c) Joker XT
;(e) Se-MaG
;(p) moedjs
;(i) Now works with PC Bluetooth File Transfer
;(!) remove previous version first (before edited)

[ Редактировано moedjs в 3.6.09 09:29 ]

Добавлено 5.6.09 07:35

;K770 R8BC004
;Complete Work phone without SIM-card
;Everything works except for functions that require cellular
;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) moedjs

Добавлено 7.6.09 01:05

;K770 R8BC004
;management of FM radio on your keyboard
;1-record radio
;4-prev channel
;6-next channel
;0-rename channel
;(!) to record radio install "Add record in radio" patch
;v 1.1
;(c) ilmir5555
;(r) Joker XT
;(p) moedjs

;K770 R8BC004
;possibility to disable shutter sound
;Shutter sound 4 changed to Without sound
;autofocus still sounds
;(c) yener90
;(p) moedjs

Добавлено 9.6.09 00:27

;K770 SW-R8BC004
;Automatic recording at the beginning of the conversation
;(!) Heap shift (2018D898-2018D89F)
;© Sic
;(p) moedjs
;(i) recording windows auto hide / not on top

;K770 R8BC004
;Change MediaPlayer menu GUI to fullscreen
;final version
;Background image should be 240x320, and header image is advised to be transparent
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(p) moedjs

Display day of the week in standby .. fixed port ..

;k770 R8BC004
;display day of the week in standby
;(c) Sic
;(p) moedjs

But if you also applied the "Display status obex in standby" patch .. you won't be able to get this large day of week letters:

.. hmm .. I think it's short of in-compatibility ..

Next .. useful patch ..
;K770 R8BC004
;Allows you to set the tone for the unknown (unsaved numbers) and hidden call (withheld)
;Put in the folder /card/music/ringtones files unknown.mp3 and hidden.mp3
;In the absence of the files will play the ringing tone
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) moedjs

I suggest you to put first the both files (unknown.mp3 and hidden.mp3) before applied patch ..

[ Редактировано moedjs в 16.6.09 09:29 ]

Добавлено 25.6.09 09:16

;K770 R8BC004
;To add possibility to include the automatic mode of USB during connecting of cable
;Setting of the mode via "Settings" -> "Connectivity" -> "USB" -> "USB connection"
;Or when you connect usb cable : "More" -> "Options"
;If you wanna disable the automatic mode, choose "None" from the options list
;v1.0 fix:
;Fixed bug with reboot
;(!) Heap shift (used: 2018D414, 2018D410, 2018D412)
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) moedjs

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