K800 SW-R8BF003 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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08.10.08, 15:59
; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Ежечасный звук
; В папку /tpa/preset/system/sound положить файл hourly.mp3
; Hourly sound (in begin of each hour make sound)
; In folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place file hourly.mp3
; (c) Sic
; (p) markross

Заключайте патчи в теги, и не нужно кривых переводов, в оригинале патча есть шапка на русском языке

[ Редактировано awg в 8.10.08 16:06 ]

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Remove box "Use now?" After receiving the file
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Replacement windows "Use now?" After receiving the file
;v. 1
;(c) E1kolyan
;(r) Sic
;(p) markross

[ Edited by markross в 8.10.08 17:44 ]

10.10.08, 21:56
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Дата напротив больших часов. Дата становится таким же цветом как часы.
;Будильник снизу даты.
;0B-Большая дата вместо часов
;(c) Ax
;(p) human83

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Возвращение в режим ожидания при удержании кнопки Активити
;(c) Tartes
;(p) human83
;Original idea by Sic

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Правильное отображение пункта включения/выключения зарядки от USB
;Сервисное меню -> Параметры услуг
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) human83

17.10.08, 18:10
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;EP Folder Icons
;© diezil
;(p) W. Junior
;add folder icons on ZBin/ini/Config/Daemons
;(!) must create folders

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 17.10.08 17:14 ]

17.10.08, 22:29
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Addon to patch Privacy v.2.5
;Put a password on the phone-book function Special numbers-Emergency nos.
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Full access to OBEX protocol in FS phone
;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc...
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;Added the ability to copy in a folder (except for Drivers)
;Conclusion 8 folders at once
;v. 2.5
;(c) Zormax
;(p)(e) markross

; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Remove profile icon from statusbar
; (c) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
; Disable light effects
; (c) dimonp25
; (p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Replacement windows "Use now?" After receiving the file
;Added indication diodom IR
;v. 1.1
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) markross

; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Remove box "Use now?" After receiving the file
; Added indication diodom IR
; v. 1.1
; (c) E1kolyan
; (p) markross

[ Edited by markross в 18.10.08 14:37 ]

19.10.08, 00:55
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Прокручивание длинных имен в тел. книге
;(c) IronMaster
;(р) nagmet

20.10.08, 20:45
;K800 R8BF003
;New character table
;Changed characters and added four smiles
;(c) SlaveMaster
;(p,e) jamesbond22
;(p2) michlantecuhtli

Shadow Player
- Добавляет маленькие белые стрелочки (как в walkman 1.4), напротив пунктов в меню плеера

- Добавляет переход, в частности по нажатию в право джоя, на следующую логичную ветвь пункта.

;K800 R8BF003
;Advanced MM_Browser (Media Player menu)
;Use joystick to navigate through the menu
;Display little white arrows on the right side of menu items
;Info for patchporters: Sorry for the mess \"=)\"
;© Shadow Player

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 21.10.08 23:04 ]

; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Change right softkey for Internal App
; Use together with RIGHT_SOFTKEY_HOOK
; (p) philipp910

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 25.10.08 01:13 ]

26.10.08, 04:07
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Block image of the name of the operator from SIM-cards
;the Name of the operator get from network
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) human83

Added 26.10.08 02:13

; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Delete folder video dj and ringtones
; (c) eddi666(CentrumSE.pl)[/color]

Added 26.10.08 02:18

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Job buttons Play/Pause at the keyboard blocked
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) jamesbond22[/color]

Added 26.10.08 02:21

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;The timing of the keyboard and automatic backlight
;To install only illumination (without locking keys), first select the right time, and then go and select "Off"
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) + menu translated to english by hippy dave[/color]

28.10.08, 23:00
 FIXED PORT (previous white screening in templates)
; K800 SW-R8BF003
; Privacy English
; Allows put a password on the phone File manager, The Telephone Book, Communications Schedules, Calls List, Voice Calls, Tasks, Bluetooth, Notes, Keyboard
; Allows select Black / white list
; Setting a password is in the Settings menu-> General-> Locks-> Security phone-> Security-> Set More Locks
; you can define the password for the keylock below
; (!) Should be rollback patch "whitelist to blacklist"
; v. 3
; English translation by WitchKing
; (c) IronMaster
; (p) markross from k800i.pl

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Display counters in kilobytes
;(c) Sic
;(p) markross

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Return to standby while retaining buttons Aktiviti
;© Sic
;(p) markross

[ Редактировано PRO100light в 21.7.10 17:17 ]

30.10.08, 21:28
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;In MediaPlayer.
;Change/fix image bar in mediaplayer
;Your need change bar image "EC1E"
;and remove the word "My Playlist" to create playlist
;(c) ElohiM
;(p) human83

Поправлена работа патча когда отмечено несколько файлов.
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Leave only bluetooth and Irda in list sending
;Оставляет в списке отправки только Bluetooth и ИК
;v. 1.1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) human83

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Change font in SMS and somewhere else
;Сменить шрифт в СМС и где-нибудь еще
;(c) Single
;(p) human83
;00 small, 02 big, 01 default

02.11.08, 10:35
;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Additional Links - ENGLISH
;Allows you to set shortcuts in Standby to joy left/right/up/down, joystick short, joystick long, short l.soft, long l.soft, short r.soft, long r.soft
;Options are set at Menu-> Settings-> General-> Shortcuts
;Recommended to delete the old file tpa/system/settings/dyn_shortcut.dat
;Added dynamic element names
;(!) Softkey Hook
;v. 2.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) michlantecuhtli

Added 2.11.08 10:22

;K800 SW-R8BF003
;Show MegaBass image when Bass EQ is selected (as in Walkman series)
;(C)Shadow Player

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