W610 SW-R8BA024 : Патчи db2020 : Форум

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18.10.10, 01:16
;W610 SW-R8BA0024
;To install the player in full screen and back
;(c) D3mon
;(p) michel1907

Добавлено 18.10.10 22:31

;W610 SW-R8BA0024
;Show service menu on main menu
;(!) Need add this line to menu.ml "ServiceMenu_Id"
;© K790alex
;(p) michel1907
;Original idea by yener90

Добавлено 19.10.10 20:14

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Replacement name of the operator logo
;Put a picture with a logo in the folder /card/other/IMG/
;The name of the file icons should be of the form \"imyaoperatora.png\"
;(for example, Beeline.png)
;(c) Va_st
;(r) RandoM,MaPkiZzz
;(p,e) michel1907 ruta /card/other/IMG/

Добавлено 20.10.10 20:06

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the number of calls (Answered, Dialed, Missed & All)
;Añade el numero de llamadas (Contestadas, marcadas, perdidas y todas)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) michel1907
;v 1.0
;Si se utiliza el parche "ver los registros en 5 ficha llamadas" (c) IronMaster

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in
;Service -> Service Info -> Configuration.
;(!) To show IMEI or Show Message, you need press right softkey in the GUI of IMEI (*#06#)
;Agregar la habilidad de Mostrar el IMEI o Mostrar el Mensaje "Private IMEI" cuando se presiona la secuencia (*#06#) y en Servicio -> Info servicio -> Configuracion.
;(!) Para activar/desactivar que se muestre el mensaje, necesitan presionar el Softkey derecho cuando se esta en el GUI del IMEI (despues de presionar *#06#)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) michel1907
;v. Beta Test

Добавлено 21.10.10 20:17

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Ep Folder Icons
;(c) diezil
;(e) Se-MaG
;(p) michel1907
;(!) sirve para folders
;ZBin / ini / Config / Daemons

23.11.10, 01:26
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Change title in message folders
;Added count in second line
;Added Icon in title
;Show in full screen
;© K790Alex
;Original idea by ilmir5555

24.11.10, 02:29
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Change Quick Access menu style
;Now showing items:
;+Return to Standby
;+Close all java app
;+Close web connection
;+Bluetooth on/off
;+Flight mode/Normal mode
;+Turn on/off silent
;In the table of contents menu added Number of free Heap.
;In the absence of running applications and active compounds points are not active.
;At the close of Java, the connection or the inclusion Flaymod will question "Yes/No".
;For the activity bluetooth (reception or transmission) point is also not active.
;All icons, titles and captions for the items vary in accordance with the mode enabled.
;(!) You must edit *.lng file
;© 2007KrasH, Ploik
;(e) -=Laura_P=-
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Logo changer
;Entrar a Menu>Configuracion>Conectividad>Bluetooth>Nombre de telefono
;Entonces elige "Bluetooth" o "Operador"
;Cuando presionas "Aceptar" en la ventana de operador tel nombre sera cambiado
;(!) Tienes que cambiar el nombre de nuevo despues de reiniciar el movil
;© k790Alex
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add "More" in QuickAccess menu.
;Ability to choose QuickAccess menu orientation "Landscape or Portrait"
;Added credits about the patch
;Now, automatically refreshes the page
;(c) Ploik
;(r) jamesbond22
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Añadir el nueva Opción en el menú inicio teléfono (Modo Normal / Modo de vuelo), desconectando elfpack.
;el Parche es compatible con elfloader mod Tartes desde la versión 1.9.1
;Ahora no es necesario elegir la versión de elfloader
;4 item "Music" Is added
;5 item "Radio" Is added
;(c) Tartes & Sic
;(e) Ploik, (spanish version)
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Fix for BookManager
;When was choosed KEY_TASK (0x1F) in Short Press mode
;Dont show activity menu when book manager is actived
;© K790Alex
;(p) michel1907

25.11.10, 02:53
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Smarth Search Simulator
;Add item "Phonebook_SmartSearch_Id" to menu.ml
;If Smart Search is enabled
;Display name of a person
;who is appointed for a quick call when dialing
;when the full number is in PhoneBook
;© IronMaster, K790Alex
;(p) michel1907

; W610 SW-R8B024
; My Shortcuts V1.5
; Add option in main menu "My Shortcuts" and add icon.
; Add acces directly to:
; ===========================
; >themes and add icon.
; >Brightness and add icon.
; >Bluetooth and add icon.
; >RAdio and add icon.
; >mediaplayer_Video and add icon.
; >sound_Recorder and add icon.
; ===========================
; Add item info for all items.
; Add option in main menu "My Elfs" and add icon.
; The links to the best elfs more used for you:
; in subItmen add this elfs:
; ===========================
; Search Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/FindFiles.elf"
; Shotrcuts Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/My Shortcuts.elf"
; Samm Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/SAMM.elf"
; Shooter Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/NShooter.elf"
; JavaManager Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/Javamanager.elf"
; Calculator Path --> "/usb/other/ZBin/Calculator.elf"
; ===========================
; Add item info for all elfs.
; Add option for show about of the patch.
; © albertnet3
; (e) Agnal
; (p) michel1907
; (i) Original idea by yener90
; (!) conflict whit patch "Add "More Menu" to Main Menu"

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the possibility to include \ disable Activity Menu
;Configuration is done in the "Options services" in the service menu
;Añadir la posibilidad de activar/desactivar el menu de actividad
;La configuración se realiza en "Ajustes servicio" en el menú de servicio
;(C) DuXeN0N, Krash
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8ba024
;Last Session Info
;Send, Received, total, time
;Información de la última sesión de internet
;Al final de la sesion de internet muestra la siguiente informacion:
;Enviado, recibido, total y el tiempo de la sesion
;(c) DuXeN0N, KrasH
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Encender/Apagar Bluetooth
;Turn On/Off Bluetooth
;Mantener presionada la tecla de actividades
;Long Press Activity Menu key
;(!) Funciona en todos los books
;(!) Work in all books
;© k790Alex
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Отображение свободной памяти в заголовках вкладок Диспетчера файлов
;Mostrar memoria libre en el encabezado de las pestañas del Admin de archivos
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) michel1907
;v. 1

[ Редактировано michel1907 в 24.11.10 20:42 ]

26.11.10, 03:41
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add icon in the test of microphone (Service > Service Tests > Microphone)
;(c) anarkes

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Добавить иконку в окна "Продолж. через громкоговорит.?"
;Añadir icono en la ventana "¿Cont. reprod. por parlantes?"
;(c) D3mon
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Drawing of a menu's background ' from the menu background themes
;Changed animation menu appears
;Changed size menu and submenu
;Some bugs have been fixed;
;(c) Therion & Va_st
;(r) Therion
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Auto seleccionar item del "Menu Inicio" en el tiempo dado
;Auto select item of "Startup Menu" in the gived time
;Elegir opciones al final del codigo
;Choose options in the final of the code
;(!) Si eliges la opcion de "Modo normal" podras recibir llamadas en el menu
;(!) If you choose the "Normal mode" can accept call in the menu
;© k790Alex
;Original idea by CyberMaster
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Добавить софткей, позволяющий ставить на паузу воспроизведение музыки в диспетчере файлов
;Добавить софткей, позволяющий открывать текущий трек в MusicTagger.elf (функция стоп теперь на долгое нажатие джойстика)
;Путь к эльфу "/usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf"

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Supplement to patch copying/moving files to any folder (v.7 © IronMaster)
;Changing icons folders Tpa/System/Ifs on 4 tab
;(c) Ploik
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;A complement to patch: Improved File Manager (version 7 (c)IronMaster)
;Add folder icons on ZBin/ini/Config/Daemons in the 5th tab of Filemanager
;same icons of path EP Folder Icons by diezil
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Change the 4th Tab of Activity Menu to File Manager
;1: Camera Pictures
;2: Music
;3: Pictures
;4: Videos
;5: Themes
;6: Other
;7: Privacy (Here you can put your files, which are hidden)
;8: Java Sending Folder (Ability to send java games, which are installed, to others)=> Patch is required
;9: ZBin Folder
;Privacy Folder:
;Show with Mobyexplorer your System folder on card and create a folder "Privat"
;Put there your files, which should be hidden
;Restart phone and haver direct acces through activity menu
;Cambia la 4ta Etiqueta de Menú de Actividad a Administrador de archivos
;1: Album Cámara
;2: Música
;3: Imagenes
;4: Vídeos
;5: Temas
;6: Otra
;7: Casa (privat) (Aquí usted puede poner sus archivos, que quiera ocultar)
;8: Java Carpeta (Capacidad de enviar juegos de Java, que son instalados, a otros) => requiere Parche (enviar aplicaciones)
;9: Carpeta ZBin
;Carpeta de Privat:
;con Mobyexplorer en su carpeta de System en la tarjeta y crea una carpeta "Privat"
;coloque ay sus archivos, que quiera ocultar
;Reinicie el teléfono Para Ver Los accesos directos del menú de actividad
;edit .lng
;0x6C6; Java Sending
;0x6C7; Zbin
;(c) yener90
;(p) michel1907

27.11.10, 23:32
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the number of latest recent contacts (without options) when sending SMS in Second line of title
;Added the hability to choose the items with keys
;(!) You can modify the GUI options in the end of patch
;© anarkes
;v 1.1
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys
;(!) You can select if add the number in 2 titles or 1 title, in the end of patch
;(p) michel1907
;Original Idea by DaRkMaN

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Minimize Bluetooth
;Ver 1.3
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX, Download pages
;Mostrar velocidad de transferencia, porcentaje, tiempo transcurrido/restante en obex, bajando en paginas
;(!) Heap shift (201A5D04-201A5D16)
;v 2.0
;© Amir_82111
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Añadir opcion para ver el temporizador de llamadas en las listas de llamadas (llamadas/mas/temporiz llamada)
;(C) E1kolyan
;Idea original de k790Alex

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add to player function "advanced"
;Options ---> Advanced:
;- Radio
;- Music Widget (Elf IMW - Interactive Music Widget)
;Elf must be in"/tpa/user/other/ZBin/IMW.elf"
;(!) Not compatible with "add to player features the option " Radio " (c) ZEN
;© Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) michel1907
; edit .lng 0x1cf = Music Widget

28.11.10, 14:51
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Иконки для jad и jar
;Добавляем индивидуальную иконку для jad и jar формата
;Теперь меняются и большие иконки тоже
;(с) PRO
;(p) AND1
;(е) Zorro
;(p) Zorro

[ Редактировано Zorro в 28.11.10 14:11 ]

Добавлено 28.11.10 14:45

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Отключить поиск клавишами
;Отключить поиск в "Диспетчере файлов" при нажатиях цифровых клавиш
;© KrasH

28.11.10, 18:36
;W610 R8BA024
;Posibilidad de seleccionar Orientación de la pantalla para WALKMAM y Mi música
;Requiere versión modificada del WalkmanDisplay Elf
;no utiliza key para cambiar la orientación
;Próximas versiones de la revisión no requierira más el Elf
;Añadido Patch "Reemplazar el tema" canales en línea "en" Videos "en el MediaPlayer"
;v1.0 beta
;(c) yener90
;(r) Ultrashot, michlantecuhtli
;(p) michel1907

Добавлено 28.11.10 14:56

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add the option "Create" in the file manager
;Options -> Create New:
;- Recording *. amr (sound recordist)
;- Take new photo (launches the camera)
;- Documet (Elf CreateTXTFile)
;- Link (Elf LinkExecutor)
;- New Folder
;Elfs must be in "/card/other/ZBin/*. elf"
;Names "CreateTXT.elf" and "LinkExecutor.elf"
;Article moved "New Folder"
;edit .lng 0x23DB create new
;© Lars aka DrummMaster
;(e) Therion
;(p) michel1907

30.11.10, 06:04
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Display full text in "Text label" in the menu of service
;Press "Show"
;Now, show the number of the tag (in decimal)
;Mostrar texto completo en "Etiquetas de texto" en el menu de servicio
;Presione la tecla "Mostrar"
;Ahora, mostrara el numero de la etiqueta (en decimal)
;© k790Alex
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add icon in the title of "USB Connection"
;Also shown in full screen without softKeys
;Select Gui options in the end of the code
;Añade un icono al titulo de "Conexion USB"
;Tambien se muestra en pantalla completa sin softkeys
;Seleccionar opciones de GUI al final del parche
;© DaRkMaN (www.topsony.com)
;® anarkes

;W610 SW-R8B024
;Add the possibility to use the *. swf file as Flash Menu
;Option appear in the file manager in the Options-> Use as
;(!) The patch is intended only for the W-series on db2020
;(!) Need to edit the LNG-file to prescribe the name of the menu
;v.1.3 fix
;© KrasH
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Ability to control Flash Menu
;- Disable Flash Menu
;- Select a topic (!) Flash THM
;- Select a user (!) Add the possibility to use the *. swf file as Flash Menu
;To select the Flash Menu from the theme topic should be installed Flash THM / Have Flash Menu in FS
;To select the Flash Menu, a user must select it by selecting "Use as" to the *. swf file
;Added display of the current state of Flash Menu on the second line when the cursor on the item in the phone menu
;(!) The patch is intended only for the W-series on db2020
;(!) Need to edit the LNG-file to prescribe the name of the menu
;(!) Should be edited Menu.ml to add an item to control Flash Menu in the phone menu
;edit .lng
;0x23DC Layout menu ; Control Menú Flash
;0x23DD Disable Flash Menu ; Desactivar Menú Flash
;0x23DE Flash Menu from Theme ; Menú Flash Del Tema
;0x23DF Flash Menu Users ; Activar Menú Flash Usados
;© KrasH
;(p) michel1907

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Flash THM
;Installation of Flash Menu with the theme
;File Flash Menu *. swf have to pack in *. thm theme
;Podderzhivaetsya install Flash Menu old way through copying *. swf in FS
;(!) The patch is intended only for the W-series on db2020
;v.1.9 fix
;© KrasH
;(p) michel1907

Добавлено 30.11.10 22:54

;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Ability to set the radio on fullscreen and return to normal screen mode
;+Without softkeys
;(c) Ploik
;(p) michel1907

02.12.10, 06:25
;W610 SW-R8BA024
;Add "View mode" option to the Main Menu,BookManager,on/off menu,MediaPlayer for change GUI to fullscreen
;View mode contain 5 options:
;1.Normal screen
;2.Fullscreen(don't fullscreen small pages)
;3.Fullscreen All
;4.Show/Hide softkeys (only in fullscreens mode)
;5.Show/Hide Background softkeys (only in fullscreens mode and when show softkeys)
;Refresh current page after change View mode
;Fixed MediaPlayer bugs
;(!) MediaPlayer & Radio Background image should be 176x220 in fullscreen mode
;v 3.5 Fix
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) michel1907

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