W705 SW-R1GA031 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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24.07.10, 16:56
 Replace item "Settings_Brightness_Id" to "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml!

<element id="Brightness_AdvancedSettings">
                <label type="helptext" textid="LS_LIGHT_INFO_HLP" />
                           <label type="name" textid="LS_BRIGHTNESS_TXT" />
                           <link type="internal" />

Info: First interval start is always 00:00 !
First interval end = second interval start
Second interval end = third interval start
Third interval end = fourth interval start
Fourth interval end = 00:00

Default config:
00:00 - 08:00 -> 30%
08:01 - 14:00 -> 70%
14:01 - 21:00 -> 100%
21:01 - 23:59 -> 30%
Low battery -> 30%

After phone restart, automatic mode is disabled, enable it in menu.

;W705 R1GA031 GEN
;Automatic control of brightness v2
;Much improved version of BrightnessController patch/elf
;Ability to set brightness level in four time intervals
;Ability to decrease brightness level if battery is low
;Special menu with option to enable / disable automatic mode
;Showing icon in Tray, if automatic mode is enabled
;Configuration menu for intervals / brightness levels
;Showing work mode together with percentage under "Brightness" in menu
;(!) Replace item "Settings_Brightness_Id" to "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml
;(!) Heapshift: 4BB207EE-4BB207F0
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) blacklizard

Used free space:
15D7E9F0 - 15D7F7BF :Automatic control of brightness v2

4BB207EE-4BB207F0 :Automatic control of brightness v2

25.07.10, 08:24
 someone edit my previous Message, but I port the patch first, I don't want points, I wanna port for you, I do not want to fight anyone, I ask myself respect, My big respect for developeds and patchers and let's port,

;W705 R1GA031
;Change color of bar behind caller/dialed name
;Cambiar el color de la barra de fondo al llamar/marcar
;(r) jamesbond22
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) DJ ANSER (www.topsony.com)

141CA3D0-15D7F7D0 ;Change color of bar behind caller/dialed name

[ Edited by djanser в 25.7.10 10:40 ]

25.07.10, 22:47
;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Дoбaвить пyнкт "Зaпиcaть" в Фyнкции в Фм-Paдиo
;Запись ведётся в папку "/card/music/FM"
;Название файла типа: "fm-частота-название_станции(счётчик).amr"
;Ver 2.0
;(!) Ecли зaпиcь звyкa нe вeдeтcя, нeoбxoдимo вepнyть opигинaльныe дpaйвepa звyкa
; record the "in the functions of the FM Padio
; record is in the folder "/ card / music / FM"
; File Name type : "fm- frequency - nazvanie_stantsii (counter ). amr "
; Ver 2.0
;(c) KrasH, Joker XT
;(p) Cr@cShoT

25.07.10, 23:20
;W705 R1GA031
;Remove "My Music" and "Save Playlist" from WALKMAN more option list
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) Cr@cShoT

26.07.10, 17:19
 Cr@cShoT писал:
;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Vibra at the time of finding / losses network, as well as the performance of the new network search
;(C) Sic
;(P) Cr@cShoT

blacklizard писал:
;W705 R1GA031 GEN
;Automatic control of brightness v2

Both patches start from 15D7E9F0. Correct or I'll delete both patches.

26.07.10, 17:21
 Патч создан давным-давно, но чтоб не создавать конкуренции платному патча от Sic'а не выкладывался.

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Отображение имени абонента рядом с номером в смс
;(c) IronMaster

26.07.10, 18:43
 IronMaster, Changed :D

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Vibra at the time of finding / losses network, as well as the performance of the new network search
;(C) Sic
;(P) Cr@cShoT
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc


;w705 SW-R1GA031
;Add the question of replacing the file (if file name already exists )
;Works for copy / move one / multiple files
;"Yes "- to replace coincided file
;"No "- the standard kopir. / AC. with a small difference is the file name to " filename (N) "
;When kopir. / AC . nesk.faylov question will be asked about each matched
;added , "Yes , all files " and " No , all files " for kopir. / AC. nesk.faylov
;(C) RaANdOoM
;(P) Cr@cShoT
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

28.07.10, 03:34
;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Change menu style off
;Modify Style menu off
;added items : Exit standby mode, Silent, Block, keys, Off, Restart, Flightmode, Profiles.
;In the table of contents menu added Number of free Heap.
;name of the active profile in the second row
;All the icons , titles and signatures of the items vary according to mode enabled .
;(!) must change .lng file
;(C) 2007KrasH, Ploik
;(P) Cr@cShoT


2972; Standby
2973; Control SilentMode
2974; Lock Keyboard
2975; Restart
2976; Restart phone
2977; Turn the phone off
2978; Enable Flight Mode
2979; Disable Flight Mode
1760; Return to standby

28.07.10, 18:32
 Req elfpack for w705 R1ga031 please.........

29.07.10, 22:10
;w705 SW-R1GA031
;ClearBass Equalizer add-on 2.0+
;New version
;Now, standard equalizer is not removed
;It is replaced only if elf is started
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) Cr@cShoT

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