W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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03.01.10, 17:26
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;When you delete a file(s) to remove the added possibility of dialogue to move the file(s) to the trash
;Clicking key "*" before the evidence - if confirmation file to go to the trash
;Pressing the key "#" in the dialog disposal - the entrance to the Trash
;To enter the "shopping cart" must enter the code the phone (standard "0000", see Options-> Security-> Locks-> Security phone)
;(!) Conflict with patch "Deleting file without confirmation"
;(!) HeapShift
;(c) KrasH
;(p) jamesbond22

06.01.10, 16:23
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change 4 th tab in the Activity Menu to File Manager.
;Now are folders:
;1: Camera album
;2: Sounds
;3: Images
;4: Videos
;5: Themes
;6: Other
;7: Personal information (here you can put files that are hidden from others).
;8: All Java
;9: Crash (folder RECYCLER), need to install patch "Crash".
;Folder "personal data":
;1: Create a folder system folder privat (on the phone or memory card)
;2: Put there your hidden files
;3: Reboot your phone and go through the Activity Menu
;v. 2
;No need to use free space in main. Rewriten code for proper work on db3150.
;Added ability to open folders by numeric buttons.
;Runned books in background and shortcuts are not closed on exit from DataBrowser.
;Added standard actions on browsing files.
;(!) For correct display all labels you should edit LNG file: 0x415 - "All Java files", 0x416 - "Crash"
;(c) yener90
;(e,p) jamesbond22

07.01.10, 20:02
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
;(i) Conflict with patch "Extracting frames on Video application by button "c""
;Edited in patch: Improved code, proper work
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) myrzeug

07.01.10, 21:35
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;On/off hour by pressing the joystick in Sleepmode.
;Pressing the joystick - appear hour, pressing it again will extinguish the screen.
;Now you can get out of Sleepmode when you press button l.softkey, numeric keypad and some others.
;(!) Conflict with patch "Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode"
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) jamesbond22

08.01.10, 21:55
;W595 R3EF001
;Установка подсветки из настроек при показе времени в Sleep Mode
;(c) KrasH
;(p) HeMo
10E64946: 0DD0 C046

09.01.10, 16:34
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Date below (the main screen) in the format "Sat, 09 Jan"
;Added a new item to the date format %a - day of the week
;(c) Lost
;(p) jamesbond22

14.01.10, 12:45
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Day of week shows everywhere along with the date.
;(c) Lost
;(p) jamesbond22

14.01.10, 19:57
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Logo Changer
;Place file "LOGO.ini" in folder "/other/ini" on phone memory
;Example of LOGO.ini:
;[LOGO]: 0x3;
;Use MobyExplorer for edit the file
;v1.0 Beta
;(c) k790alex
;(r) Sic
;(e,p) jamesbond22

What edited in patch: Changed code for proper work on A2.

Added 15.1.10 18:35

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Clear message "Profiles :..." when choosing profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;v. 1fix
;(c) IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) jamesbond22

15.01.10, 20:53
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Добавить кнопку OK к некоторым информационным окнам (MessageBox)
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) jamesbond22

[ Edited by jamesbond22 в 31.1.10 13:04 ]

16.01.10, 13:18
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Displays a process of transmission through BT in the status bar.
;Only works if the window "Sending" is minimalized.
;v 1.0
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) jamesbond22

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