W760 SW-R3EK002 : Патчи A2 : Форум |
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26.12.09, 02:16 |
the Change information about the file V2 works Fine Santae3 Thanks Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Remove background darkening in dialog windows ;(c) UltraShot ;(p) DaNiElCoRe 10A6B8B2: CCF153F9 C046C046 Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Remove message "Background changed" ;v. 2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) Joker XT ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Remove message "No sound" when turning on silent mode ;© Single ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Добавлено 26.12.09 20:58 Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Hide softkeys in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22. ;(p) DaNiElCoRe 10EB04B6: 01F0E7F9 01F0EFF9 Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Addition to patch "Volume "-" (long pressing) = click Play/Stop" ;Now the message "Continue playback through speakers?" does not appear ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;change the style of the gui "move to" and "copy to" ;(c) Mcming1989 ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 GENERIC VT_DE ;Remove "Use now?" After receiving the file ;(c) E1kolyan ;(P) DaNiElCoRe 118A48FE: 92F283FE2DE00398 201CFFF76BFD2CE0 [ Редактировано WAPD в 26.12.09 21:16 ] Добавлено 27.12.09 19:44 Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Activate the item "Photo Fix" in all folders ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) DaNiElCoRe 1188EB32: 02D0 02E0 Добавлено 2.1.10 18:52 Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Remove the restriction on the transfer of files in File Manager mode "Flight Mode" switched off Bluetooth ;v.1.0 fix ;(c) KrasH ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Remove message "Saved in Drafts" ;v. 1.1 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Addon for the patch "Copying / moving files in any folder" ;Possibility to display files *.txt, *.htm, *.html and *.swf in the 4th Tab ;(c) yener90 ;(e) IronMaster ;(p) DaNiElCoRe Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;change system font become italic ;and smaller fonts ;(c) bimasakti85 ;(p) DaNiElCoRe |
djanser: |
05.02.10, 01:06 |
Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Cambiar nombre de operador por el tuyo defaul "W760:)" ;Change operator name to own, defaul "W760:)" ;© Sic ;(p) DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3Ek002 Generic VT_DE ;Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" ;Cambia la manera de ver la ventana de "Modo de Reproduccion", "Visualizaciones" y "Ampliacion Stereo" ;(C) jamesbond22 ;(p) DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio ;Files named fm.amr record in the folder /card/other ;(!) If the sound recording is not, you must return the original sound driver ;Añadir la opcion "Grabar" en las Opciones del Radio ;El archivo grabado se llamara fm.arm en la carpeta /Card/other ;(!)Si el sonido grabado no aparece vuelve a poner el sound Driver original ;(c) KrasH ;(p) DJ ANSER Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Vibra Music ;Add item "Vibra Music" to Media Player ;When the item is actived On/Off short vibrations; ;(!) for turn off the Vibra Music is need kill AudioPlayerBook ;Añade la opción "Vibra Music" en el Walkman ;Cuando se activa ON/Off produce vibraciones cortas ;(!)Para apagar el Vibra Music es necesario cerrar el book de audio del walkman ;(c) K790Alex ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) DJ ANSER ;v. 1.1 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Sending empty sms's without confirmation ;Enviar SMS vacio sin pedir confirmacion ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p)DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3Eek002 Generic VT_DE ;In Walkman navigation icons in landscape mode does not disappear ;Los iconos de navegacion en el Walkman en modo de paisaje no desaparecen ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Longpress acceleration ;Aceleracion de teclas ;(c) dimonp25 ;(p) DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;W760 SW-R3EK002 Generic VT_DE ;Reduction of KEY-HOLD time ;Example: when writing, you don't need to hold "2" SO long time as before, to get a "2" instead of abc etc... ;La reducción de KEY-El tiempo de retención ;Ejemplo: al escribir, no es necesario mantener "2" tanto tiempo como antes, para obtener un "2" en lugar de ABC, etc .. ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) DJ ANSER ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc [ Edited by djanser в 19.2.10 15:31 ] |
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