W902 SW-R3EG004 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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19.10.10, 11:07
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Display free memory in the header tabs, File Manager
;V. 1
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) MiFa

31.10.10, 01:48
 Patch for W595 is ported wrongly, so i port it from W995.
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music Player, Alarm, Calendar, Timer, On/Off Bluetooth
;v 0.1 Beta
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
;(c) farid
;(r) mc_kibel
;(e) Antoniomun
;what edit?
;+Add icon in title
;+Add icons in items
;+Replaced timer with Mediacenter
;+Changed window style
;(p) MiFa
;Correct working on DB3150v2, port from DB3210
;Bt_Activation without state, changed to right softkey

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows
;Choose a style OneOfMany here:
;Main Menu -> Options ->OneOfMany
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) k790Alex, ZEN
;(p) MiFa

16.12.10, 21:42
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Displays the name of the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Add to display information about a file size of the file in bytes.
;Also works with folders and e-mail messages.
;(c) Tartes
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options"
;(c) yener90
;(p) MiFa

19.12.10, 19:10
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests/Keyboard"
;(c) ndt
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change Quick Access menu style
;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Exits to standby mode, Phone status, Close all java's, Close connection, Profiles and Update media.
;Item "Update media" occurs along with an animated icon.
;In the table of contents menu added Number of free Heap.
;In the absence of running applications and active compounds points are not active.
;At the close of Java, the connection or the inclusion Flaymod will question "Yes/No".
;For the activity bluetooth (reception or transmission) point is also not active.
;All icons, titles and captions for the items vary in accordance with the mode enabled.
;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display information about patch, mode landscape/portrait, full screen/normal screen.
;Ability to select menu orientation "Landscape" or "Portrait".
;Ability to select beettwen mode normal/mode full screen.
;Updating state of Quick Access menu.
;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c".
;(!) Should edit Lng file
;(!) Minimalize books
;v. 1.3
;© 2007KrasH, Ploik
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa


21.12.10, 22:37
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Delete MobileTV from phone and window MobileTV "The application uses too much memory"
;© matii_ziomek & Juhu07

28.12.10, 20:35
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Add support for any picture-extensions in VideoDJ
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) MiFa
11FFC8CC: 6A007000 2A000000

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change Alarm Melody Time
;(c) demion
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Connecting with mode Mass storage without confirmation
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa
109C5950: A8F032F80B49 00F024F810E0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Delete Icon Key in Java
;v 0.1
;(c) Adrian
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Deleting file without confirmation
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa
11803528: 9BF718FE2061 FFF756FFE6E7

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change color progress bar of record video
;(c) svinuk
;(p) MiFa
108DDE50: 0DC311FF 3399FFFF ;color

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change fonts in Camera
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear message "When you increase the brightness is reduced working time in standby mode"
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) MiFa
10DC96B0: 50 FF

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Choose time for showing new track indicator
;(c) McLaud
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove messages "Files copied" and "Files moved"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa
11816F58: 3028 30E0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear message "Ringtone changed"
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) MiFa
118096AE: 16D0 16E0 ;"Ringtone changed"

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear message:
;"First, write down the team. Burn now?" In standby mode
;"Teams are not recorded. Burn now?" and "voice dialing function included"
;"The function of dialing voice off"
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear off sleep mode when connecting/disconnecting the headset
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms
;Replace time for sms sound.
;(c) svinuk
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear messages about the low charge
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa
10BFD148: 2CD2 2CE0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove some messages
;v. 2
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Changing the background to orange at the entrance to the Camera
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) MiFa
108DD418: C9C9C9FF 3399FFFF ;color of background

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device"
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;At the time of the vibro/losses network, as well as in carrying out new searches network
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5)
;(c) jamesbond22
;(r) yener90
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Viewing incoming SMS with blocked keyboard
;View by pressing the book. "Activity"
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) MiFa

09.01.11, 21:27
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change Quick access menu
;Now showing items: Shutdown, Restart, Flight Mode, Bluetooth, Silent Mode, Keylock,Go to standby, Phone Status, Profiles, Games, Applications, Walkman, Radio, Play/Pause Music
;View heap in title
;Add icon title
;Remove popup in silent mode
;Ability change GUI in QAM
;Ability change orientation in QAM
;Ability change style in QAM
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;Ability show/hide icons
;Ability change function button C: open mainmenu/filemanager/calculator
;Ability on/off sound when entering QAM
;You can not select the item that is currently used.
;Automatically refreshes the page after selecting GUI/orientation/style
;In softkey: Code wallet, TrackID, credits patch
;Press hold activitymenu button in quick access menu - open normal quick access menu
;code optimized, fixed bug
;(!) Put file QAM.mp3 to folder card/other/ini
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) michlantecuhtli, jamesbond22
;(p,e) MiFa changed code for DB3150 with help Juhu07

;(!) Should Edit lng file:
0x197 ;Styl menu
0x198 ;Styl 1
0x199 ;Styl 2
0x19A ;Styl 3
0x19B ;Styl 4
0x19C ;Styl 5
0x19D ;Styl 6
0x19E ;Styl 7
0x19F ;Styl 8
0x1A0 ;Styl 9
0x1A3 ;Ten element jest już używany
0x1A4 ;Wybierz styl dla menu
0x1A5 ;Wybierz tryb wyświetlania dla menu
0x1A6 ;Pokaż
0x1A7 ;Ukryj
0x1A8 ;Funkcja klawisza'C'
0x1A9 ;Wyłącz telefon
0x1AA ;Uruchom ponownie
0x1ab ;Włącz tryb samolotowy 
0x1ac ;Wyłącz tryb samolotowy
0x1ad ;Powrót do trybu gotowości
0x1ae ;Wyłącz bluetooth
0x1af ;Włącz bluetooth
0x3ee ;Kontrola Bluetooth

[ Edited by MiFa в 6.2.11 20:28 ]

06.02.11, 01:43
;w902 SW-R3EG004
;DB3150 MessageBox BugFix
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(p) mick3

;w902 SW-R3EG004
;Browsing Web browser to full screen
;In the "Advanced-> Orientation" added item "Full Screen"
;Ver 1.0
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) mick3

;w902 SW-R3EG004
;Add softkey "Minimize" for sending files via Bluetooth
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) mick3

;w902 SW-R3EG004
;Vibration in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) mick3

;w902 SW-R3EG004
;Shorter showing elements in landscape mode in Video application
;(c) Kamilio
;(p) mick3

12029C40-12029C54 ;DB3150 MessageBox BugFix
11B77A90-11B77B18 ;Browsing Web browser to full screen
11B645C0-11B64600 ;Add softkey "Minimize" for sending files via Bluetooth
12055640-1205566C ;Vibration in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call

[ Редактировано mick343 в 7.2.11 20:20 ]

[ Редактировано mick343 в 7.2.11 20:31 ]

06.02.11, 13:31
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Disable popup message when silent mode is activated from quick access menu
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) MiFa
10DC8386 00F055FE C046C046

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Do not record dropped calls in a missed
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa
10E11944 E6F734FD E7F7ECF9

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Opening symbol table by long pressing button * or #
;(c) RandoM
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Playing mp3 file, which is recorded on the delivery of messages
;In silent mode, in Radio, in Player and in VideoPlayer is only vibration and not sound
;Place file notification.mp3 to folder tpapresetsystemsound
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa
;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Pulsating vibration when it comes sms and short vibration for incoming calls
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Quick access to the tpa and cardotherpatches through activity menu
;Activity Menu - Internet - Protected files(Bookmarks)
;(c) demion
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove Use now After receiving the file
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) MiFa
1181C1A2 97F2A5FA2DE00398 201CFFF76BFD2CE0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Reversed colors in sleepmode
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MiFa

[ Edited by MiFa в 6.2.11 11:34 ]

11.02.11, 19:46
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Short vibra on rececive/sending file, OBEX
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;The choice of colors when viewing SMS
;(c) Sic
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;The work of the radio in "Flight Mode"
;(c) CyberMaster
;(p) MiFa

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call
;Change "XXXXXXXX" to needed time in HEX, or write "00000000" if you dont wanna turn on timer
;Example - 30 sec = 30000 msec = 0x7530 hex = 30750000
;(c) RandoM
;(p) MiFa

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