W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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03.05.10, 15:21
;W595 R3EF001 GEN
;Addon for Privacy patch v.3
;Puts the password in "Contacts -> Optiom -> More -> Special Numbers -> Emergency no"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

126CF2B0 - 126CF2EF :Addon for Privacy patch v.3

05.05.10, 23:54
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Ability to choose the time of illumination in sleep mode (1-8 sec.)
;Settings / Brightness / Options / Time
;(C) Ploik
;(p) blacklizard

12797650 - 12797908 :Ability to choose the time of illumination in sleep mode (1-8 sec.)

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Lock the keypad always when close Slider
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) blacklizard
11B127E0: 498A8E10 D98A8E10

08.05.10, 15:25
;W595 R3EF001
;Управление плеером и радио с помощью гарнитуры
;Одно нажатие - следующая песня/станция
;Два и более нажатий -выключение плеера/радио
;Если не включено радио или плеер, нажатие включает то, что установленно на кнопку музыка
;(!) Необходимо включить голосовой набор
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BC029D0)
;v. 4
;(с) IronMaster
;(p) xGhost

12797910-127979A0 ;Управление плеером и радио с помощью гарнитуры, v.4

0x4BC029D0 ;Управление плеером и радио с помощью гарнитуры, v.4

P.S. HeapShift брал из последних, т.к. нигде не указан последний занятый!

13.05.10, 03:08
 Used space,
12797910-12798910 - EXIF viewer

;EXIF viewer
;Show EXIF from any picture(jpeg) which taken by camera or pc software
;Add 20 items in JPEG information:
;1.X Resolution
;2.Y Resolution
;3.Resolution Unit
;4.Camera Make
;5.Camera Model
;8.Focal Length
;10.Exposure Time
;11.ISO Speed
;12.Exposure Compensation
;13.Flash Mode
;14.Metering Mode
;15.Light Source
;16.Exposure Mode
;17.White Balance
;18.Scene Capture Type
;19.Subject Distance
;20.Date/Time Original (Date Picture Taken)
;v 3.0
;© Amir_82111

This is information about used free space in patch.this patch is paid

Buy !

[ Редактировано Thilina в 13.5.10 21:53 ]

14.05.10, 13:28
 Проверяйте,мои первые патчи...
; W595 SW-R3EF001
; Changing the rhythm of vibration when an incoming call
; Vibrate short vibration, and with small gaps between

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Block display the name of an operator SIM-card
;Title is taken from the network operator
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) skill_boy

[ Редактировано skill_boy в 14.5.10 12:57 ]

Добавлено 14.5.10 17:52

Test this...
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Dont close on/off menu after select an option
;(p) skill_boy

Добавлено 14.5.10 17:57

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Transparent background on windows "Information"
;© jamesbond22
;(p) skill_boy

Добавлено 14.5.10 20:41

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Убираем Мастер настроек при смене SIM-карты
;disable setupwizard on simcard change
;© den_po
;(p) skill_boy

Добавлено 14.5.10 20:56

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Убрать сообщение "Телефон готов для работы с компьютером"
;Clear message Phone is ready to work with computers
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) skill_boy

Добавлено 14.5.10 21:08

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Phone works without finalization (custom pack).
;(c) McG
;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa
;(p) skill_boy

19.05.10, 09:10
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it
;© K790alex

Added 19.5.10 10:12

here i have changed patch body for remove conflict with exif viewer v3.0
;W595 R3EF001
;Office player and radio with headset
;One click - next song / station
;Two or more clicks on / off player / radio
;If not included radio or player, pressing includes what is installed on the button music
;(!) Should include voice dialing
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BC029D0)
;v. 4
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xGhost
;patch body edited for remove conflict with patch Exif viewer v3.0
;it's body is the same as v4.5 e by jb22 so use one of these

20.05.10, 08:57
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;ClearBass Equalizer Elf add-on
;Redirects from equalizer position to elf

Добавлено 20.5.10 19:20

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add-on for "Copying / moving files in any folder patch" by Ironmaster
;Change the icons used in both tabs
;(C) thomassafca - Change the icons of Elfs tab
;(e,p) Thilina
;(i)in xxxx place put the image id you want to replace in reveresed bytes

[ Редактировано Thilina в 20.5.10 21:31 ]

Добавлено 20.5.10 21:34

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add-on for "View logs at 5 tab Challenge" by Ironmaster
;Change the icons used in call logger tab
;in "xxxx" place put the image id you want to replace in reveresed bytes

Made this so it wont affect with calenders appoinments tab :-)

[ Edited by Thilina в 7.7.10 05:52 ]

20.05.10, 20:18
;W595 R3EF001
;Save Received music files in "Received music" in music folder
;(i) Works only when you insert M2,if not inserted musics saved in music folder
;(i) roll back patch "Replace the folder the web page files to the folder Received files" (C) Therion
;(i) cumment this lines if use patch "Replace the folder the web page files to the folder Received files"
;11E583F8: F82BDA11 1a8A7912
;original idea by Therion

12798B00...12798B30 Save Received music files in "Received music" in music folder

20.05.10, 23:10
;W595 R3EF001
;Add tag "Play / Stop" on the average in the player software
;(c) E1kolyan
;(P) Thilina

Добавлено 21.5.10 02:40

;W595 R3EF001
;When viewing the video in the File Manager software available to the left "Options"
;(C) E1kolyan
;(P) Thilina
; PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

I was lazy to search if this is ported or not,so ported.Patch works good,I'm lazy to take sshot :-P

; W595 R3EF001
; Moving StandbyTicker
; © KrasH
; (p) Thilina

better than jamesbond22 big patch :-P

;W595 R3EF001
;permanent sms remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;(P) Thilina
;v2 (+unified message editor)

;W595 R3EF001
;Off Activity-menu
;To use with elf BookManager
;(c) Sic
;(p) Thilina

;W595 R3EF001
;Show unrounded brightness percentages.(77%)
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Thilina
10DC1200: 00F07EF90022111C401D0A2358430006000E C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046

;W595 R3EF001
;Remove the clock next to the battery
;(c) Sic
;(p) Thilina
10D8DAB8: 01F0E8FA C046C046

Not sure these are ported,lazy to search so ported my self :-P

;W595 R3EF001
;Transparent background on windows "Information"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Thilina
109C90FE: 6D32 C046

;W595 R3EF001
;Remove time/date in standby
;(c) Zormax
;(p) Thilina

[ Edited by Thilina в 7.7.10 05:53 ]

24.05.10, 19:21
;W595 SW-R3EF001 LD
;Delete all messages after installing java
;All the messages like "save in: games or appz folder"; "saved in memory stick" or "run now" will be deleted
;!All applications or games save in the folder games
;© yener90
;(p) willi_flow

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