K850 SW-R1FA035 : Патчи A2 : Форум |
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kubus92: |
04.02.10, 20:50 |
Патч: ;K850i R1FA035 ;Multimedia does not show up when the button is pressed "Back" in Walkman ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Vitor_Boss 1156B9A2: 00 01 |
LathandredCrusader: |
05.02.10, 13:42 |
To patchers: There are a lot of patches dont work!... Try your patches before sharing Or if you dont know how to do, dont port any patch!.... (!)Share the advanced patches with making phone firm bold Fixed: Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Adjust the brightness of the keys "Volume + / - " ;Ekran parlaklik ayarini + - tuslariyla yapma ;v.1fix ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Work SleepMod\'a only when the keyboard locked ;Uyku moduna sadece tuslar kilitlenirse girsin ;© Alex ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change information about the file ;Now in the "Location:" indicates the full path ;Dosyalarin bilgi bilgi bolumunda yerlerini de gosterme ;v. 2 ;© Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove background on Radio ;Seffaf radyo ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Activate the item "Photo Fix" in all folders ;fotograf duzenlemeyi her klasor icin etkinlestir ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove background darkening in dialog windows ;Mesaj Pencerelerinin arka planindaki kararmayi kapatma ;© UltraShot ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;More lines in SMS Editor ;SMS duzenleyicide daha fazla satir ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Transparent background on windows "Information" ;"bilgi" penceresinin arka planini seffaflastirma ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Reversed colors in sleepmode ;Uyku modundaki renkleri ters Cevir ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change size of font title text on GUI\\'s TabMenuBar ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Turn off light sensor ;Isik sensorunu iptal etme ;v. 1fix ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Changing to blue the text "Press 0 for help" ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change color progress bar of record video ;© svinuk ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 13.2.10 09:27 ] |
Evil-Racer: |
06.02.10, 11:20 |
Переставьте патч. Немного поправил, теперь FaceWarp и прочие работают корректно Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Полный доступ файловым менеджерам на яве в FS телефона ;Внимание! Удалив/переместив нужные файлы, вы можете лишить работоспособности телефон! ;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone ;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;v2.0 ;Папка /picture и /DCIM не убирается, теперь должно работать правильно с FaceWarp и другими. ;Folder /picture and /DCIM not removed, now should work correctly with FaceWarp and other ;© supertrubka.org , neoDimm ;(p) Evil-Racer ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc |
LathandredCrusader: |
06.02.10, 13:22 |
To all: Pathes working!... Like my Others Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF" ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Work SleepMod\'a everywhere except deployed java ;© Alex ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;Original idea by Sic ;v 2.0 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Dont close on/off menu after select an option ;© MILAD ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Return to standby by hit and holding Activity key ;© Tartes ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;Original idea by Sic ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Work radio in "Flight Mode" ;© CyberMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Leaves on the list of sending only Bluetooth ; ©IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Activate settings item for all applications ;© RandoM ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Delete Icon Key in Java ;v 0.1 ;© Adrian ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Deleting folders without confirmation ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Clear message "Phone is ready to work with a computer" ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader 113F6384: 67F262F9 C046C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card/phone) ;next to the name of the file manager ;© PSIX ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Save messages in Drafts without confirmation ;© GVELF a.k.a. Kaa ;(p) Lathander Crusader 11242b90: 2AD0 2AE0 [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 6.2.10 14:03 ] Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Show entertainment, messaging, organizer and settings menu in full screen ;v1.0 ;© Mojsa ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c" ;Edited in patch: Improved code, proper work ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(e) myrzeug ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Clear Window On. Menu cat. Appears when you start your phone. Mode Flight mode phone ... " ;Clear message "Menu Mode" Flight mode "will be displayed when you turn on the phone." ;© Se-MaG ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows ;v.1 ;Styles (00...08) ;(c) K790Alex ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;change the style of the gui "move to" and "copy to" ;© Mcming1989 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove message when saving picture in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1159907c: FFF7C2F8 C046C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change time of showing PlayQueue ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1156C7C8: 8813 1027 ;time Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Show scrollbar in PlayQueue ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1156F670: 00 01 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Add button "OK" to some of the information windows (MessageBox) ;v. 1 ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 7.2.10 14:52 ] [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 7.2.10 14:53 ] Добавлено 8.2.10 10:37 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Add informations about files mp3 ;Added items Bitrate, Samplerate and Channel mode ;© Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Disable popup message when silent mode is activated from quick access menu. ;(c) hippy dave ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115DAD9E: E5F78FF8 C046C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change Equalizer border color to a desired color ;(c) jasiek ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1158CF54: 0000FFFF 3399FFFF;color orange Добавлено 9.2.10 17:24 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Adding to the Music Application item "Radio" ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;(corrected) Delete the patch old patch.. I have edited this patch. Now Everything works properly. Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Adds item "Restarting" on Quick Access Menu ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) maciekbronkz ;(e) Lathander Crusader (Corrected the text "Retrive" to "Restart" for K850i) Record voice from radio Запись голоса по радио Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio ;Files named radio.amr record in the folder card/music ;(!) If the sound recording is not, you must return the original sound driver ;© KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove new track indicator completely ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115bf6cc: 14D0 14E0 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove time and icon alarm in standby ;© Alex ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115C6218: A5F0BEFA C046C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove "Use now?" After receiving the file ;© E1kolyan ;(p) Lathander Crusader 10feba38: C1F13EFB2DE00298 201CFFF7AAFD2CE0 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings. ;© SiNgle ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115db11e: 08D3 08E0 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Save videos made in VideoDJ as *.mp4 ;© Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader 11BF0D70: 3300670070 6D00700034 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove SMS Reply Request ;©IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1125C3B5: B5 47 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Delete Games and Applications from file manager ;© diezil ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;FM Radio always stereo ;© Jockep ;(p) Lathander Crusader 11336390: 07D0 C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Font color to display a new track is white ;© Sic ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Increase name of the bluetooth to 32 ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked. ;© Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader 113CD310: 3131320039313100 0000000000000000 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove java security restrictions ;© the_laser ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change color progress bar of record video ;© svinuk ;(p) Lathander Crusader 114A9E14: 0DC311FF 5093F0FF ;color Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Off Activity-menu ;To use with Bookmanager elf ;© Sic ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 10.2.10 16:24 ] Добавлено 11.2.10 10:32 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Clear message "When you increase the brightness is reduced working time in standby mode" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115DBFC0: 50 FF Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms ;Replace time for sms sound. ;© svinuk ;(e,p) Lathander Crusader ;(What edited: new time values) ;1123DEE0: 10270000 60EA0000;60 Seconds ;1123DEE0: 10270000 15333300;Longer than 6 Minutes 30 Seconds ;1123DEE0: 10270000 905F0100;90 Seconds ;1123DEE0: 10270000 C8AF0000;45 Seconds Добавлено 12.2.10 09:16 Not compatible with the heapshift patch.. But if you want I can make it compatible with it.. Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Office player and radio through Headsets ;One pressing - next song / station ;If not included radio or player, pressing includes that set the button music ;(!)You need to include voice dialing ;(!)HeapShift (29CB17D0-29CB17D2) ;v.4 ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;(!) Not compatible with heapshift patch Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Delete Games and Applications from file manager ;© diezil ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 12.2.10 10:04 ] Добавлено 13.2.10 08:53 New Patches. All Works.... Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Move characters and smiles in table ;(c) Pakoko ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Viewing Music application in full screen ;Can place items on the bottom of the screen ;Softkeys do not appear ;v.3 ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) farid (make work on A2v1) ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Viewing Music application in full screen ;Can place items on the bottom of the screen ;v.2 ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) farid (make work on A2v1) ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Hourly sound (in begin of each hour make sound) ;In the folder / tpa / preset / system / sound file to Nhour.mp3 ;© Sic ;(e) MILAD (Make it work on A2!) ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;"Sony ericsson ROCKS!" when you type 1,2,3,4 ;(ServiceMenu-->ModelInfo-->Press 1,2,3,4) ;(c) Juhu07 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ; Change the location of items when you connect via USB ; Now items are as follows: mass storage, phone mode, media transfer, print ;(c) Tartes ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Добавлено 14.2.10 09:15 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to use system sounds with mp3 extension instead of mid or amr ;(!) connecting.3gp is not included because it has not been defined in main ;© Lathander Crusader |
-DeJaVu-: |
17.02.10, 16:05 |
Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Вибра при поднятии трубки на другом конце при исходящем вызове ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) -DeJaVu- a.k.a -BourNe- |
LathandredCrusader: |
18.02.10, 10:38 |
Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Removing Windows "SMS deliverd" in 5 seconds ;v. 1 ;© IronMaster ;(e) MILAD ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call ;Change "XXXXXXXX" to needed time in HEX, or write "00000000" if you dont wanna turn on timer ;Example - 30 sec = 30000 msec = 0x7530 hex = 30750000 ;© RandoM ;(p) Lathander Crusader Добавлено 19.2.10 08:40 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Adding to the Radio item "WAKMAN" ;(c) ZEN ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to cancel the sending of SMS-messages ;When sending out a window "Sending messages" ;To this window is added to the "Cancel" on the right softkey ;+ Added item "Close" on the joystick ;v. 2 ;© Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 19.2.10 08:42 ] Добавлено 21.2.10 12:23 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Play sound file when shutdown phone ;Place file shutdown.mp3 to folder /tpa/preset/system/settings/audio ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) MiFa ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change the background color and color of text in StandbyInput ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) myrzeug ;(P) Lathander Crusader Добавлено 22.2.10 10:52 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone ;Added viewing of current percent of charging battery ;v. 2 ;© RandoM ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to set the Radio on "Fullscreen" and back to "Normal Screen" ;Without a softkeys ;(!) Conflict with patch "Show Radio in fullscreen" ;© Ploik ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Separate level of brightness for video playback. ;%100 brightness level when the video is played (offset 12222f93- 64) ;%60 brightness level when the video is not played (offset 12222f93 - C2) ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 22.2.10 11:05 ] [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 22.2.10 11:26 ] Добавлено 24.2.10 15:29 Патч: ;K850i SW-R1FA035 ;Adding the ability to add other files to the playlist ;Now you can add to the playlist files with extension amr, mid, midi, mp3, wma, m4a, 3gp and mp4 ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;RF on/off reject mode with press button "on/off" when incomming call ;© Amir_82111 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Chose the time of back-light ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Show "TPA/USER/SYSTEM" and "CARD/SYSTEM" in File Manager ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader Добавлено 25.2.10 11:54 So usefull.. Патч: ;K850i R1FA035 ;Office of Videoplayer ;1 - PlayMode ;2 - vol + ;3 - VideoSize ;4 - Zoom ;5 - vol - ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Management of FM radio on your keyPad ;#-Minimize ;7-Track-id ;9-RDS ;5-Channel selection ;2-Volume + ;8-Volume - ;4-The previous channel ;6-The next channel ;0-Move channel ;v.1 ;(c) ilmir5555 ;(r) Joker XT ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 25.2.10 12:09 ] |
Vitor_Boss: |
28.02.10, 18:03 |
Sorry i'm new there. Патч: ;k850 SW-R1FA035 ;Add softkey "Minimize" for sending files via Bluetooth ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) Vitor_Boss Патч: ;K850i R1FA035 ;Multimedia does not show up when the button is pressed "Back" in Walkman ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Vitor_Boss Патч: ;K850i SW-R1FA035 ;Move MediaCenter configs to card. ;Now settings folder: card/other/mediacenter/ ;(c) Vitor_Boss Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability On / Off. file transfer ; Settings - Connection - My phone's name - Features - Cancel sending ; v2 Now works with selected files ;(c) ZEN ;(p) Evil-Racer ;(r) Ploik ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Патч: ;k850 R1FA035 ;Ability to display Quick Access Menu with the button Activity ;Short press button Activity = Activity Menu ;Long press button Activity = Quick Access Menu ;(c) myrzeug ;(i) jamesbond22 ;(p) ???? Патч: ;K850i SW-R1FA035 ;Get features of Video application in File manager ;(c) yener90 ;(p) Vitor_Boss Патч: ;K850i R1FA035 ;Fully operational phone without a SIM-card ;Everything works except the functions that require cellular communication ;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree ;v.1 ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) Vitor_Boss Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Renaming files with the extension ;Now when rename shows full filename including expansion ;(!) Fix filename sometimes not appear. ;v.2.1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(e) Vitor_Boss ;(p) Evil-Racer ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Добавлено 28.2.10 12:05 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Extended character table. Added 45 characters. ;v1.1 ;© CyberMaster ;(p) Vitor_Boss |
LathandredCrusader: |
28.02.10, 21:09 |
Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes ;v2 ;Now works with photos ;(c) Tartes ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Vibra when connecting / disconnecting the headset ;© MoneyMasteR aka DoCent ;(p) Lathander Crusader I haven't tried this. Please some body try and gime me feedback.. Патч: ;k850i SW-R1FA035 ;In Walkman navigation icons in landscape mode does not disappear ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 28.2.10 19:55 ] Добавлено 1.3.10 11:53 Патч: ;K850 R1FA035 ;Complement for the patch "Copying / moving files in any folder (v.1 © IronMaster)" ;Change the icons of the folders TPA/ system/ IFS/ boot/ SYS/ in the 4th tab ;(c) ploik ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Name and select your profile in the second line operator ;If the second line displays the message the operator, then the profile name will be on the third ;(c) Ploik ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change Gui of startup menu to fullscreen ;Removed softkeys ;v1.0 ;© Mojsa ;® MaPkiZzz aka Vital ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Playing a sound when the startup menu appears ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850i SW-R1FA035 ;Change GUI File Manager ;ver 1.0 ;(c) Therion ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to maintain contact, not to enter a name ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) Lathander Crusader 10F2928A: 22D0 C046 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA045 ;Clear message "Press" * "and unlock" ;And the message "Now press unlock" ;© IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader Добавлено 1.3.10 19:44 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Changes on window "Channels" in Radio ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) farid ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it ;© K790alex ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;v.2 Добавлено 3.3.10 15:07 New patches: 3 March 2010 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove messages "Files copied" and "Files moved" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 10fe6eb4: 3028 30E0 Патч: ;K850 R1FA035 ;Change Gui of On/Off menu to full screen ;(C) Mojsa ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115DABE8: 0221 0421 Патч: ;K850 R1FA035 ;Change style of On/Off menu ;(C) Mojsa ;(p) Lathander Crusader 115DABF8: 0021 0421 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove messages in SMS ;v. 2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove some messages with OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer etc.) ;(c) E1kolyan ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Replace positions items "Turn off" and "Search" in Radio ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove messages in Radio ;"Delete channel?", "Delete all channels?", "Replace channel?". ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary" ;Remove message "is Added in my dictionary" ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change font size in phone status ;© WolosanoWsk ;(p) Lathander Crusader 1166f28a: 36D0 36E0 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Changing the font size for the time in recording video ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 114A9B3E: 2B 12;size of font Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to customize the ringing volume and on / off the growing call to silent mode ;(!)If you adjust the volume, increasing the call is not disconnected ;v.2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 R1FA035 ;Removing restrictions on the number of colors icons on the screen Walkman ;This includes navigational icons, loop icon, shuffle icon and equalizer icons ;(c)jamesbond22 ;(p)Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Vibration instead of profile change message ;(!)Roll back patch "Clear message "Profiles :..." when choosing profile" ;© IronMaster, Joker XT ;(e) MILAD ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850i R1FA035 ;megabass HZ(250.1000.4000.16000) to clearbass HZ(400.2500.6300.16000) ;Original idea by machao44 ;© blacklizard ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 8.3.10 17:02 ] |
parfen: |
04.03.10, 01:12 |
Проверено! Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Blinking LED flash for incoming call ;v. 2 ;(!) heapshift ;© IronMaster ;(p) blacklizard |
LathandredCrusader: |
04.03.10, 17:45 |
Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Playing a sound when the startup menu appears ;Playing custom Sound, instead of Internal Sound ;Put "StartupSound.mp3" at "/tpa/preset/system/sound" ;© jamesbond22 ;(e) farid ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ; FlashLight on / off by desired key (+/-) ; (!) HeapShift ; © SiNgle ; (p) blacklizard ;Lathander Crusader added new key values... Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Clear some messages ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Now java is installed in the phone's memory by default ;(!)Re install the orginal aplications of k850i after this patch ;Ver 2 Fix ;(c) McG ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 4.3.10 16:10 ] Добавлено 6.3.10 16:25 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Change the look of ON/OFF ;Comment the necessary ;© Therion ;(p) Lathander Crusader ;115DABF8: 0021 0221; style ;115DABF0: 0121 0021; add/remove title Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Remove message "When turning off Bluetooth, connected devices will disconnect. Continue?" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader 10eb23de: 9DF3D3F8A061A021 00F021F802F056F8 Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Faster scrolling new track in StandbyTicker ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Lathander Crusader Патч: ;K850 SW-R1FA035 ;Switching between radio stations with the +/- volume keys ;"Volume +"(HOLD) - +1 station from list ;"Volume -"(HOLD) - -1 station from list ;(c) Joker XT ;(r) IronMaster ;(p) Lathander Crusader [ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 6.3.10 16:34 ] |
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