W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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28.05.11, 16:11
;Show volume percentage on volume bar
;(c) Therion
;(r) MaPkiZzz
;(p) blacklizard
; Update2

1278A010 - 1278A19F: Show volume percentage on volume bar

07.06.11, 09:55
;Show volume percentage on volume bar
;(c) Therion
;(r) MaPkiZzz
;(p) blacklizard
; Update2

Now you can edit text color and text border color ;-)
1278A04E-1278A190 - Show volume percentage on volume bar

;Blinking Orange LED while charging
;Stop Charging when battery is full/unplug charger
;v.2 (menu.ml version)
;(c) blacklizard
;Add to menu.ml
;<element id="OLEDEditor_Id">
;<label type="name"><text>OLED Editor</text>
;</label><link type="internal" />
;Led id's:
;0 - display
;1 - top row of the keyboard
;2,3,4 - the bottom row of the keyboard

Led id's:

menu.ml addition

1278A1C0-1278ABA0 - Blinking Orange LED while charging

07.06.11, 11:26

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;copying / moving files in any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL
;Added ability to copy in a folder tpa and ifs, elf
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Added ability to rename a jar and jad files
;Added ability to display hidden files (Options -> Advanced)
;Added ability to display file extensions (Options -> Advanced)
;Added ability to change attributes of files / folders (Information -> Change)
;Added ability to copy / move folders
;(!) remove "Displays files with the extension"
;(!) remove "Rename files with extension"
;v. 2.1.1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Thilina

126D0000-126D1600 - Copying / moving files in any folder V2.1.1

Thank you Ironmaster for this great patch =)
(r) blacklizard & buhh :-)

[ Edited by Thilina в 7.6.11 14:50 ]

09.06.11, 06:04

;W595 R3EF001
;Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers
;1 incl. - phone / card, 2 incl. - card, 3 incl. - Phone
;Added label "FREE:" On the first tab
;Completely rewritten
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Thilina

Added 11.6.11 14:31

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Auto hidden icon when rottating image
;(c) Grinvich
;(p) Thilina


11.06.11, 12:30
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;All functions are now in the Options / Settings GUI
;+Ability to change GUI mode in 4 and 5 tab (c) HotRabbit
;+Ability change orientation in file manager
;+Ability show/hide softkeys
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x32E3 - "Activity Menu Style"/Styl menu czynnosci
;0x32E9 - "Softkeys"/Przyciski
;0x3316 - "Show softkeys"/Pokaz przyciski
;0x3317 - "Hide Softkeys"/Ukryj przyciski
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) HotRabbit, Therion
;(p) buhh83

Thanks to Thilina for testing

13.06.11, 16:41
;W595 R3EF001
;Supplement to the patch "Copying/moving files in any folder v2.1.1"
;Changing icons of folders tpa, system, IFS, BOOT & SYS in the 4th tab
;Changing icons of folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini & DLL in the 5th tab
;(c) Ploik, myrzeug
;(p) Thilina

used icons

14.06.11, 13:14
;Show/Hide softkeys in Video application
;Go to: -> Video_Application -> Keyboard
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) Thilina
;0x32E9 ; Softkeys
;0x3317 ; Hide Softkeys
;0x3316 ; Show Softkeys


15.06.11, 12:33
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Hide/show softkeys in mainmenu
;In flash, normal and submenu
;-> MainMenu -> Options
;(i) need patch Choice of style and mode of presentation of items v.3.2.1
;(c) thomassafca, Antoniomun
;(p) Thilina

(i)need patch

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Choice of style and mode of presentation of items
;the main menu, choose your style and modes:
;Main Menu - Options, select Do not have used the item
;information about the selected item is updated in accordance with the choice
;(!) You must add the following tag in the *. lng:
;0x32E8 - "Styles"
;0x32DA - "Style 1"
;0x32DB - "Style 2"
;0x32DC - "Style 3"
;0x32DD - "Style 4"
;0x32DE - "Style 5"
;0x32DF - "Style 6"
;0x32E0 - "Style 7 (Default)"
;0x32E6 - "Screen Mode"
;0x32E7 - "This item is already in use"
;0x32E1 - "Choose your style main menu"
;0x32E2 - "Selecting the main menu"
;0x32E3 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x2CCC - "Fullscreen"
;0x2CEC - "NormalScreen"
;(c) ZEN, jamesbond22, D3mon
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN
;(e) albertnet3 (thanks anarkes for fix minor bugs)
;add Style GUI ActivityMenuStyle
;Restore ability to select items
;wiht keys in books affected for the patch.

15.06.11, 16:50
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change colors in progressbar of Walkman
;(c) D3mon & thomassafca
;(p) Thilina
;Color format BBGGRRTT

16.06.11, 01:35
;W595 R3EF001
;Add items to the list in use. "as"
;In making files via BT or downloading from the Internet
;Added "Delete", "Rename" and "Information"
;The order of the items varies below
;+ add / remove items (see list below)
;ver 1.1
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) buhh83

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