C510 SW-R1HA035 : Патчи A2 : Форум |
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farid: |
31.10.19, 15:28 |
Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;Fm Radio Layout Editor ;- Ability to hide/show all items. ;- Ability to change coordinates of each item in realtime. ;- Ability to choose Text color, font, etc. ;- Ability to use color or Theme Image on the background. ;v. 1.5 ;(c) farid FPATH: /usb/other/ZBin/Config/FmRadio Код: Images: BACKGROUND_ICN.png RDS_ACTIVE_ICN.png RDS_INACTIVE_ICN.png AF_ON_ICN.png AF_OFF_ICN.png MONO_ICN.png STEREO_ICN.png FREQUENCY_INDICATOR_ICN.png ARROW_LEFT_IDLE_ICN.png ARROW_LEFT_MANUAL_ICN.png ARROW_LEFT_AUTOSEEK_ICN.png ARROW_RIGHT_IDLE_ICN.png ARROW_RIGHT_MANUAL_ICN.png ARROW_RIGHT_AUTOSEEK_ICN.png ARROW_UP_IDLE_ICN.png ARROW_UP_ACTIVE_ICN.png ARROW_DOWN_IDLE_ICN.png ARROW_DOWN_ACTIVE_ICN.png Change coordinates, font size, font style and the type of text stroke occur in real-time! Код: Management Key: 2, 8 - to move up / down 4, 6 - move left / right 5 - save the changes 0 - undo changes C - change font style (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) DB32XX Only Joystick Up / Down - increase / decrease the font size and the frequency indicator Joystick left / right - increase / decrease the width frequency indicator and Text Joystick - Type of Overlay |
farid: |
01.11.19, 05:05 |
Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "Goto Shortcut". ;You can choose 3 shortcut type with your own choice ;-Shortcut ;-Java ;-Elf ;-Event ;-Folder ;v 3.5 ;+Ability to create, edit, or delete shortcut ;(!) Shortcut add fix ; ;(c) farid |
farid: |
10.11.19, 15:59 |
Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;Change stadart Equaliser to Clearbass Equaliser ;Add 6-band to configure audio output ;(c) farid ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc FPATH: /usb/other/ZBin/Config/Equalizer Happy patching Added 12.11.19 12:24 Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;Ability to redraw VolumeControl with custom skin ;Use "VolumeSkinEditor.elf" to edit ;(c) blacklizard ;v1.5 Optimized code ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc Changes way to redraw VolumeControl GUI Using same Address |
farid: |
13.11.19, 16:44 |
Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;MusicApplication Shortcuts ;Ability to set shortcut to any softkey in the "MusicApplication" on the keys (0,..,9) ;Added softkey in the MusicApplication->Settings->Shortcut ;Button diez "#" to minimize MusicApplication ;(!) remove patch "Management buttons in Music Application" ;v.1 ;(c) farid ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc |
vetel: |
27.06.22, 22:41 |
понадобился вдруг этот патч, а в теме нету, портировал через winhex Патч: ;C510 SW-R1HA035 ;Отключить включение подсветки по нажатию кнопок громкости в спящем режиме ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) vetel ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc |
farid: |
16.08.24, 15:00 |
Патч: ;C510 R1HA035 ;Disable particle effect on Media Center ;(c) farid ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc 142C9724: 896A 496A |
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