W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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22.08.11, 03:53
 Exams are over and free times ;-)

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;That allows users to set phone password on File manager, phonebook, messages, call lists, keyboard, voice calls, Notes, Tasks, Bluetooth
;Allows you to select Black / white list
;Setting a password is carried in the Settings -> General -> Security -> Locks -> Protecting your phone -> Security -> Privacy Policy
;As a keyboard password can be used any password
;(!) Must revert patch "whitelist turns black"
;v. 3.2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Thilina

12794780-12795C80 - Privacy 3.2

Patch updated,download again

[ Edited by Thilina в 22.8.11 23:16 ]

22.08.11, 13:12

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;SMS Backup v2.5 fix
;(i) default Backup file saved in "/card/system/SMSBackup"
;(i) if put empty text then Backup folder back to default
;(!) Add to menu.ml element id="SMS_Backup_Patch_Id"
;(c) Laura_P
;(e) farid
;(p) Thilina
;(i) default Backup file saved in "/card/system/SMSBackup"
;(i) if put empty text then Backup folder back to default
;Original idea by mcming1989


What new's???
+Added auto reboot after Restore SMS
+Added ability to delete backup file at list menu by pressing button "C"
+Added question before Restore sms
+Added question before Delete backup file
+Added ability to choose Backup Folder
+Changed Gui List Interface
+Code rewritten and optimized for A2

(r)buhh83 =)

12796410-12796FA0 - SMS Backup v2.5 fix

menu.ml addon


[ Edited by Thilina в 23.8.11 23:38 ]

22.08.11, 20:27
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Убрать черную обводку с белых софтов в м/медии и т.п.
;(c) HotRabbit
1080CB98: 029B 0023

[ Редактировано a6b6 в 23.8.11 03:28 ]

22.08.11, 21:09

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Copying / moving files in any folder v.2.1.2
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders Tpa, System (phone), System (card), IFS, Boot, Sys, Patches
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL
;Added ability to copy a folder Tpa, IFS, Elfs, Patches
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Added ability to rename a jar and jad files
;Added ability to display hidden files (Options -> Advanced -> Hidden Files)
;Added ability to display file extensions (Options -> Advanced -> Extensions (files)
;Added ability to rename files with the extensions (Options -> Advanced -> Extensions (name)
;Added ability to disable the tab "Internal FS" (Options -> Advanced -> Internal FS)
;Added ability to disable the tab "Elf" (Options -> Advanced -> Elfs)
;Added ability to set Gui full screen (Options -> Advanced -> Fullscreen)
;Added ability to disable softkeev (Options -> Advanced -> Softkey)
;Added password protection window change settings "Advanced" (use a phone code)
;Added ability to disable the password (Options -> Advanced -> Protection)
;Ability to change attributes of files / folders (Information -> Change)
;Added ability to copy / move folders
;(!) Revert "Rename the file with the extension"
;(!) Revert "Displays files with the extension"
;(c) IronMaster
;Supplement to the patch "copying / moving files in any folder v. 2.1.2"
;Changing icons of folders tpa, system, IFS, BOOT, sys, Patches tab "Internal FS"
;Change Folder Icons ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL tab "Elfs"
;(c) ploik
;Add Ten submenu to 5° tab v2.2 (c) Mcming1989
;(e) Se-MaG, HotRabbit
;(p) Thilina


127DB000-127DD4D0 - Copying / moving files in any folder v.2.1.2

ps. small thing in privacy patch is corrected,download again =)

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

scr22-17-47.png scr22-17-47.png (309.93 kb; 797 hits) Скачать файл

24.08.11, 15:38
 free space moved

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;That allows users to set phone password on File manager, phonebook, messages, call lists, keyboard, voice calls, Notes, Tasks, Bluetooth
;Allows you to select Black / white list
;Setting a password is carried in the Settings -> General -> Security -> Locks -> Protecting your phone -> Security -> Privacy Policy
;As a keyboard password can be used any password
;(!) Must revert patch "whitelist turns black"
;v. 3.2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Thilina

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add ability to disable / change the layout Standby
;(Operator, notes, clock, date, timer, a call, alarm clock, step counter for w580)
;You can configure patch to add a new item in menu.ml phone
;It must be added to menu.ml
;In any place where you want to see this menu settings
;(C) Ploik & MaPkiZzz

24.08.11, 16:11
 +.Thread cleaned.
+.Used space list added to 1st post.
+.1st post update..
+.From now on please follow free space list in first post,and believe me any post contains mismatching patch will be deleted.Took me lot of time to make that list and thank you jamesbond for not making the list.
+.In 1st post marked mismatch patches need moving free space,feel free to do it and I will do few when I have time =)

Enjoy =)

25.08.11, 10:56

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Automatic control of brightness
;Ability to set brightness level in four time intervals
;Ability to decrease brightness level if battery is low
;Showing tray icon, if automatic mode is enabled
;Showing work mode under "Brightness" in menu (example: Manual : 70%)
;Configuration can be done on default "Brightness" menu
;(!) When you set brightness manually, it will override the option "Run Mode" and set it to "Manual"
; v.3.1
;(c) mc_kibel,blacklizard


126D1F80-126D2F30 - Automatic control of brightness v.3.1

26.08.11, 07:14
;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Disable keyboard illumination when viewing video
;Shut off the upper and lower socket slider
;(c) D3mon
;(p) Thilina

126A70B0-126A7120 - Disable keyboard illumination when viewing video

26.08.11, 22:05

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Logo Changer
;Ability to change the operator name
;if put empty text operator name will be back to default
;Added curren operator name at SecondLine
;Edited for proper work at A2
;(!) Add this line to menu.ml "SetOperatorName_Id"
;(c) K790alex
;(e) farid
;(p) Thilina

menu addon

126D2F40-126D34F0 - Logo Changer v3.1

02.09.11, 13:33

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Advanced range of brightness adjustment
;Allows you to adjust brightness from 0 to 100%
;v. 2
;(c) IronMaster, E1kolyan
;(p) Thilina

126D3510-126D3720 - Advanced range of brightness adjustment v2

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