W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Форум |
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jamesbond22: |
19.08.09, 19:01 |
Отдельная ветка патчей для W595 SW-R3EF001 1. Правила оформления патчей смотрим в теме Оформление патчей 2. Обсуждение работоспособности патчей в теме Обсуждение патчей A2 3. Запросы о портировании патчей в теме Идеи и запросы патчей А2 4. Far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке 5. SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке For creators and porters of patches, you must look the first post and use free space according the list (don't look the last post and add 0x10 in your patches). Sreenshots and patches description must be in english or russian. Any post without this features will be deleted. Те кто портирует патчи смотрим учет в первом посте, а не по последнему патчу! Все кривые патчи, патчи с неправильно оформленной шапкой или с не правильно взятом замейном будут удаляться, а авторы наказаны! По возможности выкладываем скрины к патчам. Не умеешь портировать не лезь! Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! 2012.03.28 last updated Used space list Spoiler: *In list XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX - FREE are parts where is free for code and use those spaces instead using space from end till these ends. Mismatching patches Spoiler: latest en.lng file [ Edited by Thilina в 28.3.12 11:40 ] |
jamesbond22: |
19.08.09, 19:02 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Копирование/перемещение файлов в любую папку ;Добавлена 4 вкладка в Диспетчере файлов, которая включает в себя папки tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys ;Добавлена возможность копирования в папку tpa и ifs ;Убраны ограничения на копирование защищенных файлов ;Убраны ограничения на передачу по ВТ неизвестных файлов ;Добавлена возможность переименования jar и jad файлов ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message "No sound" when turning on silent mode ;(c) Single ;(p) jamesbond22 11a5a234: 0AD0 0AE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Enable equalizer without headsets connected ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 10c884e8: 11D0 C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove messages "Quick charging" and "Fully Charged" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 10bf3ccc: 0022 19E0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Radio without handsets ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) jamesbond22 10fa78b0: 01D1 01E0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove background darkening in dialog windows ;(c) UltraShot ;(p) jamesbond22 109cdbe2: CCF1F1F8 C046C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change size of font title text on GUI's TabMenuBar. ;(c) jamesbond22 109c908e: 6D 2D ;font 109c9090: A05C C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Activate settings item for all applications ;(c) RandoM ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Bluetooth only in "send" option ;v. 1.1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change system font become italic ;and smaller fonts ;(c) bimasakti85 ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change font in sms, list of Word sugegestions and somewhere else ;00 - small, 02 - big, 01 - default ;(c) SiNgle ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change function right softkey to "New sms" ;(c) jamesbond22 10d90824: 10BFBB11 9829B611 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Fast access to SMS ;Remove the "SMS, MMS, Etc menu" when pressing "New message" and opens SMS right away ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear window on lock buttons ;Now no delay occurs immediately block ;When locked immediately included sleep ;At no place screensaver ;v. 3 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Turn off light sensor ;v. 1fix ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Chose the time of back-light ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 10df02a0: 3075 1027 ;time in hex Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Choose time for showing message "Message delivered" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Save messages in Drafts without confirmation ;(c) GVELF a.k.a. Kaa ;(p) jamesbond22 10c54f78: 2BD0 2BE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove "Word not found in the dictionary" ;Remove messages "is Added in my dictionary" ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Advanced range of brightness adjustment ;Allows you to adjust brightness from 10 to 100% ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change indication time in sleep mode. Was 5 sec. ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 ;108e70a8: 8813 D007; 2 sec. Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK" ;and the message "Now press OK" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete message "Profile" at choice of the profile ;Fixed work buttons play/pause ;(c) IronMaster, Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete Icon Key in Java ;v 0.1 ;(c) Adrian ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;More lines in SMS Editor ;(c) jamesbond22 109c9f10: 03F008FA C046C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change information about the file ;Now in the "Location:" indicates the full path ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Reversed colors in sleepmode ;(c) jamesbond22 108e70f6: FF210906 0021C943 108e70fe: 0021C943 FF210906 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 10a5cc18: 0021201C09F046FF 201C94F3C7F81AE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove messages "Files copied" and "Files moved" ;(c) jamesbond22 117f518c: 3028 30E0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Deleting folders without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 117ddd4a: 9FF72BFB6861 00F03FF81EE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Off "sand clock" in the explorer ;(c) dimonp25 ;(p) jamesbond22 109d2422: 00B5 7047 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Reduction of time of deduction of the keys ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 109c6e7c: FA80 C820 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Cursor when sending sms is always the first contact from the list ;If contact is not listed, it will be on the "Contacts" ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete message "Run java?" ;(c) -=Alex=- ;(p) jamesbond22 10c34c72: 17D0 17E0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Displays files with the extension ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 117e23d0: F21B 321C Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone ;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;(c) supertrubka.org , neoDimm ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Rename files with extension ;Now when rename shows full filename including extension ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms ;Replace time for sms sound. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Short showing indicator loudness ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) jamesbond22 11ab781a: FA21 1E21 |
jamesbond22: |
20.08.09, 14:30 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Show also Quick Access Menu by pressing button activity ;(c) jamesbond22 10deef6a: 7020 2D20 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change Quick Access menu style ;Added items Restart, FlightMode, Bluetooth and PhoneStatus ;On left softkey added items MainMenu, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display amount of free heap ;v.2.2 ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(r) 2007KrasH ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;The choice of colors when viewing SMS ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra on connect ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibration in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change operator name to own ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra when switching to a new track (which hangs indicator new track) ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(e,p) jamesbond22 ;11a55132: 00F027F8 C046C046 ;remove indicator Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Sounds on opening/closing slider ;To folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place files slideropen.mp3 and sliderclose.mp3 ;v 1.4 ;Sounds not plays on Application Video ;(c) John North ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes. ;v2 ;Now works with photos ;(c) Tartes ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Shutdown phone by a timer ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Office of Videoplayer ;1 - PlayMode ;2 - vol + ;3 - VideoSize ;4 - Zoom ;5 - vol - ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Permanent sms remainder counter ;(c) den_po ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Playing mp3 file, which is recorded on the delivery of messages. ;In silent mode, in Radio, in Player and in VideoPlayer is only vibration and not sound. ;Place file notification.mp3 to folder /tpa/preset/system/sound. ;(c) jamesbond22 ;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibration on start and end voice conversation ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call ;Change "XXXXXXXX" to needed time in HEX, or write "00000000" if you dont wanna turn on timer ;Example - 30 sec = 30000 msec = 0x7530 hex = 30750000 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Displays the name of the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Viewing incoming SMS with blocked keyboard ;View by pressing the book. "Activity" ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 [ Edited by jamesbond22 в 4.9.09 09:46 ] |
jamesbond22: |
20.08.09, 22:14 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Minimum interval for Automatic redial ;Quantity Automatic redial attempts is unlimited ;v.2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Open files with the extension *.vkp integrated browser ;as text files instead of *.txt or *.htm ;Ver 2 ;(c) McG ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card/phone) ;next to the name of the file manager ;(c) PSIX ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove SnoozeAlarm ;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode ;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital ;(p) jamesbond22 red color - hex values for keys Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "When you increase the brightness is reduced working time in standby mode" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 10dc1748: 50 FF Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change ">*<<*<*" combination to enter the service menu in any other ;(c) demon_17 ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change Alarm Melody Time ;(c) demion ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change combination *#06# on any other ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/other/patches" through activity menu ;Activity Menu -> Internet -> Protected files(Bookmarks) ;(c) demion ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Increased name of device bluetooth ;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "Phone is ready to work with a computer" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 109bcf3c: 15F022F9 C046C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear messages about the low charge ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 10bf44dc: 2CD2 2CE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Pulsating vibration when it comes sms and short vibration for incoming calls ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;In the Settings menu---Cellular Communications Network GSM/3G network - item appears "HSDPA" ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 10fbd1ae: 1FD1 C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "Save to" to install Java ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove background on Radio ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 10fa3c8a: 00F02DFE C046C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove "Use now?" After receiving the file ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) jamesbond22 117fa3d6: 93F23FFC2DE00398 201CFFF76BFD2CE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove messages in SMS ;v. 2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear off sleep mode when connecting/disconnecting the headset ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Choose time for showing new track indicator ;(c) McLaud ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Save videos made in VideoDJ as *.mp4 ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 11f3300c: 3300670070 6D00700034 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Add support for any picture-extensions in VideoDJ ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) jamesbond22 11f33024: 6A00700067 2A00000000 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message: ;"First, write down the team. Burn now?" In standby mode ;"Teams are not recorded. Burn now?" and "voice dialing function included" ;"The function of dialing voice off" ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Short vibra on rececive/sending file, OBEX ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "The message will be converted to MMS. Continue?" ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 11ad7684: 64 20 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Opening symbol table by long pressing button "*" or "#" ;(c) RandoM ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove messages in Radio ;"Delete channel?", "Delete all channels?", "Replace channel?". ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message "Background changed" ;v. 2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) Joker XT Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Deleting file without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 117e175c: 9BF722FE2061 FFF756FFE6E7 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change way to showing Activity Menu ;Now Activity Menu showing like File Manager ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;The work of the radio in "Flight Mode" ;(c) CyberMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;KeyCode ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests/Keyboard" ;(c) ndt ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change organization items after connecting cable USB ;Now is the order of: Mass storage, Phone mode, Media transfer, Print ;(c) Tartes ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Connecting with mode Mass storage without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 109bd18c: A8F0DCF80B49 00F024F810E0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove some messages with OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer etc.) ;(c) E1kolyan ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing the background to orange at the entrance to the Camera ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 108d48b8: C9C9C9FF 3399FFFF ;color of background Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing to black the text "Press 0 for help" ;(c) jamesbond22 108d48bc: 5C5C5CFF 000000FF ;color of text Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change fonts in Camera ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change color progress bar of record video. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) jamesbond22 108d52f0: 0DC311FF 3399FFFF ;color Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove the question "Continue?" when you turn on Bluetooth in Flight Mode ;Now Bluetooth enabled immediately ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Deleting folders without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 117ddd4a: 9FF72BFB6861 00F03FF81EE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Show Radio in fullscreen ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5) ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) yener90 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;At the time of the vibro/losses network, as well as in carrying out new searches network ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Do not record dropped calls in a missed ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 10e09a00: E6F71CFD E7F7D4F9 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Button Play/Pause work in blocked keyboard ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Function Play/Pause by short pressing button Walkman ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) 2007KrasH Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Long press button Walkman = opening Walkman ;(c) Sic ;(p) jamesbond22 10def000: 5E20 5D20 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "Ringtone changed" ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) jamesbond22 117e78e2: 16D0 16E0 ;"Ringtone changed" Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove some messages ;v. 2 ;(c) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message "CAUTION: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing." ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) jamesbond22 10dc0820: 1ED3 1EE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Addition to patch "Volume "-" (long pressing) = click Play/Stop" ;Now the message "Continue playback through speakers?" does not appear ;(c) jamesbond22 10e27002: 97F1FDFAE061 00F077FA23E0 |
jamesbond22: |
21.08.09, 14:24 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Turn off the Player/Radio when you remove the headset ;(c) IronMaster ;(e,p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove "accept file? (yes/no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth ;(c) jamesbond22 ;Oryginal idea by the_laser 1089e9ae: C6F1CBFC341C 00F0DDFB9BE0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability to set ringing volume and on/off growing calls in silent mode ;(!) When you adjust the volume, the growing call is not disconnected ;v.2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Disable popup message when silent mode is activated from quick access menu. ;(c) hippy dave ;(p) jamesbond22 10dc041e: 00F055FE C046C046 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EA037 Generic LT ;White list to black list ;(c) the_laser ;(p) jamesbond22 10e0b4a0: 00D1 00D0 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Change Equalizer border color to orange ;(c) jasiek ;(p) jamesbond22 108ea208: 0000FFFF 3399FFFF ;color Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Added an item to the Equalizer ;(c) diezil ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Diferent icon for images ;(c) Se-MaG ;(p) jamesbond22 Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear Window "On. Menu cat. Appears when you start your phone. Mode Flight mode phone ... " ;Clear message "Menu Mode" Flight mode "will be displayed when you turn on the phone." ;(c) Se-MaG ;(p) jamesbond22 [ Edited by jamesbond22 в 30.9.09 10:00 ] |
jamesbond22: |
21.08.09, 16:12 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Копирование/перемещение файлов в любую папку ;Добавлена 4 вкладка в Диспетчере файлов, которая включает в себя папки tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys ;Добавлена возможность копирования в папку tpa и ifs ;Убраны ограничения на копирование защищенных файлов ;Убраны ограничения на передачу по ВТ неизвестных файлов ;Добавлена возможность переименования jar и jad файлов ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) jamesbond22 two patches must be installed together... |
jamesbond22: |
22.08.09, 19:44 |
Test... Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;SMS Transliter v2.0 ;(c) Slawwan ;(p) jamesbond22 file character_table.ucfg place to folder /tpa/user/other. |
jamesbond22: |
04.09.09, 12:47 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options" ;(c) yener90 ;(p) jamesbond22 |
jamesbond22: |
05.09.09, 12:48 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Get features of Video application in File manager ;(c) yener90 ;(p) jamesbond22 Softkeys now correctly disappears in landscape mode. Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message when saving picture in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 10e13304: FEF7F0FF C046C046 [ Edited by jamesbond22 в 6.9.09 10:45 ] |
jamesbond22: |
06.09.09, 14:15 |
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Viewing Music application in full screen ;(c) jamesbond22 |
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