W902 SW-R3EG004 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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24.01.10, 13:35
 Отдельная ветка про патчи для W902 SW-R3EG004

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This topic is for patches only!!!!
All discussions are here!!!

Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

a2 runtime patcher для патченья платформы а2 обсуждается в этой ветке

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!

Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других.
В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).

Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка -

Установка патчей с помощью a2uploader.
Installing patches using a2uploader.

Used Free Space /boot/phone_app.cxc
**Information about use free space: 

Heap Shift: 

Used lang: 

[ Edited by MiFa в 14.4.12 17:48 ]

24.01.10, 13:41
;W902 R3EG004
;White list to black list
;(c) the_laser
;(p) xitt
10E133E4: 00D1 00D0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Turn off light sensor
;© IronMaster
;(p) xitt
119F533C: 0088 FF20

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear messages "Press Unlock and OK" and "Now press OK"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt
;(r) Juhu07

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt
;(r) Juhu07

but not tested.. yet my W902 did not come ;/

27.01.10, 20:23
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Move flash menus to card/Flash menu directory
;Before patch installation to create a folder "Flash menu" in memory stick
;Перенос папки с флеш меню в папку card/Flash menu
;Перед установкой патча создать папку "Flash menu" на флеш карте
;(c) Jockep
;(p) Sekil

28.01.10, 01:46
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Ability to display Quick Access Menu with the button Activity
;Short press button Activity = Activity Menu
;Long press button Activity = Quick Access Menu
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) xitt

;W902 R3EG004
;Bluetooth only in "send" option
;v. 1.1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;delete message "Run java?"
;(c) -=Alex=-
;(p) xitt
10C3D8DE: 17D0 17E0

;W902 R3EG004
;Delete status bar from the main menu
;(c) AlexMasteR
;(p) xitt
10DE3CE0: 01 04

;W902 R3EG004
;Displays files with the extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt
1180419C: F21B 321C

;W902 R3EG004
;Increased name of device bluetooth
;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) xitt

;W902 R3EG004
;More lines in SMS Editor
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) xitt
109d2580: 03F008FA C046C046

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Multimedia does not show up when the button is pressed "Back" in Walkman
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) xitt
10C9115A: 00 01

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Reduction of time of deduction of the keys
;fixed for W902
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove background darkening in dialog windows
;(c) UltraShot
;(p) xitt
109D6252: CCF1E7F9 C046C046

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt
;(r) Juhu07

;W902 R3EG004
;Remove message "CAUTION: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing."
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) xitt
10DC8788: 1ED3 1EE0

;W902 R3EG004
;Remove message "No sound" when turning on silent mode
;(c) Single
;(p) xitt
11A7FCA8: 0AD0 0AE0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Remove messages "Quick charging" and "Fully Charged"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt
10BFC938: 0022 17E0

;W902 R3EG004
;Remove "Word not found in the dictionary"
;Remove messages "is Added in my dictionary"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) xitt

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Save messages in Drafts without confirmation
;(c) GVELF a.k.a. Kaa
;(p) xitt
10C5DBD4: 2BD0 2BE0

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Transparent background on windows "Information"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) xitt
109D176E: 6D32 C046

28.01.10, 18:53
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Поддержка кодировки win-1251
;(c) Hussein
;(p) Sekil

06.02.10, 20:39
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Off "sand clock" in the explorer
;(c) dimonp25
;(p) xitt
109DAA92: 00B5 7047

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Short showing indicator loudness
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) xitt
11ADD2EA: FA21 1E21

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Ability to set ringing volume and on/off growing calls in silent mode
;(!) When you adjust the volume, the growing call is not disconnected
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) xitt

Added 7.2.10 08:23

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Change color of progressbar in Video application
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) xitt

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Rename files with extension
;When modify shows full filename including the extension
;© IronMaster
;(p) xitt

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Permanent sms remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;(p) xitt

27.02.10, 15:02
;W902 R3EG004
;Book Manager for A2
;The ability to manage all the books have been added in the 2th tab of menu tab activity (naturally)
;you can slip between the books (internal applications and java app.), and also closed
;Show the FreeHeap in MB
;Added the ability to open the activity menu ALWAYS!
;Added the ability to see the activity menu in landscape mode!
;Support for custom names of the books, on file bookman.ini (/usb/other/bookman.ini)
;Added Free Heap in the title of the BM tab
;Added icons for books and java (icons of books are taken from bookman.ini, icons for java are taken from internal system)
;Added SETTINGS Menu from BookManager, with the ability to choose: 1 which window to see when open the menu activity menu, 2. the list mode
;Now when you close an application/book, the BookManager not close, the list and the state of heap is updated
;(i) Minimalize books
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) Juhu07

28.02.10, 14:48
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Management buttons in Music Application
;1 - mode horizontally
;2 - Volume +
;3 - mode vertically
;4 - Stereo widening
;5 - Volume -
;6 - Play mode
;7 - Send
;8 - Visualizations
;9 - Save playlist
;* - Equalizer
;0 - Information
;# - Minimize
;Joy down - My music
;Key call - Radio
;© jamesbond22
;Oryginal idea by Sic
;(p) Bartek139

Added 2.3.10 15:15

;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Adds item "Restarting" on Quick Access Menu
;© IronMaster
;(a2) jamesbond22
;(p) Bartek139

03.03.10, 03:51
;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Advanced range of brightness adjustment
;Allows you to adjust brightness from 10 to 100%
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) albertnet3


;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Viewing Music application in full screen
;Can place items on the bottom of the screen.
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) albertnet3


;W902 SW-R3EG004
;Clear display of the latest recent contacts when sending SMS
;(c) UltraShot
;(p) albertnet3

27.07.10, 18:16
 test port!
;W902 R3EG004
;add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode"
;Settings->General->Flight mode->Options
;(c) rong862

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