C903 SW-R1GA028 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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03.01.11, 15:04
 now no problem all patches.
+new patches

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time
;(i) HeapShift (4BB44ED6)
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page
;v 1.0
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add left softkey "Minimize" for playing music in FileManager
;To stop playing you must go to book "File Options" from Activity Menu
;(!) Need to use patch BookManager
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Extended timing range of brightness
;Allows to adjust brightness from 10 to 100%
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;SMS quick access
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio
;Files named radio.amr record in the folder card/music
;(!) If the sound recording is not, you must return the original sound driver
;(c) KrasH
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +"
;(c) SiNgle
;(e,p) Gurkan!
;What edit?
;added "volume -" button
;(!) HeapShift(0x4BB44ED7)

;C903 R1GA028
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Show Radio in fullscreen
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e,p) Gurkan!
;What edit?
;+Remove softKeys background

;C903 R1GA028
;Sounds on opening/closing slider
;To folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place files slideropen.mp3 and sliderclose.mp3
;No sound when silent mode is on, music, video, fm radio application is active.
;v 1.4
;(c) John North
;(e) jamesbond22
;(r) blacklizard
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Browsing Web browser to full screen
;In the "Advanced-> Orientation" added item "Full Screen"
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) Gurkan!
;Ver 1.0

;C903 R1GA028
;Viewing Music application in full screen
;Can place items on the bottom of the screen.
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) myrzeug
;(p) Gurkan!
;Improved code, proper work

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add item "File Manager" in the function of player
;It shows all the music that is on the memory card and the phone
;Now "Play" located at the central softkey, as well as in the standard FM
;(c) D3mon
;(r) k790Alex, MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) Gurkan!

05.01.11, 00:55
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Софт "Свернуть" при входящем вызове
;Soft "Minimize" when an incoming call
;(c) E1kolyan

[ Редактировано BOLTOZOR в 4.1.11 23:55 ]

 Mehmet Akif:
21.02.11, 22:04
 These are my first ports.

;C903i R1GA028
;Switching radio stations with volume keys
;"Volume + long press" -> next station from the list
;"Volume - long press" -> previous station from the list
;(c) Joker XT
;(r) IronMaster
;(p) Mehmet Akif

You can edit last line with a custom text written in hex.
;C903i R1GA028
;Change operator name to a custom text
;(c) Sic
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Change the way of showing windows "Play mode" and "Stereo widening"
;v. fix
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mehmet Akif

To change icon, reverse icon id like this: 0x05F1=F105
;C903i R1GA028
;Add icon to "Play mode" in music player
;(c) Antoniomun
;(e) thomassafca (Fixed bug)
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;The ability to view the full text in a text label
;Click "View" button
;Added serial number DEC and Hex in the labels.
;(c) k790Alex
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Quick access to "Tpa" and "card/system" folders
;Bookmark item in activity menu internet tab will change
;(!) Edit language file if you want -> 0x58E: "All Files"
;(c) demion
;(p) Mehmet Akif

Corrected this patch in this post
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Убрать сообщение "Нажмите клавишу "*", затем "Откл. блк"."
;и сообщение "Теперь нажмите "Откл. блк"."
;(c) IronMaster

;C903 R1GA028
;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK" and the message "Now press OK"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Show unrounded brightness. (77%)
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Clear message "If you increase the backlight brightness is reduced operating time in standby mode"
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Choose time for showing new track indicator
;(c) McLaud
;(p) Mehmet Akif

;C903i R1GA028
;Enable the transfer of java applications
;In order to send java, remove the hidden attribute from ams folder
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mehmet Akif

[ Редактировано Mehmet Akif в 27.2.11 21:45 ]

06.03.11, 03:58
 Hi friends...
Thanks for everything Gurkan!

; C903 SW-R1GA028
; clock display on the screen while charging the phone off
; Added display of current per battery charge
; v.2
; (c) RandoM
; (p) Ersin
; pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

This my first crosport , db3150 to db3210
;C903 R1GA028
;Music from a Bluetooth folder save "/card/music/Gelen Muzikler"
;(p) Ersin

; C903 SW-R1GA028
; Add the number of calls in the title (All, Dialled, Missed)
; (c) anarkes
; (p) Ersin
; v 1.1
; pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add left softkey "options" in flight mode menu
;Options: Calendar, Camera, Sound Recorder, Radio
;(!) Need to use patch "The work of the radio in Flight Mode"
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Vibra when switching to a new track (when the light is hanging on the new track)
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add the number of Notes in the title of Notes
;Add icon in title
;(c) thomassafca, thanks to anarkes!
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add information mp3
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Ability to choose time in sleep mode (1-8 sec.)
;Settings / Brightness / Options / Time
;(c) Ploik
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Adding the ability to add other files to the playlist
;Now you can add to the playlist files with extension amr, mid, midi, mp3, wma, m4a, 3gp and mp4
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Ability to change the phone mode ("Normal" and "Flight mode")
;Options - General - Flight mode - Function
;Add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode"
;Settings -> General -> Flight mode -> Options
;(c) rong862
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add item "File Manager" in the function of player
;It shows all the music that is on the memory card and the phone
;Now "Play" located at the central softkey, as well as in the standard FM
;(c) D3mon
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add item "New" in the file manager
;Options -> Write:
;-Record *. amr (Launches Voice Recorder)
;-Photos, Video (launches the camera)
;Item "New Folder" moved
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(e) Therion
;(e2) Gurkan!
;(p) Ersin
;What is edited?
;Removed "*.elf" files for C903. Because no have EP on C903.

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Ability to change the orientation of the display in filemanager
;Ability to change the GUI (the usual screen, full and style Activiti menu)
;Voemozhnost show or hide the software
;To select zhmyakayte to "function" in the filemanager
;not select already selected item
;Now after changing the settings all by itself is updated
;(!) LNG
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) albertnet3
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

NO problem all patches.
Tested and shared!

13.03.11, 21:21
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;choice of style and mode of presentation of items, the main menu
;choice of style and modes: Main Menu - Options
;You can not select an item used
;information about the selected item is updated in accordance with the choice
;(!) LNG
;(c) ZEN, jamesbond22, D3mon
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

(!) Should Edit lng file:

0x18ED     :Change the display order of sub-menus    
0x18EE     :Change the appearance of the screen    
0x18E5     :Style 1    
0x18E6     :Style 2    
0x18E7     :Style 3
0x18E8     :Style 4
0x18E9     :Style 5
0x18EA    :Style 6    
0x18EB     :Style 7    
0x2434     :Views 
0x18EF     :Image layout    
0x18EC     :Already in use    
0x23B1    :Normal screen    
0x4ED    :Full screen

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;ability to cancel sending SMS-messages
;When you make a window "Sending"
;to this window is added to the "Cancel" on the right soft-kei
;+ added "Close" to push the joystick
;Ver. 2.0
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add icon to "Selected theme is already set, set again?"
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) Ersin

;C903 R1GA028
;Add icon to "Use theme wallpaper?"
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add a file information display the size of the file in bytes
;Also works with folders, java-applications and e-mail messages
;Added a separate map of java-applications, the size of jar file and application data
;(c) Tartes
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;clock display on the screen while charging the phone off
;Added display of current per battery charge
;Added display of date
;Added display seconds in time format
;date and time does not disappear when fully charged
;(c) RandoM
;(e) HotRabbit, MaPkiZzz
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Edit file information
;now in the "Location:" the full path to the file
;Ver. 2
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

26.03.11, 15:53
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Display the person's name next to the number of SMS
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

26.03.11, 20:07
 Nice message Gurkan! :D

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add Number of Bluetooth devices in the title of "My Device"
;Added ability to choose devices with digital buttons
;(!) Ability to choose the number of rows in the header
;(c) anarkes
;(p) Ersin
;Original Idea by DaRkMaN
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Ability to install the player in full screen and back
;Ability to hide / show the soft keys. Works in both modes
;(c) D3mon
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

Fully working :lol:

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;copying / moving files in any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys
;Added ability to copy in a folder tpa and ifs
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Removed restrictions on the transfer of Computers unknown files
;Added ability to rename a jar and jad files
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add the number of latest recent contacts (without options) when sending SMS in Second line of title
;Added the hability to choose the items with keys
;Added icon to title
;(c) anarkes
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) Ersin

15e1ce80...15e1de38 - EXIF Viewer V3(Private)

09.04.11, 02:21
;C903 R1GA028
;Change the header style in Inbox, Drafts, Sent messages, Saved messages, Conversations, and Email messages
;Adds information on the number of messages
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) Ersin

09.04.11, 03:22
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add to headline the phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM
;(c) ilmir5555
;(p) Ersin
;v.Fix # 2
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Show count of files and folders in the current folder, the header files Manager
;Display Mode:
;00: All (Files and folders)
;01: Folders + Files
;02: Files + Folders
;V 2.0
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;The name of the phone-state tlf.-operator logo
;Change operator logo to the phone
;added new information to the state telephone
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Blinking red LED while charging
;When the battery is fully charged stops blinking
;(!) HeapShift (4BB44ED8)
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(p) Ersin

10.04.11, 01:37
;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add icons for items in Contacts "My status"and "New Contact"
;+ individual icons "New contact" SIM Contacts
;(c) HotRabbit
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

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