W995 SW-R1HA035 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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12.07.10, 21:27
 Отдельная ветка про патчи для W995 SW-R1HA035


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Те кто портирует патчи смотрим учет в первом посте, а не по последнему патчу! Все кривые патчи будут удаляться!
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Патчи, не соответствующие вышесказанному правилу, будут удаляться без предупреждения!

[ Редактировано D3mon в 6.2.12 22:07 ]

[ Редактировано Therion в 25.11.15 16:38 ]

[ Редактировано Therion в 25.11.15 16:39 ]

12.07.10, 21:27
;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Change the order of the settings in Walkman
;To make it look like Walkman 4 settings!
;Play mode --> Styles
;Equaliser --> Play mode
;Visualisations --> Equaliser
;v.1.1 Optimized code
;(!) You have to edit your .lng file! (0x2955 -> Styles)
;(i) thomassafca
;(c) blacklizard

13.07.10, 18:31
;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Heap shift! More stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) blacklizard
;Info 4 patchmakers: 0x4BB44F48 ~ 0x4BB54F47
;This info is firmware version dependent

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Ability to display Quick Access Menu with the button Activity
;Short press button Activity = Activity Menu
;Long press button Activity = Quick Access Menu
;© myrzeug
;(i) jamesbond22
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Ability to set SWF file as the startup screen
;Go here: Settings -> Display -> Startup screen -> Picture -> Pictures
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Add item "3G only" In the Settings menu: Communications Network GSM/3G network
;© Sic
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Add OK to some of the information windows(MessageBox)
;v. 1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Change the rhythm of vibration when an incoming call
;Short vibrations while incoming call
;Short vibrations and vibrate with small gaps between them
;(c) zapret007
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms
;Replace time for sms sound.
;© svinuk
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK"
;and the message "Now press OK"
;© IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Clear message "Unplug the charger..." when remove charger from fast port
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Clear message "When you increase the brightness is reduced working time in standby mode"
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Delete message "Profile" at choice of the profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;© IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Delete message "Run java?"
;© -=Alex=-
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Disable "sand-watch" in the explorer
;(c) dimonp25
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Fix int2strID, Str2ID
;(!) Is necessary for some patches and elves (BookManager, etc.)
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;FIX option to lock the keypad from Quick Access menu, lock is now possible anywhere
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Hide red phone icon(CALLS_SCREENED_ICN) from status bar when whitelist/blacklist is enabled
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;And now there are no delays, blocking occurs immediately
;When locked immediately included sleep
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Multimedia does not show up when the button is pressed "Back" in Walkman
;(!) Only works when WALKMAN is opened directly. Not working if WALKMAN is opened via Media Center
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;permanent sms remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;(p) blacklizard
;v2 (+unified message editor)

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Radio without handsets
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) blacklizard
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Reduction of time of deduction of the keys
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Remove background darkening in dialog windows
;© UltraShot
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Remove message "CAUTION: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing."
;© SiNgle
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Remove message "No sound" when turning on silent mode
;© Single
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Remove messages "Quick charging" and "Fully Charged"
;© IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Remove voicerecorder beep
;© SiNgle
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Rename files with extension
;Now when rename shows full filename including extension
;© IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Short showing indicator loudness
;© Single
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;SMS quick access
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;The work of the radio in "Flight Mode"
;© CyberMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Whitelist turns black
;© the_laser
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Remove "Word not found in the dictionary"
;Remove messages "is Added in my dictionary"
;© IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Work Quick Access Menu in FlightMode
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) blacklizard

21.07.10, 02:15

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Change the items in a sleep mode.
;Standard hours removed.
;Added: stroke, day, date, time and icons of events
;(c) Ploik
;(p) blacklizard

23.07.10, 02:13

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Displays a process of transmission through BT in the status bar.
;Only works if the window "Sending" is minimalized.
;v 1.0
;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
;(p) blacklizard

24.07.10, 01:17
;W995 R1HA035
;Remove the question "Phone will be disconnected from: Continue?" when you turn off Wi-Fi
;And now it is disconnected immediately
;© blacklizard
15511876: 48F7AFFAE061 00F08DF83DE0

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Button play/pause working in more books
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) blacklizard
1553F11A: 2E48 4EE0

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Clear message "Phone is ready to work with a computer"
;No more memory leak problem
;Original idea by KrasH
;(c) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035
;Remove year from date in standby
;© weltonlin
;(p,e) blacklizard, removed unnecessary stuff

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Disable popup message when silent mode is activated from quick access menu.
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) blacklizard
1550AB3A: 00F07FFD C046C046

;W995 R1HA035
;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests/Keyboard"
;(c) ndt
;(p) blacklizard

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Remove message about on / off BT
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) blacklizard
14D8CCE8: 00F04CF8A061 51F0EAFD19E0

25.07.10, 22:50
;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Remove "My Music" and "Save Playlist" from WALKMAN more option list
;(c) blacklizard

27.07.10, 13:53
;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Change Alarm Melody Time
;(c) demion
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035
;Delete folder Podcast
;Now Multimedia upgrade sees the music, which are scattered in folders
;(c) MahmudS, Xless
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
;Turn off light sensor
;v. 1fix
;© IronMaster
;(e) jamesbond22, keypad light and softkey light is not turned off
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Increase photo counter limit to 1000
;(c) Vitor_Boss®
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Choose time for showing new track indicator
;(c) McLaud
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Removing restrictions on the number of colors icons on the screen Walkman
;This includes navigational icons, loop icon, shuffle icon and equalizer icons
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Clear message "Ringtone changed"
;© E1kolyan
;(p) thomassafca

;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Viewing Music application in full screen
;Can place items on the bottom of the screen.
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) thomassafca

28.07.10, 20:52
;W995 SW-R1HA035 GEN
;Reduction of KEY-HOLD time
;Example: when writing, you don't need to hold "2" SO long time as before, to get a "2" instead of abc etc...
;(C) IronMaster
;(P) thomassafca

29.07.10, 09:23
 Replace item "Settings_Brightness_Id" to "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml!

<element id="Brightness_AdvancedSettings">
                <label type="helptext" textid="LS_LIGHT_INFO_HLP" />
                           <label type="name" textid="LS_BRIGHTNESS_TXT" />
                           <link type="internal" />

Info: First interval start is always 00:00 !
First interval end = second interval start
Second interval end = third interval start
Third interval end = fourth interval start
Fourth interval end = 00:00

Default config:
00:00 - 08:00 -> 30%
08:01 - 14:00 -> 70%
14:01 - 21:00 -> 100%
21:01 - 23:59 -> 30%
Low battery -> 30%

After phone restart, automatic mode is disabled, enable it in menu.
;W995 R1HA035 GEN
;Automatic control of brightness v2
;Much improved version of BrightnessController patch/elf
;Ability to set brightness level in four time intervals
;Ability to decrease brightness level if battery is low
;Special menu with option to enable / disable automatic mode
;Showing icon in Tray, if automatic mode is enabled
;Configuration menu for intervals / brightness levels
;Showing work mode together with percentage under "Brightness" in menu
;(!) Replace item "Settings_Brightness_Id" to "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml
;(!) Heapshift: 4BB44F48-4BB44F4A
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) blacklizard

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