Advanced Patches Auto Porter v1.0.2 : Патчестроение : Форум

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11.09.10, 20:00
Причина в отсутствии 2 библиотек. Скачайте и зарегистрируйте библиотеки заного

[ Редактировано Legas2 в 13.9.10 00:24 ]

26.09.10, 00:45
 All readers from this tread should know what is happening in APAP development.

Few days ago i decide to port APAP from Visual Basic 6 to PureBasic, you should be thinking "why not C++?", there is a single answer, Speed and Multi OS support.
The development was restarted from 0, to prevent issues and minimize bugs, but I've found a wall, the VB automation is very fast and have many functions to use and PB not, this because I'm writing a similar functions to PB and this is spending 80% of my programming time. Don't worry, this critical situation is really good for us, this is the best way to adapt functions to build a porting tool.

This will be my post with a to do list.

Plans for future:
- Add pattern search like Smelter;
- Add pattern search like patsearch;
- Add FasArm patch compiler;
- Add algorithm to multi-check functions, after that the program will check all LDR and BL instructions inside any ported function, this will return only 95-100% positives match;
- Add information about the current FW;
- Add platform identification (DBxxxx);
- Add Support for Plugins;

This is my ideas for new version.

Please share yours.
Sorry by big text and grammatical errors;

26.09.10, 01:01
 Vitor_Boss, why not c#/mono?

27.09.10, 06:58
 Cause C is only for windows and need framework to work, PureBasic use Basic and assembly as programing language and PureBasic compile in x86 and x64.

I'm planning add FASARM on APAP, but the FASARM sources are in Assembly, i have little knowledge in C and i don't know how use Assembly inside the C code, and I have no help in programing.

I'm trying build a powerful porting tool, a All-in-One tool.

All help are welcome and ideas too.

27.09.10, 07:17
 So, is it problem to improve your knowledge in C, 'cuz you wanna make such fantastic thing? Why fantastic? Because anyway it will port with mistakes.

27.09.10, 07:33
 The code used in PureBasic is similar to C and i wanna test this great tool.

Wrong, with mult-check function the ported results will be > 95%, is very simple in theory, the software will found the function and will follow all Branch instructions and find all cross references for that function to be sure. Is like manual porting, but automatized and very fast. But i will keep the pattern searching algorithm for who wanna keep porting patches manually.

And a thanks is enough for me.
With help i can add anything in that tool, this could be not only for porting, this could help in patch/elf development.

27.09.10, 08:37
Vitor_Boss пишет:
Cause C is only for windows and need framework to work

27.09.10, 09:03
 Nice, thank you very much, but i don't know anything about .NET.

I've ported 40% of used functions used in APAP to PureBasic.

PB support those processor instructions: MMX, 3DNow, SSE and SSE2.
Could you share your "sub/page finder" plugin for IDA to increase in APAP??

21.02.11, 14:25
 Пытаюсь осилить версию APAP 1.1.0. Все остальные, более поздние версии вылетают с "ошибкой программы" при подключении main'а.

1.1.0 настоятельно раз 5 за портирование просит ввести оффсет. Скажите без отсылания снова на темы типо "как портировать...", что есть оффсет, от чего зависит, меняется в зависимости от каких факторов?

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[ Редактировано Alexandr027 в 21.2.11 21:36 ]

21.02.11, 15:34
 Offset – смещение. Часть адреса в памяти, в win32 – эффективная часть адреса в памяти. Адрес всегда формируется из сегмента и смещения. В Windows роль сегмента невидна для прикладного программирования, поэтому сейчас говорят адрес в памяти, вместо правильного смещение в сегменте или офсет.

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