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24.07.09, 17:30
 PRO100light, about second patches:

;K790 R8BF003
;Например: [GFX_Folder]: /usb/other/IMG

;W660 SW-R8BB001 orange
;Например: [GFX_Folder]: /tpa/user/other/IMG

Added 24.7.09 15:50

About first patches, maybe it is different in the sources:

;K790 SW-R8BF003
BL 0x44/45xxxxxx

;K800 SW-R8BF003
BL subxxx
ldr r3, address
bx r3
align 4
address dw 0x44/45xxxxxx

[ Edited by jamesbond22 в 24.7.09 15:52 ]

24.07.09, 21:48
 PRO100light, а нефиг с алигн 4 баловаться)))

24.07.09, 22:09
 Я взял исх, поменял там адреса, и скомпилил с помощью Embedded Workbench 4.0 Evaluation... и все

05.08.09, 14:06
 How do I find the address RAM where the phone's Bluetooth name read on A2?

05.08.09, 15:46
 Why do u think bt name situated in ram?))

05.08.09, 15:55
 2007KrasH писал:
Why do u think bt name situated in ram?

because bluetooth name situated in ram on db2020.

05.08.09, 17:19
you don't understand how do things work

05.08.09, 17:24
 den_po, on phones db2020 bluetooth name can find in RAM. Under specified address this name is located. Is that same on A2?

05.08.09, 18:08
 jamesbond22, even parts of mp3s or videos may be found in RAM, so what?

05.08.09, 18:13
I need address RAM where is located bluetooth name for this patch:

;Change operator name
;The name of model taken from the "Phone name" in menu "Bluetooth"
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