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01.10.09, 17:15
 I want to port this patch from W595 to W705 but it always restart..

;W595 SW-R3EA037 LT
;Clear window on lock buttons
;Now no delay occurs immediately block
;When locked immediately included sleep
;At no place screensaver
;v. 3
;© IronMaster
;(p) jamesbond22

Source ASM
;W595 SW-R3EA037 LT
;Clear window on lock buttons
;Now no delay occurs immediately block
;When locked immediately included sleep
;At no place screensaver
;v. 3
;© IronMaster
;(p) jamesbond22
include "x.inc"
org 0x108e875c
        ADD    R0, R4,    0
        BL    0x108E86E8
        BL    0x108E8828
        POP    {R4-R7,PC}

Ported ASM
;W705 R1GA026
;Clear window on lock buttons
;Now no delay occurs immediately block
;When locked immediately included sleep
;At no place screensaver
;v. 3
;© IronMaster
include "x.inc"
org 0x14F99ED4 
        ADD    R0, R4,    0
        BL    jump1 
        BL    jump2
        POP    {R4-R7,PC}
org 0x14C32CCC
ldr r0,addr1
bx r0
align 4
addr1 dw 0x14325738+1
ldr r1,addr2
bx r1
align 4
addr2 dw 0x1412B228+1

Complied vkp

14F99ED4: 00F068F82449A06A00F068F8 201C98F4F9FE98F4FBFEF0BD
14C32CCC: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00480047395732140049084729B21214

Where am i doing wrong? I been trying to port this patch for almost 3 days but no success.


01.10.09, 17:28
 blacklizard, give me link to download phone_app.cxc from firmware W705_R1GA026. I will check what is wrong.

01.10.09, 17:36
jamesbond22 пишет:
blacklizard, give me link to download phone_app.cxc from firmware W705_R1GA026. I will check what is wrong.


Thank you jamesbond22 for helping..

01.10.09, 19:13
 blacklizard, try this two patches:

14F99ED4: 00F068F82449A06A00F068F8274AA06A 201C00F003F800F005F8F0BD004B1847
14F99EE4: 291C9EF0B7FFA06A0022291C 39573214004B184729B21214

14F99ED4: 00F068F82449A06A00F068F8274AA06A 201C024FB847024FB847F0BD39573214
14F99EE4: 291C9EF0 29B21214

02.10.09, 09:46
jamesbond22 пишет:
blacklizard, try this two patches:

14F99ED4: 00F068F82449A06A00F068F8274AA06A 201C00F003F800F005F8F0BD004B1847
14F99EE4: 291C9EF0B7FFA06A0022291C 39573214004B184729B21214

14F99ED4: 00F068F82449A06A00F068F8274AA06A 201C024FB847024FB847F0BD39573214
14F99EE4: 291C9EF0 29B21214

Thanks jamesbond22, both also working,

Anyway, can u tell me where i did wrong? and how did u port it? plz tel me.




I tried to dissemble the ported patch, but i cant understand what u have did, and it not same with original asm, i dont understand, hoping for ur explanation.

[ Редактировано blacklizard в 2.10.09 15:45 ]

02.10.09, 12:18
Standard features are taken and read in the register R3 and not R1 or R2 as you have.
Place the address 0x14C32CCC has zeros, but it might be used by the phone.
Originally at the end of the patch is is "POP (R4-R7, PC)", which closes the features..., so I could use a code to reach beyond the address 0x14F99EDF.

ldr r3,addr1 ;get feature "addr1" to register r3
bx r3 ;read feature "addr1" to register r3 and close
align 4
addr1 dw 0x14325738+1

[ Edited by jamesbond22 в 2.10.09 10:28 ]

02.10.09, 14:57
 jamesbond22 писал:
ldr r3,addr1 ;get feature "addr1" to register r3
bx r3 ;read feature "addr1" to register r3 and close
align 4
addr1 dw 0x14325738+1

ты уверен?

02.10.09, 15:10
 интересно он 'BX' понимает...

02.10.09, 16:36
jamesbond22 пишет:
Standard features are taken and read in the register R3 and not R1 or R2 as you have.
Place the address 0x14C32CCC has zeros, but it might be used by the phone.
Originally at the end of the patch is is "POP (R4-R7, PC)", which closes the features..., so I could use a code to reach beyond the address 0x14F99EDF.

ldr r3,addr1 ;get feature "addr1" to register r3
bx r3 ;read feature "addr1" to register r3 and close
align 4
addr1 dw 0x14325738+1

[ Edited by jamesbond22 в 2.10.09 10:28 ]

Thanks for explaning..

But why you use R3?
Izit because R0 and R1 used by other in this features?

02.10.09, 22:55
 как быть с этой сторой:
align 4        
off_45CF1E38    DCD aTpaUser_0        
off_45CF1E3C    DCD 0x454814F8+1        

делал так
off_45CF1E38    DCD aTpaUser_0    du "tpa\user", 0

не выходит, компилятор ругается
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