far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других. В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes ;Also works with folders and e-mail messages. ;v2.5 ;(c) Tartes ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change operator name to own ;(c) Sic ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change organization items after connecting cable USB ;Now is the order of: Mass storage, Phone mode, Media transfer, Print ;(c) Tartes ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Disable reject with double press volume keys when incoming call ;(c) Amir_82111 ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Displaying the day of the week instead of the date in standby mode ;(c) Sic ;(e,p) jamesbond22 ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Enlarge bluetooth name up to 32 characters ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Faster scrolling new track in StandbyTicker ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone ;Added viewing of current percent of charging battery ;v. 2 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 R3EF001 ;The fourth profile from the list is when the headphones are plugged in ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra after updating Bluetooth devices ;FIX2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra when connecting ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Pl4y3rX ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
[ Редактировано den_po в 4.1.10 07:50 ]
Спасибо сказали: Dimon4eg, RZRZ530, anato
Регистрация: 1.8.09 Сообщений: 12 Репутация: 35 Откуда: Russia
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add informations about files mp3 ;Added items Bitrate, Samplerate and Channel mode ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) karol.
Добавлено 12.1.10 17:16
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Blacklist Reject mode ;Add "Reject mode" option to the Accept calls menu for Change blacklist reject call mode ;Reject mode contain 2 mode: ;1. "Busy" - send busy tone ;2. "RF on/off" - the phone is not available ;v 1.0 ;(c) Amir_82111 ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) karol.
Добавлено 14.1.10 12:46
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call ;Added action for press left softkey "Mute" - mute for incoming call ;Added action for press button "c" - RF on/off reject mode ;(c) Sic ;(e) jamesbond22, with help amir_82111 ;(p) karol.
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Book Manager for A2 ;The ability to manage all the books have been added in the 2th tab of menu tab activity (naturally) ;you can slip between the books (internal applications and java app.), and also closed ;Show the FreeHeap in MB ;Added the ability to open the activity menu ALWAYS! ;Added the ability to see the activity menu in landscape mode! ;Support for custom names of the books, on file bookman.ini (/usb/other/bookman.ini) ;CODE REWRITTEN: ;Added Free Heap in the title of the BM tab ;Added icons for books and java (icons of books are taken from bookman.ini, icons for java are taken from internal system) ;Added SETTINGS Menu from BookManager, with the ability to choose: 1 which window to see when open the menu activity menu, 2.the list mode ;Now when you close an application/book, the BookManager not close, the list and the state of heap is updated ;v2.0 ;(c) myrzeug ;(p) karol. , Se-MaG
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Minimalize books ;Addon for the correct operation of some patches who uses a function minimization books ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) karol.
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Addon for BookManager patch ;Do not close the running books/applications when you run a shortcut from the Activity Menu ;(!) the books are placed in the background, and the only way to maximize them is from the BM ;(i) Minimalize books ;v 0.1 ;(c) myrzeug ;(p) karol.
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Added ability to minimize the sound recorder application ;To maximize the application you can re-enter from the menu (or from BM), the recording will not stop ;Added icon indicator in the status bar ;Now the application is not finished in return to the standby (by press onoff button from any other book/application, or when you run a shortcut) ;(i) Minimalize books ;(c) myrzeug ;(p) karol. ;Original idea by ZEN
;C702 R3EF001 ;Vibra Music ;Add item "Vibra Music" to Media Player ;When the item is actived On/Off short vibrations ;(!) for turn off the Vibra Music is need kill AudioPlayerBook ;(c) K790Alex ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) Juhu07 ;v. 1.1
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Увеличенное отображение фото контакта при входящих и исходящих звонках ;Для лучшего эффекта делать фото для контактов с соответствующими пропорциями ;Теперь фото отображается на весь экран ;v. 2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Blend
; C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Multimedia does not show up when the button is pressed the "Back" Walkman ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10CF7AC6: 00 01
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete messages after you connect the HPM-82 and other headphones ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10C806C8: FCD4 A4E0
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Activate the settings of items for all applications ;(c) RandoM ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Reduction of KEY-HOLD time ;Example: when writing, you don't need to hold "2" SO long time as before, to get a "2" instead of abc etc... ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove some messages with OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer etc.) ;(c) E1kolyan ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Off "sand clock" in the explorer ;(c) dimonp25 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10A411D2: 00B5 7047
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change system font become italic ;and smaller fonts ;(c) bimasakti85 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Enable the transfer of java-applications ;In order to pass Java remove the hidden attribute from a folder on the ams ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;The work of the radio in "Flight Mode" ;(c) CyberMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove background on Radio ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek 110165AE: 00F02DFE C046C046
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Displays the name of the active profile in the second line operator ; If the second line displays operator's profile name will be the third ;(c) Ploik ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change color of progressbar in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Addon for the patch "Copying / moving files in any folder" ;Possibility to display files *.txt, *.htm, *.html and *.swf in the 4th Tab ;(c) yener90 ;(e) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 R3EF001 ;Change "DSC" to "PIC" in names created photos ;(c) jockep ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 R3EF001 ;Recorded videos called MP4xxxxxxxx ;(C) Jockep ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 13.4.10 18:40 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change fonts in Camera ;v1.2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Button play/pause working in more books. ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E978D2: 2848 42E0
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 14.4.10 07:22 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message: ;"First, write down the team. Burn now?" In standby mode ;"Teams are not recorded. Burn now?" and "voice dialing function included" ;"The function of dialing voice off" ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Button play/pause working in more books. ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E978D2: 2848 42E0
;C702 R3EF001 ;Change splash to sp.png ;Place file sp.png to tpa/preset/system/settings ;(c) Juhu07 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 14.4.10 15:32 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Button Play/Pause work in blocked keyboard ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek with help karol.
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 14.4.10 15:37 ] Патч:
; C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Extended character table. Added 88 characters. ; (!) remove the old version patches with the same name ; (!) ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ; (c) CyberMaster ; (r) SlaveMaster ; (p) pzw ; (e) beetlevdv
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 18.4.10 12:13 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Removes the final picture of Sony Ericsson ;(c) dimonp25 ;(p) pzw ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Reversed colors in sleepmode ;SWF and GIF files seted as wallpaper work in keylock ;v. 2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) pzw
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 18.4.10 12:27 ] Патч:
;C702 R3EF001 ;Change the display of submenus ;(!) Conflict with patch "Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen for elements of MainMenu." ;(c) AlexMasteR ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 18.4.10 20:27 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Increase user dictionary t9 2 times ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Редактировано matii_ziomek в 18.4.10 20:54 ]
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear messages about the low charge ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek 10C63444: 2CD2 2CE0
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Increased name of device bluetooth ;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card/phone) ;next to the name of the file manager ;(c) PSIX ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 26.4.10 15:14 ] Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change size of font title text on GUI's TabMenuBar. ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Possibility to store more SMS (was 1000) ;Remove the; on the one you wish to have ;(c) demion ;(p) matii_ziomek ;10189972: FA229200 7d221201; 2000 SMS ;10189972: FA229200 FA221201; 4000 SMS
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Shorter showing elements in landscape mode in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E8346C: B80B D007
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing positions of the text in the main menu ;(!!!) 00-LEFT , 01-RIGHT , 02-CENTER(ORJINAL!) ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Equalizer settings saving, when the headphones are not connected ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10CFF70C: 201C 0AE0
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change font in PlayQueue ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10B61746: 2B21 C046
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change time of showing PlayQueue ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10CF8C54: 8813 1027;Time 10 sek.
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove icon from video preview ;(c) markross ;(p) mati_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Addition to a patch "Change function left and right softkey to desire function" ;Replacement of text labels. In brackets shorter variant. ;(c) Zyozya ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 R3EF001 ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms ;Replace time for sms sound. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;change the style of the gui "move to" and "copy to" ;(c) Mcming1989 ;(P) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;In SleepMode volume buttons (the state) do not include the backlight ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear display of the latest recent contacts when sending SMS ;(C) UltraShot ;(p) matii_ziomek 10CC2ABE: 090C 0221
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Viewing Video application in full screen ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 11B41E02: 0A21 0421
In file video.xml need to change "24" to "0" for portrait mode:
... Код:
<!-- External Top offset - same as YPos for baseclass --> <attr index="4" value="0" /> ...
Added 4.5.10 18:10
; C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Ability to set ringer volume and on / off the growing call in silent mode ;(!) When setting the volume growing call is not disconnected ; v.2 ; (c) E1kolyan ; (e) du) (a (HAHo) ; (p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear Window "On. Menu cat. Appears when you start your phone. Mode Flight mode phone ... " ;Clear message "Menu Mode" Flight mode "will be displayed when you turn on the phone." ;(c) Se-MaG ;(p) matii_ziomek
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