far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других. В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show also Quick Access Menu by pressing button activity ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E5FD02: 7020 2D20
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change ">*<<*<*" combination to enter the service menu in any other ;(c) demon_17 ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Clear message "The message will be converted to MMS. Continue?" ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek 124B3C06: 64 20
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove message when saving picture in Video application ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E8406C: FEF7F0FF C046C046
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Disable popup message when silent mode is activated from quick access menu. ;(c) hippy dave ;(p) matii_ziomek 10E311D6: 00F055FE C046C046
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change combination *#06# on any other ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Choose time for showing new track indicator ;(c) McLaud ;(p) matii_ziomek ;11ACE0FC: FA 7D ;4 sec ;11ACE0FC: FA 3E ;2 sec ;11ACE0FC: FA 1F ;1 sec
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Удалить папку Podcast ;Delete folder Podcast ;v1.1 теперь Мультимедиа при обновлении видит музыку, которая раскидана по папкам ;Также при создании плейлиста можно выбирать файлы вне папки "Звуки" (например из "Прочее") ;(c) MahmudS, Xless ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change way to showing Activity Menu ;Now Activity Menu showing like File Manager ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 15.5.10 20:36
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability to set ringing volume and on/off growing calls in silent mode ;(!) When you adjust the volume, the growing call is not disconnected ;v.2 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ; Exchange folder / card / system / ams -> / card / other / fs / jv ; And now games and applications stored on the phone and can communicate ; When you start your body does not need to do master reset, just install anything in reality. ;? Mobilefree ;(e,p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove the restriction on the transfer of files in File Manager mode "Flight Mode" switched off Bluetooth ;v.1.0 fix ;(c) KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove year from date in standby ;(c) weltonlin ;(e) blacklizard, removed unnecessary stuff ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change Equalizer border color to green ;(c) jasiek ;(p) matii_ziomek 1095A4B4: 0000FFFF 0BE200FF ;color
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show "TPA/USER/SYSTEM" and "CARD/SYSTEM" in File Manager ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change Quick Access menu style ;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Phone status and Profiles ;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display information about patch ;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c" ;Now on title showing free bytes on heap ;v.2.4 ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(r) 2007KrasH, Ploik ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) karol.
;C702 R3EF001 ;Remove the clock next to the battery ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek 10DFEC68: 01F0EEFA C046C046
Added 7.6.10 16:50
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Changes to the Polish emergency numbers (112 i 999) ;(C) HoloSan ;(P) matii_ziomek 10E0E1C0: 3131320039313100 3131320039393900
Added 7.6.10 17:06
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete item "Information" in the games and applications ;(c) k790alex ;(p) matii_ziomek 10CA2A48: 6118 11E0
Added 8.6.10 07:30
; C702 R3EF001 ;Zamienia miejscami symbole "1" i "!" w sms przy "standard abc". ;Nie działa z T9 ; "1" and "!" replaced by pressing one key for SMS ; (c) GezSe ; (e,p) matii_ziomek ; standard abc
Added 17.6.10 08:31
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Scrolling long file names in the phone. book ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add Walkman logo to Media Player ;(c) Juhu07 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Extracting frames on Video application by button "c" ;(i) Conflict with patch "Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"" ;v. fixed ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;In standby mode hold press button on/off. - opening Player, if music - closing Player ;Now switch off the phone from the Quick Access Menu worked correctly ;v. 1 ;(c) E1kolyan ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) karol.
Added 18.6.10 11:28
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;FlashLight on/off by long pressed "Volume +/-" ;(!) HeapShift ;(?) SiNgle ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 18.6.10 12:28
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010) ;In menu.ml needed: MenuItem_EditDeskbar ;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher ;(c) mc_kibel ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 10:26
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
Screen by MiFa:
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 19.6.10 10:27 ]
Added 19.6.10 10:42
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Fully operational phone without a SIM-card ;Everything works except the functions that require cellular communication ;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree ;v.1.2 ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 11:05
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Adding the ability to add other files to the playlist ;Now you can add to the playlist files with extension amr, mid, midi, mp3, wma, m4a, 3gp and mp4 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 11:33
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Adding icons in Notes ;(c) michlantecuhtli ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 19.6.10 11:38 ]
Added 19.6.10 12:28
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Keylock and sleepmode at the end of the voice conversations ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 17:03
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change function left and right softkey to desire function ;Label wont change! ;(c) MILAD ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Addition to a patch "Change function left and right softkey to desire function" ;Replacement of text labels. In brackets shorter variant. ;(c) Zyozya ;(e,p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 19:05
;C702 R3EF001 ;Lock / Unlock key when pressing "Volume + / -- ;Short touch is not working when running player / radio ;Long pressing works when running player / radio ;(i) Conflict with patch "FlashLight on/off by long pressed "Volume +/-" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 19.6.10 19:24
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;By pressing the button to Off. " minimized player, click the "Minimise" is changed to "Turn off" ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 20.6.10 13:08
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Conservation voice records saved in folder /other/Recordings ;Sounds from the Sound Recorder saved in folder /other/Recordings ;Folder "My friends" replaced by "Recordings" ;(c) Sic ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 20.6.10 13:13 ]
Added 20.6.10 13:13
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Sound when start the camera ;Place file camera.mp3 to folder /tpa/preset/system/sound ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 20.6.10 13:49
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add the possibility to use the *. swf file as Flash Menu ;Option appear in the file manager in the Options > Use as ;Added installation Layout menu: From the theme "automatically ;(!) Need to edit the LNG-file to prescribe the name of the menu ;v.1.5 fix ;(c) KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 20.6.10 13:50 ]
Added 20.6.10 21:45
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove SnoozeAlarm ;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 21.6.10 07:00
Fixed: Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Another time to show SleepMode in Java ;v 2.0 ;(c) Alex ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 21.6.10 07:19
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show Radio in fullscreen ;v.2 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
11eccb60-11eccbe0 - In standby mode hold press button on/off. - opening Player, if music - closing Player 11eccdb0-11eccde8 - Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5) 11eccbf0-11eccc08 - Change color of RDS info 11eccc10-11eccce0 - When keylock 11ecccf0-11eccd30 - Play sound file when shutdown phone 11eccd40-11eccd80 - Extracting frames on Video application by button "c" 11eccd90-11eccdac - Change color of background in PlayQueue 11ecce00-11ecce50 - Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010) 11eccf00-11eccf40 - FlashLight on/off by long pressed "Volume +/-" 11eccf50-11eccf78 - Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" 11eccf80-11eccfc0 - Fully operational phone without a SIM-card 11eccfd0-11ecd050 - Adding the ability to add other files to the playlist 11ecd060-11ecd08c - Adding icons in Notes 11ecd090-11ecd0b0 - Keylock and sleepmode at the end of the voice conversations 11ecd0c0-11ecd140 - Choose time for showing message "Message delivered" 11ecd150-11ecd190 - Sound when start the camera 11ecd1a0-11ecd270 - Add the possibility to use the *. swf file as Flash Menu 11ecd280-11ecd2b0 - Another time to show SleepMode in Java 11ecd2c0-11ecd300 - Show Radio in fullscreen 11ecd330-11ecd3e0 - Control FM radio with keypad 11ecd3f0-11ecd404 - Changing the mode the display of the image startup and shutdown 11ecd410-11ecd450 - Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c" 11ecd460-11ecd480 - Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/system" through activity menu 11ecd490-11ecd4d0 - Viewing incoming SMS with locked key 11ecd4e0-11ecd510 - calls "Counter" by clicking on "center softkey" in "call" 11ecd520-11ecd560 - show in FullScreen and add icon in SoundRecorderBook 11ecd570-11ecd5c0 - Vibration on start and end voice conversation 11ecd5d0-11ecd640 - Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" 11ecd650-11ecd6b0 - Changing display text labels in the service menu 11ecd6c0-11ecd700 - When music is playing the composition factors are taken from Multimedia 11ecd720-11ecd740 - Deactivation of calls from hidden numbers 11ecd750-11ecd790 - Diferent icon for images 11ecd7a0-11ecd880 - Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" 11ecd890-11ecd9c4 - Set a password to access the window management alarm when triggered 11ecd9d0-11ecd9fc - Add icon in the headline service menu 11ecda00-11ecda70 - Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010) Version 1.1 11ecdb00-11ecdbd0 - Show volumes of text messages in the header folders 11ecdbe0-11ecdd30 - Ability to set the Radio on fullscreen and back to normal screen 11ecdd40-11ecddf0 - add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode" 11ecde00-11ecdeb0 - Add softkey "Delete All" when writing SMS 11ecdf00-11ecdf90 - Full access to FS phone using OBEX protocol 11ecdfa0-11ece020 - Add a window with a picture (gif) at the entrance to the equalizer 11ece030-11ece100 - Show number of contacts in the title of contacts from phone memory/SIM card 11ece110-11ece130 - Switching between radio stations with the +/- volume keys 11ece140-11ece160 - Vibra in early admission - file transfer via Bluetooth and OBEX 11ece170-11ece1a0 - Playing a sound when the startup menu appears 11ece1b0-11ece1c0 - Work SleepMode only when the keyboard locked 11ece1d0-11ece230 - Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers 11ece240-11ece260 - Viewing Music application in full screen v.3 11ece2d0-11ece38e - Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network 10b613a0-11ece580 - Displays custom text in screen of Walkman 11ece590-11ece590 - Changing of brightness by using buttons "Volume +/-" 11ece5d0-11ece610 - Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Create playlist, set ringtone and set message alert from File Manager ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 21.6.10 12:43
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability to display Quick Access Menu with the button Activity ;Short press button Activity = Activity Menu ;Long press button Activity = Quick Access Menu ;(c) myrzeug ;(i) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 21.6.10 13:23 ]
Added 21.6.10 13:24
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing the mode the display of the image startup and shutdown ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c" ;(i) Conflict with patch "Extracting frames on Video application by button "c"" ;Edited in patch: Improved code, proper work ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(e) myrzeug ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 21.6.10 13:51
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/system" through activity menu ;Activity Menu -> Internet -> Protected files(Bookmarks) ;(c) demion ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 21.6.10 15:56 ]
Added 21.6.10 15:57
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Viewing incoming SMS with locked key ;View by pressing the book. "C" ;(c) Joker XT ;jamesbond22 thx to port for a2 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 21.6.10 18:39 ]
Added 21.6.10 18:39
;C702 R3EF001 ;calls "Counter" by clicking on "center softkey" in "call" ;(i) Change label LNG-file "0x1FC5 - Timer" ;(!) Does not work on call logger tab ;(c) k790Alex ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 21.6.10 18:42
;C702 R3EF001 ;Smooth change in the volume of retention swing ;Volume changes only while the screen is hanging panel volume ;Raskomentiruyte line to change the display panel ;(c) RandoM ;(i) Marvin ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 21.6.10 21:23 ]
Added 21.6.10 21:23
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibration on start and end voice conversation ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 12:47 ]
Added 22.6.10 12:48
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Changing display text labels in the service menu ;Added icons for each item and the number of tags ;(c) MahmudS ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 14:13 ]
Added 22.6.10 14:14
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;When music is playing the composition factors are taken from Multimedia ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Diferent icon for images ;(c) Se-MaG ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 14:34 ]
Added 22.6.10 14:34
;C702 R3EF001 ;show in FullScreen and add icon in SoundRecorderBook ;(c) albertnet3 ;(p) matii_ziomek ;Ver_fix
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 15:21 ]
Added 22.6.10 15:22
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" ;(i) Need to use patch "The work of the radio in Flight Mode" ;(c) Tartes ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 22.6.10 15:45
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;The work of the radio in "Flight Mode" ;(c) CyberMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 16:21 ]
Added 22.6.10 16:22
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Set a password to access the window management alarm when triggered ;When the alarm goes off pressing the window asks for a password ;If successful, the password is an alarm clock can be turned off / put on repeat ;When you enter a password failure of an alarm clock is ringing again ;Passwords alarm does not stop ;Default password is "0000" ;v1.0 fix ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 17:59 ]
Added 22.6.10 18:00
;C702 R3EF001 ;Add icon in the headline service menu ;(c) Juhu07 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 22.6.10 18:20 ]
Added 22.6.10 18:21
;C702 R3EF001 ;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010) ;In menu.ml needed: MenuItem_EditDeskbar ;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher ;Version 1.1 (optimized code) ;(c) mc_kibel ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 23.6.10 08:35 ]
Added 23.6.10 08:37
Fix: Патч:
;C702 R3EF001 ;Choose time for showing message "Message delivered" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 23.6.10 13:56 ]
Added 23.6.10 13:58
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show volumes of text messages in the header folders ;(c) ilmir5555 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 23.6.10 14:57 ]
Added 23.6.10 14:58
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability to set the Radio on fullscreen and back to normal screen ;Without a softkeys ;(!) Conflict with patch "Show Radio in fullscreen" ;(c) Ploik ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 R3EF001 ;add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode" ;Settings->General->Flight mode->Options ;(c) rong862 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 23.6.10 16:46 ]
Added 23.6.10 16:46
;C702 R3EF001 ;Add softkey "Delete All" when writing SMS ;Options -> Delete All ;(c) rong862 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 24.6.10 10:41 ]
Added 24.6.10 10:41
;C702 SW-3EF001 ;Full access to FS phone using OBEX protocol ;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ... ;Attention! Delete / move the files, you can deprive the working phone! ;Full access to OBEX protocol in FS phone ;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ... ;Attention! Having removed / having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;Added the ability to copy in a folder (except for Drivers) ;Conclusion 8 folders at once ;v. 2.5 (FIX) ;(c) Zormax ;(e) MILAD (Make it work on A2!) ;(e,p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 24.6.10 13:01 ]
Added 24.6.10 13:02
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add a window with a picture (gif) at the entrance to the equalizer ;Image put on the path /usb/other/ini / and call it equalizer.gif ;(c) Va_st ;(i) Therion ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show number of contacts in the title of contacts from phone memory/SIM card ;v. fix ;(c) ilmir5555 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Delete Games Applications from file manager ;(c) diezil ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 24.6.10 14:05 ]
Added 24.6.10 15:37
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Java closes when you press the red handset ;Window with the choice of the "Close" and "minimize" does not appear. ;(c) zapret007 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 24.6.10 15:43
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change combination *#06# on any other ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change ">*<<*<*" combination to enter the service menu in any other ;(c) demon_17 ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Switching between radio stations with the +/- volume keys ;"Volume +"(HOLD) - +1 station from list ;"Volume -"(HOLD) - -1 station from list ;(c) Joker XT ;(r) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 25.6.10 14:12 ]
Added 25.6.10 14:12
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra in early admission - file transfer via Bluetooth and OBEX ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 25.6.10 14:51
;C702 R3EF001 ;Launches activity menu by long pressing Key activity(and shortpress disabled) ;To use Bookmanager elf with Activity menu key ;In bookman.bcfg set Start key-Activity menu and Key mode-Short release ;) ;(c)Thilina ;(r)myrzeug ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers ;(c) Amir_82111 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Viewing Music application in full screen ;Can place items on the bottom of the screen ;Softkeys do not appear ;v.3 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 26.6.10 20:00 ]
Added 26.6.10 20:00
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network ;To the folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place sounds files gprs0.mp3 and gprs1.mp3 ;(i) Heap shift (2AFF2AE2) ;(c) Sic ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 26.6.10 21:12 ]
Added 26.6.10 21:12
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Displays custom text in screen of Walkman ;Now color of text is readed from theme ;v. 1.5 ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
11ece5d0-11ece610 - Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it 11ece620-11ece674 - Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time 11ece680-11ece700 - Save created recording voice call files in format YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_NAME.amr 11ece710-11ece820 - Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth 11ece830-11ece860 - On/off hour by pressing the joystick in Sleepmode. 11ece870-11ece8a0 - Save Received music files in "/card/music/Received music" in music folder 11ece8b0-11ece930 - KeyCode/Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests"-"Keyboard" 11ece940-11ece960 - Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode 11ece970-11ece990 - Icon of incoming calls forwarded 11ece9a0-11ece9b0 - Remove the black background when viewing 3x3 and 5x5 11ece9c0-11eceab0 - Replace the folder the web page files to the folder Received files 11eceac0-11eceb30 - Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes. 11eceb40-11ecebfc - Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders titles/v2.0 11ecec00-11ececb0 - Quick access to the functions of the phone via the number keys 2-9 in standby mode 11ececc0-11eced20 - Date and time in filenames created by sound recorder 11eced30-11ecedf0 - Office of Videoplayer 11eccdb0-11eccdd0 - Hold # key - lock / unlock the keypad 11f0a8a0-11f0aa10 - Vibra and sound when keylock activated/deactivated 11f0aa40-11f0aaf0 - Management player/radio and volume with the joystick 11f0ab00-11f0ac40 - Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows 11f0ac50-11f0ac70 - Change list menu GUI 11f0ac80-11f0ac90 - Hide icons in the transition to landscape mode 11f0aca0-11f0adc0 - Addition of the clock display when watching video in landscape mode
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. ;(i) HeapShift (2AFF2AE4) ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Save created recording voice call files in format YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_NAME.amr ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 28.6.10 15:26
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Set the backlight time setting display in sleep mode ;In addition, clearly illuminates clock ;(c) KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 28.6.10 22:02
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth ;Settings -> Connectivity -> Phone name -> Options ;Options - "Always ask" and "Always allow" ;Works with selected files ;(i) Conflict with patch "Remove "accept file? (yes/no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth" ;(c) ZEN ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 30.6.10 13:24
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;On/off hour by pressing the joystick in Sleepmode. ;Pressing the joystick - appear hour, pressing it again will extinguish the screen. ;Now you can get out of Sleepmode when you press button l.softkey, numeric keypad and some others. ;(!) Conflict with patch "Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode" ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 30.6.10 15:19
;C702 R3EF001 ;Save Received music files in "/card/music/Received music" in music folder ;(i) Works only when you insert M2,if not inserted musics saved in music folder ;(i) roll back patch "Replace the folder the web page files to the folder Received files" (C) Therion ;(c) MEHRDAD ;(p) matii_ziomek ;original idea by Therion
Added 30.6.10 19:06
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;KeyCode ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests"-"Keyboard" ;(c) RandoM ;(e) Joker XT ;(p) matii_ziomek
XX - hex values for keys: Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode ;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Icon of incoming calls forwarded ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 3.7.10 14:06
;C702 R3EF001 ;Remove the black background when viewing 3x3 and 5x5 ;(c) Therion ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 4.7.10 14:39
;C702 R3EF001 ;Replace the folder the web page files to the folder Received files ;In this folder collect files received ;(!) Roll back the patch to delete the folder web page ;change lable in your lng file ;0x1737 = Received files ;(c) Therion ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 5.7.10 10:27
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes. ;v2 ;Now works with photos ;(c) Tartes ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Quick access to the functions of the phone via the number keys 2-9 in standby mode ;Added the appointment of events ;v.2 ;(c) Sic ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 5.7.10 13:14
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Date and time in filenames created by sound recorder ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 5.7.10 15:38
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Remove "Use now?" After receiving the file ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) matii_ziomek 1187465A: 92F273FA2DE00398 201CFFF76BFD2CE0
Added 5.7.10 17:49
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;System combinations for the keypad, such as Siemens ;Hold # key - lock / unlock the keypad ;(c) KrasH ;(p) matii_ziomek ;v.1.1 fix
Added 5.7.10 18:34
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Vibra and sound when keylock activated/deactivated ;Vibra and sound when silent mode activated/deactivated on Standby and Quick Access menu ;Now sounds do not play when runned the player, video or radio ;Sounds place in folder folder tpa/preset/system/sound/ ;"keylock.mp3" - sound when keylock ;"nosound.mp3" - sound when silent mode ;v. 3 ;(c) CyberMaster aka McG ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
Added 5.7.10 19:10
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Management player/radio and volume with the joystick ;If the player/radio is not running, the joystick works as a set of links ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek ;Oryginal idea by Sic
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 6.7.10 14:38 ]
Added 6.7.10 14:40
Styles run only from 0 to 3 on the restart occurs 4-8: Патч:
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows ;Put file "OneOfMany.ini" in the path "/usb/other/ini/" ;Use appz for edit the file ;Example of OneOfMany.ini: ;[Style]: 0x2; ;Styles (0x0...0x8) ;v.2 ;(c) k790Alex ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Hide icons in the transition to landscape mode ;v. 1 ;(c) Grinvich ;(p) matii_ziomek
[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 13.7.10 17:26 ]
Added 13.7.10 17:26
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Addition of the clock display when watching video in landscape mode ;Clock shows at this time as the other elements ;Added black background for clock ;v. 1.2 ;Now display icon ;icon = 0xF8CB ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) matii_ziomek
;C702 SW-R3EF001 ;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files ;Added the ability to rename a jar and jad files ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) matii_ziomek
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