far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
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Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка -
Учет занятого места (phone_app):
15CE2300 - 15CE2340 - Вибра при соединении 15CE2340 - 15CE23E0 - Отображение имени абонента рядом с номером в смс 15CE23E0 - 15CE2470 - Расширенная регулировка яркости 15CE2470 - 15CE2510 - Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры 15CE2510 - 15CE2550 - Вкл/выкл изображения часов по нажатию джойстика в Sleepmode 15CE2550 - 15CE2EE0 - Назначение мелодии на группы абонентов 15CE2F00 - 15CE3030 - Добавление тел. номера при написании SMS/MMS 15CE3030 - 15CE3090 - Исчезновение отчета о доставке через 5 секунд 15CE3090 - 15CE3100 - Поддержка кодировки win-1251 15CE3100 - 15CE34B0 - Напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и сообщениях виброй/мелодией/миганием оранжевого и красного диодов 15CE34B0 - 15CE3530 - Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове 15CE3530 - 15CE3810 - Выбор времени автоблокировки клавиатуры и подсветки 15CE3810 - 15CE3D60 - Просмотр логов на 5 вкладке Вызовов 15CE4000 - 15CF0000 - Elfpack + Library 15CF0000 - 15CF2000 - Конфиденциальность 15CF2000 - 15CF4000 - Копирование/перемещение файлов в любую папку 15CF4000 - 15CF4A00 - Shorcut add fix 15CF4A00 - 15CF4A40 - Исправить сброс звонка при закрытии слайда 15CF4A40 - 15CF4FB0 - Flash и Silent SMS
4BB207CC - 4BB207CD - Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры 4BB207CD - 4BB207CE - Напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и сообщениях виброй/мелодией/миганием оранжевого и красного диодов 4BB207CE - 4BB207CF - Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове 4BB207CF - 4BB207D0 - Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode 4BB207D0 - 4BB207D1 - Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 4BB207D1 - 4BB207D2 - Recycle Bin V2.1fix 4BB207D2 - 4BB207D3 - Selection an event by Timer V1.1 4BB207D3 - 4BB207D4 - Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 4BB207D4 - 4BB207D5 - Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 4BB207D5 - 4BB207EB - Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1 4BB207EC - 4BB207ED - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page 4BB207EE - 4BB207F0 - Automatic control of brightness v2
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 ;One pressing - next song/station/play video ;More than two clicks - turning off player/turning off radio/pause video ;If not included radio, player or video, pressing includes that set the button music ;Must be included a set of voice ;v. 4.5 ;heapshift (0x4BB207D4) ;(c) IronMaster ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) albertnet3
15d78ea0...15d78f60;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5
heap Shift: Код:
4BB207D3...4BB207D4 ;Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 4BB207D4...4BB207D5 ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5
[ Редактировано den_po в 10.6.10 09:37 ]
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
;w705_r1ga031 ;Drawing menu background "Options" from the menu background theme ;has a new menu to appear ;changed the size of the menu and submenu ;(c) Therion, Va_st ;(p) albertnet3 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;w705_r1ga031 ;Timer to reset and / or mute an incoming call ;and replace "XXXXXXXX" at the right time in HEX ;or enter "00000000" not to include a timer ;for example: 30 sec = 30000 msec = 0x7530 hex = 30750000 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) albertnet3
;w705_r1ga031 ;Supplement to patch "to reset the timers and / or mute an incoming call ;ability to choose the time to drop calls,and mute ;Options -> Call -> Call Management -> Receiving calls -> Options ;(!)Conflic whit patch "Blacklist Reject mode" (c) Amir_82111 ;(c) Ploik ;(p) albertnet3 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
15d77f10...15d784a0 ;Copying / moving files in any folder 15d784b0...15d78540 ;Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 15d78550...15d78570 ;Place icons play/pause on center softkey in Video application 15D78580...15D78E93 ;Standby Manager 15d78ea0...15d78f60 ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 15d78f70...15d79020 ;Change the heading style in the Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages, Saved Messages, Conversations, El. mail 15d79030...15d79080 ;Drawing menu background "Options" from the menu background theme 15d79080...15d79120 ;Timer to reset and / or mute an incoming call 15d79130...15d79540 ;Supplement to patch "to reset the timers and / or mute an incoming call
4BB207CC...4BB207CD ;Office player and radio with headset 4BB207CD...4BB207CE ;Reminder of missed calls and messages vibration / melody / flashing orange and red diodes 4BB207CE...4BB207CF ;flashing lamp for incoming call 4BB207D0...4BB207D1 ;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 4BB207D1...4BB207D2 ;Recycle Bin V2.1fix 4BB207D2...4BB207D3 ;Selection an event by Timer V1.1 4BB207D3...4BB207D4 ;Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 4BB207D4...4BB207D5 ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5
[ Edited by albertnet3 в 26.5.10 23:57 ]
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode ;Settings - Brightness - Features - Brightness ;(!) Installation of lighting settings when displaying the time in the Sleep Mode ;v.2 fix ;(!) Heap shift (0x4BB207CF) ;(!) Conflict whit patch ";Add ability to change the retention time for each illumination BOOK" ;Now when from hibernation, the display light is placed and what was ;(c) Ploik ;(p) albertnet3 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
phone_app.cxc: Код:
15d79550...15d79850 ;Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode
Heap shift: Код:
4BB207CF-4BB207D0 ;Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Регистрация: 15.9.09 Сообщений: 54 Репутация: 170 Откуда: Mexico City
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Add-on for Clear Bass ;Gives deep bass and better audio quality ;Suitable for bass lover ;(c) blacklizard ;(p) Gurkan! ;(!) Only for Clear Audio phone
;W705 R1GA031 ;Change font size in main menu ;For example Messaging, WALKMAN and etc.. ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Gurkan! ;15B398E8: 32003400 31003200; Size = 12
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Change the order of the settings in Walkman ;To make it look like Walkman 4 settings! ;Play mode --- Styles ;Equaliser --- Play mode ;Visualisations --- Equaliser ;v1 ;(!) You have to edit your .lng file! ;(c) blacklizard ;(p) Gurkan!
;W705 R1GA031 ;Remove background darkening in dialog windows ;(c) UltraShot ;(p) Gurkan! 14402032: 0EF7DDFC C046C046
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Removing restrictions on the number of colors icons on the screen Walkman ;This includes navigational icons, loop icon, shuffle icon and equalizer icons ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Gurkan!
;W705 R1GA031 ;Reversed colors in sleepmode ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(P) Gurkan!
Gurkan!, sorry for me bad english xD! I speak Spanish I do not understand what your problem?
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth ;Settings -> Connectivity -> Bluetooth -> Phone name -> Options ;Options - "Always ask" and "Always allow" ;Works with selected files ;(i) Conflict with patch "Remove "accept file? (yes/no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth" ;(c) ZEN ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) albertnet3
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) albertnet3
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +" ;(!) HeapShift(0x4BB207EB) ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) albertnet3
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Adds a header phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM ;Add number of contact in title of phonebook ;Ver_FIX ;(c) ilmir5555 ;(p) albertnet3
Phone_app.cxc: Код:
15d79aa0-15d79bb0 ;Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth 15d79bc0-15d79be0 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" 15d79bf0-15d79c30 ;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +" 15d79c40-15d79d20 ;Adds a header phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM
HeapShift: Код:
4BB207EB-4BB207EC ;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +"
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: -DeJaVu-
Регистрация: 15.9.09 Сообщений: 54 Репутация: 170 Откуда: Mexico City
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