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#241 [19.08.09, 19:01] W595 SW-R3EF001
Отдельная ветка патчей для W595 SW-R3EF001 1. Правила оформления патчей смотрим в теме Оформление патчей 2. Обсуждение работоспособности патчей в теме Обсуждение патчей A2 3. Запросы о портировании патчей в теме Идеи и запросы патчей А2 4. Far cxc patcher для патчения
*.cxc файлов обсуждается в
этой ветке
5. SEFP2 для заливки патченых
*.cxc файлов обсуждается в
этой ветке
For creators and porters of patches, you must look the first post and use free space according the list (don't look the last post and add 0x10 in your patches). Sreenshots and patches description must be in english or russian . Any post without this features will be deleted . Те кто портирует патчи смотрим учет в первом посте , а не по последнему патчу!Все кривые патчи, патчи с неправильно оформленной шапкой или с не правильно взятом замейном будут удаляться, а авторы наказаны! По возможности выкладываем скрины к патчам. Не умеешь портировать не лезь! Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! 2012.03.28 last updated Used space listSpoiler:
11AE4970-11AE4A9B - Adding telephone numbers when writing MMS v. 1.5 11AE4AA0-11AE4BAC - Reminder of missed calls by vibration and melody 11AE4BB0-11AE4C40 - Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" v. fix 11AE4C40-11AE4D9C - Ability to set the Radio on fullscreen and back to normal screen 11AE4DA0-11AE4E90 - Displays custom text in screen of Walkman v. 1.5 11AE4E50-11AE4ED0 - Add window with a image (gif) at the entrance to the equalizer 11AE4E90-11AE4FC8 - Set a password to the window when an alarm is triggered v1.0 fix 11AE5030-11AE5167 - Vibra Music v. 1.1 11F18400-11F18D00 - Change Quick Access menu style v jb22 11F18DA0-11F19160 - Selection an event by Timer v1.1 11F19200-11F19220 - Adding icons in Notes 11F19230-11F19260 - Change information about the file 11F19270-11F19280 - Playing sound file in the emergence of the start-up menu 11F19290-11F19390 - New Year Patch \" \" 2010 11F19990-11F199E4 - Ability to cancel the sending of SMS-messages 11F19AE0-11F19B60 - Browsing Web browser to full screen 11F19B70-11F19BA0 - On/off hour by pressing the joystick in Sleepmode. 11F19BB0-11F19CA0 - Day of week shows everywhere along with the date. 11F19CB0-11F19E60 - Logo Changer 11F19E70-11F19F20 - Displays a process of transmission through BT in the status bar. 11F1A000-11F1A080 - Adding the ability to add other files to the playlist 11F1A090-11F1A100 - Save extracted frames from VideoApplication in folder picture/frames 11AE4820-11AE4960 - Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows 11F1A110-11F1A150 - Extracting frames on VideoApplication by own button 11F19FD0-11F19FF0 - The system keypad combinations such as Siemens 11F19FD0-11F19FF0 - Change "menu.ml" path to "/usb/other/ini/menu" 125F1500-125F17C0 - Cart 126A6700-126A6764 - Choose time for showing message "Message delivered" 126A6790-126A6810 - Advanced range of brightness adjustment 126A6840-126A6DC0 - Change Quick Access menu style v.2.3 126A6E00-126A6E60 - The choice of colors when viewing SMS 126A6E60-126A6E80 - Vibra on connect 126A6E90-126A6EB0 - Vibration in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call 126A6EE0-126A6EFC - Change operator name to own 126A6F50-126A6F70 - Vibra when switching to a new track (which hangs indicator new track) 126A6F80-126A7020 - Sounds on opening/closing slider 1.4 126A7030-126A70A0 - Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes. v2 126A70B0-126A7120 - Disable keyboard illumination when viewing video 126A7130-126A71E0 - Playing mp3 file, which is recorded on the delivery of messages. 126A71F0-126A7240 - Vibration on start and end voice conversation 126A7250-126A72E0 - Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call 126A72F0-126A7400 - Displays the name of the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS 126A7410-126A7450 - Viewing incoming SMS with blocked keyboard 126a7460-126a7480 - Selection buttons of illuminate in SleepMode 126A7490-126A74B0 - Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/other/patches" through activity menu 126A74C0-126A74E0 - Short vibra on rececive/sending file, OBEX 126A7660-126A7650 - Added an item to the Equalizer 126A7680-126A76C0 - Diferent icon for images 126A76D0-126A79A0 - SMS Transliter v2.0 126A79B0-126A7A40 - Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options" 126A7A70-126A7A80 - Show Quick Access Menu by pressing button vol+ 126A7A90-126A7AA0 - Change color of RDS info 126A7AB0-126A7BA0 - Add to display information about a file size of the file in bytes. 126A7BB0-126A7BE0 - Changing of brightness by using buttons "Volume +/-" 126A7BF0-126A7CB0 - Office player, radio and video through Headsets 126A7CC0-126A7D00 - Extracting frames on Video application by button "c" 126A7D10-126A7D20 - The fourth profile from the list is when the headphones are plugged in 126A7D30-126A7DF0 - Office of Videoplayer 126A7E00-126A7E40 - Fully operational phone without a SIM-card 1.2 fix for new elf pack 126A7E50-126A7F30 - Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" 126A8280-126A82A0 - Fix shutdown of walkman at the close of the service menu with end call key 126A8800-126A88C0 - Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone v2 126A8F00-126A8F20 - Place icons play/pause on center softkey in Video application 126A7F40-126A7F60 - Heap Shift 126A7F70-126A8020 - Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network 126A8F30-126A8F80 - Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 126A8F90-126A8FF0 - Date and time in filenames created by sound recorder 126A9000-126A90D0 - When keylock: do things 126A9150-126A9190 - Adding to the Radio item "WAKMAN" 126A91A0-126A91B0 - Change color of background in PlayQueue 126A91C0-126A9240 - Save created recording voice call files in format YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_NAME.amr 126A9250-126A9420 - New item on menu "Bluetooth-> Saving Energy" 126A9430-126A9470 - Play sound file when shutdown phone 126A9480-126A94D0 - Separate level of brightness for video playback. 126A9520-126A9670 - Adding telephone numbers when writing SMS 126A9680-126A96C0 - Inclusion of what is the key to "Start/Stop" when you connect the headset. 126A96D0-126A9730 - Add softkey "Minimalize" to SoundRecorder 126A9740-126A97C0 - KeyCode 126A97D0-126A97F0 - Switching between radio stations with the +/- volume keys 126A9800-126A98C0 - Management player/radio and volume with the joystick 126A98C0-126A9970 - Control FM radio with keypad v.1 126A9980-126A99D0 - Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" message to "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!!! Nokia SUCKS!!!" 126A99D0-126A9A40 - Displaying the day of the week instead of the date in standby mode 126A9A40-126A9B20 - The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call 126A9B30-126A9C10 - Extended character table. Added 33 characters. v1.1 126A9C20-126A9C30 - Change colors in application Video 126A9C40-126A9C50 - Changing the mode the display of the image startup and shutdown 126A7A50-126A7A60 - Viewing Music application in full screen v2 126A9C60-126A9C70 - Change the background color in StandbyInput 126A9C80-126A9C90 - Change the background color in in Video Application 126A9CA0-126A9CE0 - Changing colors subtitles in Video Application 126A9CF0-126A9D30 - Show Radio in fullscreen v.2 126A9D40-126A9D50 - Change the color of recording time in Camera 126A9D60-126A9D70 - Changing the color of the string in Settings Cameras 126A9D80-126A9D90 - Changing the color of the string "300+" in Camera 126A9DA0-126A9E30 - id3v2 compatiblity fix (DIE WIN1251 DIE!) v1 126A9E40-126A9EA0 - Decode win-1251 126A9EB0-126A9ED0 - Viewing Music application in full screen V3 126A9EE0-126A9EF0 - Change color of bar in Editor sms's 126A9F00-126A9F30 - Vibra after updating Bluetooth devices 126A9F40-126AA030 - Extended character table. Added 45 characters 126AA040-126AA0B0 - Adding to the Music Application item "Radio" 126AA0C0-126AA230 - Management buttons in Music Application 126AA230-126AA270 - Sound when start the camera 126AA280-126AA710 - Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen 126AA760-126AA870 - Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth 126AA880-126AA8B0 - Another time to show SleepMode in Java v 2.0 126AA8C0-126AA9B0 - Changing of brightness by using buttons "Volume +/-" v.3 126AA9C0-126AAB00 - Management of buttons in sleep mode v2 126AABA0-126AAC00 - Recording voice conversations with the long pressing button "Volume -" 126AAD30-126AAD70 - Automatic recording of the voice at the beginning of a voice call 126AAD80-126AADC0 - Add to receiving MMS softkey "Ok" 126AADD0-126AAFF0 - Blacklist Reject mode v1 126AB000-126AB020 - Keylock and sleepmode at the end of the voice conversations 126AB030-126AB060 - RF on/off reject mode with press button "on/off" when incomming call 126AB070-126AB0D0 - Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c" vbeta 126AB0D0-126AB0F0 - Change list menu GUI 126AB100-126AB110 - Change splash to splash.png 126AB100-126AB2D0 - Maximization/minimization Radio and WALKMAN throughout long press the button Walkman v2.1 126AB330-126AB3D0 - Recording voice conversations with the long pressing button "Volume -" 126AB2E0-126AB320 - Add left softkey "Minim. for playing music in FileManager 126AB330-126AB480 - The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call 126AB500-126ABDD0 - Book Manager for A2 v2.1 126ABE50-126ABF70 - Added ability to minimize the sound recorder application 126ABF80-126ABF80 - Increase photo counter limit to 4000 126ABF90-126AC070 - Add the ability to deploy a hidden window receiving / sending files via Bluetooth v1.0 Fix 126AC080-126AC0C0 - Add softkey "Minimize" for sending files via Bluetooth 126AC1E0-126AC250 - Opening symbol table by long pressing key "*" (star key) v2 126AC1C0-126AC1DB - Icon of incoming calls forwarded 126AC0D0-126AC250 - Management of buttons v.3 126AC260-126AC560 - Add informations about files mp3 126AC570-126AC650 - Playing sound file while charging 126AC930-126ACAE0 - Management of buttons in sleep mode v3.1 126CD290-126CDA40 - 4th tab 126CD230-126CD270 - Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it 126D0000-126D1600 - Copying / moving files in any folder V2.1.1 126D1600-126D1F60 - Assign a ringing tone to a caller group 126D1F80-126D2F30 - Automatic control of brightness v.3.1 126D2F40-126D34F0 - Logo Changer v3.1 126D3510-126D3720 - Advanced range of brightness adjustment v2 126D3730-126D39A0 - Add 3x3 grid view to camera's view finder 1.1 126D39B0-126D3C00 - Show/Hide contact phone number when Incoming/Outgoing calls 126D3C10-126D3E80 - add digital key's management to the SMS list 126D3E90-126D4BD0 - The choice of colors when viewing SMS (e) HotRabbit 126D4BD0-126D4BF0 - DB3150 MessageBox Fix-Remove white box in message box 126D4C00-126D5110 - Protection before deleting messages 2.5 126D5120-126D5330 - Replace window "Use now?" when receiving the file v2 126D5340-126D53C0 - Add-on for elf "Black List" 126D53D0-126D5460 - Add item "Black List" to Calls 126D53D0-126D5460 - Add item "Black List" to Calls v1 fix 126D53D0-126D5540 - Add item "Black List" to Calls-edit buhh 126D5550-126D57A0 - Change interface in Calls 126D57B0-126D5E50 - View logs at 5 tab Challenge v2 (e)HotRabbit & myrzeug 126D5E60-126D60D0 - Change interface in Calls and Call Logger tab 126D60E0-126D65A0 - Add information about the audio files in the file manager v1 126D65B0-126D6660 - Add item "Give Missed Call" to Calls/Options menu 126D65B0-126D66B0 - Add item "Give Missed Call" to Calls/Options menu v2 126D66C0-126D6DE0 - Radio Autoshutdown 126D6DF0-126D7240 - Add enable / disable the camera 126D7250-126D72E0 - Add Event CLIPBOARD_TEXTCOPIED_EVENT = 0x33C 126D72F0-126D7CA0 - View Call logs at 5 tab in Calls V3 126D7CC0-126D7D00 - Add a message "Inserted" after the text insertion 126D7D10-126D8030 - Add item "View system. Graphics" in the service menu 126D8040-126D8180 - Display Number of contacts and numbers in the second row header 126D8190-126D82A0 - Volume of a sound isn't dropped at reboot 126D82B0-126D82F0 - Add Events-0x1D11,0x1D12 126D8300-126D8340 - Add message "Inserted" After inserting text 126D8350-126DEB60 - The ability to move elements of the standby (c) Ploik, BigHercules 126D8350-126F0000 - The ability to move elements of the standby (c) Ploik, BigHercules (e) farid126F0010-127876B0 - FREE 127876D0-12787B30 - Ability to show/hide Statusrow v.fix 12787B80-12787C40 - Change orientation in Radio (v.Beta) 12787C60-127880E0 - Add question about replacement of file (if file name already exist) 127880F0-12788188 - Add softkey "Delete All" to the StringInput GUI12788190 -12788FF0 - FREE 12789000-127891A0 - Add an image to default progress bar in music player 12789200-127892C0 - Add the initial path and destination path in the window when copying / moving a file 127892F0-12789550 - Add the ability to enable \ disable Activity Menu 12789570-127897C0 - Add enable / disable the light sensor 127897F0-12789A90 - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX, Download pages V2 12789AD0-12789F90 - Change 4 th tab in the Activity Menu to File Manager v2.2 fix 12789FD0-12789FF0 - Show fullscreen in Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages and Saved messages 1278A04E-1278A190 - Show volume percentage on volume bar 1278A1C0-1278ABA0 - Blinking Orange LED while charging v2 1278ABD0-1278AC60 - Shorcut add fix 1278AC80-1278ACA0 - Spinning longest names in the phone book 1278ACC0-1278B380 - On/Off Delete v3.01278ACB0-1278B780 - FREE 1278B790-1278B8E0 - Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers v3 1278B900-1278B910 - Auto hidden icon when rottating image 1278B930-1278C1A0 - Ability change orientation in file manager v4 fix 1278C1E0-1278C270 - Supplement to the patch "Copying/moving files in any folder v2.1.1" 1278C2E0-1278C490 - Show/Hide softkeys in Video application 1278C4C0-1278C6A0 - Hide/show softkeys in mainmenu 1278C6C0-1278C9B0 - Short showing indicator loudness v1.1 1278C9C0-1278CA60 - Add rules of third's grid on camera's view finder 1278CA90-1278D000 - Flash and Silent SMS v2.5 1278D010-1278D2D0 - Ability to show / demonstrate the focus / hide the second line in new event 1278D2F0-1278D350 - Add "Minimize" to the incomming call v1.1 1278D370-1278D3E0 - Changing display style of text labels in the service menu 1278D3F0-1278D420 - Add shortcut to "Service menu" in the main menu 1278D430-1278D630 - Ability to show / hide the second row in the messages 1.5fix 1278D650-1278E4E0 - Automatic control of brightness v2 1278E4E0-1278E600 - Graphic Scroll Bar 1278E610-1278EF30 - Advanced Config of Musicplaylist v3 1278E620-1278E644 - Add animation at enter to playqueue 1278EF50-1278EF70 - Hide window "Use now?" after receiving the file v1.1 1278EF90-1278F090 - Add-on for patch "Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio v.2" 1278F0A0-1278F520 - Add Eight submenu to 5° tab 1278F530-1278F570 - Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c" v1.1 1278F580-1278F780 - Extended character table. Added 88 characters. 1278F790-1278FD20 - Add Ten submenu to 5° tab 1278FD30-1278FDA0 - Change location of folder DCIM to picture/DCIM (like in DB2010) 1278FDB0-1278FDD0 - Add ability to scroll lists Photo / Video / Pictures with key volume 1278FDE0-12790550 - Ability change color in filemanager (c) Juhu07 12790570-127909F0 - BT Auto-off after a specified time 12790A00-12791080 - SMS Backup patch v1.1 127910A0-127913C0 - The ability to use the current track in the player as 127913D0-12791440 - Show platform phone in servicemenu 12791450-12791590 - Add item "Smart Search" in the file manager v.Fix.2 127915E0-12791D70 - SMS Backup v1.5 12791D90-127926A0 - Ability change color in filemanager (c) Juhu07 edited version 127926B0-12792E60 - Auto Silent v1.1 1279B060-1279B170 - Add item "Tag Editor" to Options->File menu in MusicApplication_Book v1.1 12792E70-12792E90 - Retrieve new track information with the help of elf 12792EA0-12793060 - Display memory state in tab titles of File Manager v.3.1 12793080-12793760 - Ability to move and show battery % on default battery icon v1.1 12793080-12793770 - Ability to move,show/hide default item on statusrow v2 12793780-12793840 - Change style of Phonebook 12793860-12794760 - Ability to redraw VolumeControl with custom skin v.1.1 12794900-127951F0 - StandbyManager 12795700-12795AA0 - Quick access to the functions of the phone via the number keys 2-9 in standby mode v3 12795B00-12795B10 - Change positions for StandbyTicker 12795B20-12795F90 - Quick access to phone functions via the numeric keys 2-9 in standby mode v3 12796000-127960D0 - Show heap in standby 12796100-127963F0 - Change items in SleepMode 12796410-12796FA0 - SMS Backup v2.5 fix 12796500-12796A40 - Add 5th tab for Call logger in Calls v2 12796E00-127970B0 - Additional menu in the player by pressing a button off. 12797100-12797320 - PhoneName-PhoneStatus-LogoOperator 12797650-12797900 - Ability to choose the time of illumination in sleep mode (1-8 sec.)12797910-12798910 - EXIF viewer v3 12798B00-12798B30 - Save Received music files in "Received music" in music folder 12798B30-12798C00 - Add the possibility to use the *. swf file as Flash Menu in the file manager in the Options > Use as12798C10-12798F80 - FREE 12798F90-12799000 - Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010) v1.1 12799040-12799060 - Add icon in the headline service menu 12799070-12799120 - Add softkey "Delete All" when writing SMS 12799150-12799170 - Addon to patch "Copying / moving files in any folder v2.0" 127991C0-12799360 - Flash THM 12799380-12799430 - Add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode" 12799460-12799480 - Deactivation of calls from hidden numbers(Tnx MEHRDAD) 12799620-12799650 - calls "Counter" by clicking on "center softkey" in "call" 12799800-12799840 - show in FullScreen and add icon in SoundRecorderBook 12799A00-12799A10 - Work SleepMode only when the keyboard locked 12799A20-12799A9F - In the off state, when the alarm clock finished, phone turns on instead of shutdown. 12799AC0-1279A28F - Add Action "Dir Copy" in the DataBrowser 1279A4E0-1279A590 - Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders 1279A5A0-1279A7F0 - Add option to Enable/Disable SleepMode 1279A820-1279A830 - Ability to select item with numeric keys in USB Connection Menu 1279A8A0-1279A990 - Ability to redraw player with the help of elves 1.5 1279A9A0-1279AA60 - Add left softkey "options" in flight mode menu 1279AA80-1279AC40 - Add option "record" in the functions of the FM Padio v2 1279AC50-1279AD10 - ClearBass Equalizer add-on 2.0+ 1279AD20-1279AD70 - Change Style showing IMEI window v2 1279AD80-1279B050 - The choice of the time automatic keylock and backlight v.1.51279B060-1279B2B0 - FREE 1279B2D0-1279B3F6 - Correction "Smart Search" 1279B410-1279B460 - Work keys in message "Phone ready to be used with computer"(H)1279B470-1279B9A0 - FREE 1279B9B0-1279BAD0 - Add item "MusicTagger" to Options->File menu in MusicApplication_Book v1 1279BAE0-1279BB50 - Add icon in the title of "USB modes" 1279BB60-1279BC90 - Ability to select GUI of Music Application 1279BD00-1279BE30 - Add item "New" in the file manager v1 1279BCA0-1279BCF0 - Run elf Myshortcuts © albertnet3 1279BE40-1279BEC0 - Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu 1279BEC0-1279C160 - Ability to set player in a fullscreen and back v2.3 1279C170-1279C1D0 - Add item "lock keypad" in the walkman/options menu 1279C1E0-1279C230 - Change shortcut "bookmarks" to "Java App" (Java Manager.elf) 1279C240-1279C3F0 - Add item "Create" in the file manager v2 1279C400-1279C5B0 - BlackBerry List Menu (BBLM) 1279C1E0-1279C490 - Add a choice of time playing tunes in the incoming message 1279C5C0-1279C650 - Add item "Radio" and "Walkman" in VideoApplication 1279C660-1279C6F0 - Added icon in service menu and submenu v2 1279C700-1279C760 - Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS 1279C770-1279C7F0 - Add Icon on title of "Copy to:" and "Move to:" 1279C930-1279CAF0 - Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in 1279CB00-1279CC60 - Add item "Total delete" to More--File in the player 1279CC70-1279CC90 - Add icon to "Play mode" in WALKMAN player 1279CCA0-1279CF90 - STUFF_PLAYER 1.5 1279D390-1279D3F0 - Add icons for items in Contacts "Myself" and "New Contact" 1279D400-1279D9AB - UpdateFS 1279D9B0-1279DAD0 - Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers v.1 1279DAE0-1279DB40 - Add title, icon and label number in Service menu-->Text labels 1279DB50-1279DCB0 - Service Menu Mod. v1.1 1279DCC0-1279DE00 - VIDEO_SHORTCUTS 1279DE10-1279DFA0 - Add item Call Logger(Elf) and Advanced in Calls Menu 1279DFB0-1279DFC0 - DB3150 MessageBox BugFix 1279DFD0-1279E000 - Add icon in the window "Continue playback through speakers?" v2 1279E010-1279E0D0 - Change style of "Shortcuts" 1279E0E0-1279E190 - Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys 1279E1A0-1279E280 - Change style in Start Menu v2.1 1279E290-1279E320 - Change style of "Alarms" 1279E330-1279E380 - Add icon in the test of microphone (Service > Service Tests > Microphone) 1279E390-1279E410 - Add the number of Tasks in the title 1279E420-1279E900 - Selection Style and Mode GUI in Calls 1279E910-1279E990 - Add the number of Notes in the title of Notes 1279E9A0-1279EDF0 - Additional Shortcuts and StuffPlayer in the Walkman 1279EE00-1279F070 - Enable / disable the light sensor 1279F080-1279F710 - Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut" v1.5 1279F710-1279FB80 - Selection menu style in all OneOfMany Windows 1279FB90-127A0050 - Choice of style and mode of presentation of items 127A0060-127A05A0 - Ability change orientation in file manager v4 buggy version 127A05B0-127A0C30 - Selection Style, Mode GUI, Softkeys and ManagementCalls in CallsMenu 127A0C40-127A0C90 - Softkey "Minimize" at an incoming call v1 127A0CA0-127A0EE0 - Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" 127A0EF0-127A0F80 - Add the number of calls (Answered, Dialed, Missed & All) 127A0F90-127A10E0 - Enable/Disable the deleting of files 127A10F0-127A1420 - Add a menu item that allows on / off. confirmation of acceptance of a file via BlueTooth and ObEx v.1 update 127A1430-127A14C0 - Add the number of items on "Searching" when sending files with Bluetooth 127A14D0-127A1500 - Add icon to "RDS settings" in FM Radio 127A1510-127A1540 - Add icon to "Set frequency" in FM Radio 127A1550-127A1570 - Add icon to the question "Stopwatch: Continue counting?" 127A1580-127A2AF0 - Change Quick access menu mod Juhu07 v.4.0 127A2B00-127A2B20 - Removes the black background in view mode 3x3 and 5x5 v1.1 127A2B30-127A2EE0 - Replace alarm's time limit v1.1 127A2EF0-127A2F30 - Supplement to the patch "Copying/moving files in any folder v2" 127A2F40-127A2F80 - Supplement to the patch "Copying/moving files in any folder v2" 127A2F90-127A2FD0 - Individual icons for images 127A2FE0-127A3030 - When phone is in silent mode WALKMAN, VideoPlayer and Radio dont work 127A3040-127A3040 - Change the stroke drop color of Pop-up and Standby Input windows 127A3050-127A30A0 - Choice of colors when viewing SMS 127A30C0-127A34F0 - Show Cover Art on Feedback Ticker 127A3500-127A36A0 - The ability to switch between white and blacklist 127A36B0-127A3C80 - Select Text Color In The Windows Of Information v.1 127A3C90-127A3D10 - Adds item "Restart" on Quick Access Menu 127A3D10-127A3E90 - Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone v3 127A4890-127A5800 - Select Text Color In The Windows Of Information v1.1 127A4890-127A5800 - Select Text Color In The Windows Of Information v2 127A5850-127A59E0 - Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -- Options" 127A59E0-127A5A68 - Date with weekday everywhere as "sa 09 jan" 127A5A68-127A5DC4 - Posibility to change normalscreen/fullscreen in video player127A5DD0-127A5DC0 - FREE 127A5E00-127A6370 - Playqueue Advanced Config v2127A6400-127A7870 - Folder Lock V3 127A78A0-127C3FD0 - FREE 127C4000-127C8000 - ELFPack v1.999 (c) Hussein 127C8010-127C8030 - Adding a background image and the brightness to "Menu - Settings" 127C8040-127C806C - Hide SoftKey in the temporary list of media player 127C806C-127C80AC - Adding a background image and the brightness to "Menu - Settings" 127C80AC-127C80C8 - If you change the file name to set the cursor before the extension 127C80D0-127C8590 - Quick Copy / Cut / Paste / selection / purification of the text in the windows of the input127C85A0-127CFFD0 - FREE 127D0000-127DB000 - A2 Walkman skinner 127DB000-127DD4D0 - Copying / moving files in any folder v.2.1.2 127DD4E0-127DEA00 - Privacy 3.2 127DEA10-127DFC80 - Advanced phone status v3.0 beta 127DEA10-127DFE10 - Advanced phone status v3.0 final 127DEA10-127E0000 - Advanced phone status v3.1 127DEA10-127E0000 - Advanced phone status v3.3 127E0000-127E1000 - Add information about the audio files in the File manager v1.5 *In list XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX - FREE are parts where is free for code and use those spaces instead using space from end till these ends. Mismatching patches latest en.lng file [ Edited by Thilina в 28.3.12 11:40 ]
Прикрепленный к сообщению файл: en.rar (
151.18 kb; 86 hits)
Скачать файл XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: Zormax, Danik, D3mon, Desperanto, vodoo999, TahaSpawn, H0sseiN, DjRedOFF, kubus92, laurafarsas, radwkw31, mc_kibel, modder101, Olegat0r, Thilina, willi_flow, E1kolyan, antoniomun, thomassafca, centrumse, D-SHEL, skill_boy, michel1907, BrghtnsS, DaRkMaN, -DeJaVu-, juhu07, LathandredCrusader, Veronicus, farid, MiFa, SIRIUS-SE, a7b7, biems, omdhar, josthyn05, buhh83, Se-MaG, piotrekk6, a6b6, Эриксон62, LoDark, SEREGAW595, STRANGERIGOR
Регистрация: 29.10.08 Сообщений: 310 Репутация: 2948 Откуда: Sri Lanka
#242 [23.06.10, 23:19] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
HoloSan пишет:
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 GEN ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;In the off state, when the alarm clock finished, phone turns on instead of shutdown. ;(c) Mcming1989 ;(p) blacklizard
12799A20 - 12799A9F - In the off state, when the alarm clock finished, phone turns on instead of shutdown.
Tested - operates correctly.
Important :
This patch needs "permanent patching" -
will not work with JJPatcher .
Regs 4 All
so corrected patchbody version
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 GEN ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;In the off state, when the alarm clock finished,phone turns on instead of shutdown. ;(c) Mcming1989 ;(p) blacklizard ;(i)mismatch in patchbody fixed
127991A0-12799210 - In the off state, when the alarm clock finished,phone turns on instead of shutdown.
[ Редактировано Thilina в 24.6.10 02:49 ]
Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness [FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |
Регистрация: 10.12.09 Сообщений: 72 Репутация: 351 Откуда: Cancun/Mexico
#243 [23.06.10, 23:45] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Cambia el nombre actual de la versión del firm en el menu de servicio. ;Menu de Servicio->Info servicio->Info de software ;Change name firmware version in services menu. ;Service->service info->software info ;(c)Juhu07
[ Edited by DaRkMaN в 23.6.10 18:17 ]
W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard,
anarkes , mobilefree.justdanpo.ru and
'Фу' сказали: HoloSan, zhero, Thilina, farid
Регистрация: 29.10.08 Сообщений: 310 Репутация: 2948 Откуда: Sri Lanka
#244 [24.06.10, 00:48] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 GEN ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page ;(!) Heap shift (4BC029C0 - 4BC029CC) ;v 1.0(A2) ;© Amir_82111 ;(p) blacklizard
12799220-12799460 - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page
Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness [FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |
Регистрация: 13.3.10 Сообщений: 30 Репутация: 27 Откуда: Warsaw, Poland
#245 [24.06.10, 16:46] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Posted in #257 patch also generates address conflicts:Код:
12799220-1279946F - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page
127991c0 - 12799367 - Flash THM - Installation of Flash Menu with the theme 12799380 - 12799437 - add ability to change phone Status "Normal mode" and "Flight mode" 12799460 - 12799483 - Deactivation of calls from hidden numbers
I have moved this patch to new area:Код:
12797d00 - 12797f4f - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page v 1.0(A2) (moved)
I used nearly the same address space and Heap space as the old version of this patch posted some time ago.Код:
12797d00 - 12797efc - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page v1.0
Think that this is OK, because nobody will use both versions at once.
Moved patch :
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 GEN ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page ;(!) Heap shift moved to (4BBF59D8 - 4BBF59E4) ;(!) Patch body moved to (12797D00 - 12797F4F) ;v 1.0(A2) ;© Amir_82111 ;(p) blacklizard
12797d00 - 12797f4f - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page v 1.0(A2) (moved)
Regs & Greetings 4 All
[ Редактировано HoloSan в 24.6.10 14:50 ]
C702i-R3EF001-BROWN (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
W610i@K550i-R6BC002-RED (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
Check my
SE files
Спасибо сказали: Thilina
Регистрация: 29.10.08 Сообщений: 310 Репутация: 2948 Откуда: Sri Lanka
#246 [25.06.10, 11:55] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Volume "-" (long press) = Replace button Play / Stop ;(C) 2007KrasH ;(e,p) Thilina ; Volume "-" (long press)
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Launches activity menu by long pressing Key activity(and shortpress disabled) ;To use Bookmanager elf with Activity menu key ;In bookman.bcfg set Start key-Activity menu and Key mode-Short release ;) ;(c)Thilina ;(r)myrzeug
useful to me
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Deactivation of calls from hidden numbers ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Thilina ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
12799460-12799480 - Deactivation of calls from hidden numbers
fixed version Respect
Vitor_Boss® Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Increase photo counter limit to 1000 ;(c) Vitor_Boss® ;(e) maxidimov increased limit to 9999 xD ;(P)Thilina
[ Edited by Thilina в 7.7.10 05:49 ]
[ Edited by Thilina в 7.7.10 05:50 ]
Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness [FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |
Регистрация: 25.7.09 Сообщений: 143 Репутация: 374 Откуда: Iran
#247 [27.06.10, 21:22] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Button Play/Pause work in blocked keyboard ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MEHRDAD
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;Restart your phone when you press off duty. ;(c) Grinvich ;(r) CyberMaster ;(p) MEHRDAD
Регистрация: 13.3.10 Сообщений: 30 Репутация: 27 Откуда: Warsaw, Poland
#248 [28.06.10, 07:09] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 SW-R3EF001 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Add Action "Dir Copy" in the DataBrowser ;DataBrowser->Options->Manage file->Dir Copy ;(c) scghost ;(p) HoloSan
12799AC0 - 1279A28F - Add Action "Dir Copy" in the DataBrowser
My first self-ported "big" patch - tested - operates correctly
Edit: (Added images)
[ Редактировано HoloSan в 28.6.10 05:51 ]
C702i-R3EF001-BROWN (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
W610i@K550i-R6BC002-RED (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
Check my
SE files
Спасибо сказали: Corman, Ridd1cK, djanser, Fafal999, centrumse, BrghtnsS 'Фу' сказали: radwkw31
Регистрация: 29.10.08 Сообщений: 310 Репутация: 2948 Откуда: Sri Lanka
#249 [29.06.10, 11:03] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Test port
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Add option of Enable/Disable SleepMode ;Go To Menu>Settings>Display>Screensaver>Sleep Mode ;(!) Disable SleepMode is increase expense of battery ;(c) k790Alex ;(p) Thilina ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
1279A298-1279A4AF - Add option of Enable/Disable SleepMode
Added 29.6.10 17:14 Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders titles ;Number Formats: ;00: All(Files And Folders) ;01: Folders + Files ;02: Files + Folders ;v 2.0 ;© Amir_82111 ;(p) blacklizard
1279A4E0-1279A590 - Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders
Added 30.6.10 00:33 working one
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Add option to Enable/Disable SleepMode ;Go To Menu>Settings>Display>Screensaver>Sleep Mode ;(!) Disabling SleepMode increase battery usage ;© k790Alex ;(e,p) blacklizard
1279A5A0-1279A7F0 - Add option to Enable/Disable SleepMode
Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness [FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |
Спасибо сказали: Corman, centrumse, radwkw31
Регистрация: 13.3.10 Сообщений: 30 Репутация: 27 Откуда: Warsaw, Poland
#250 [30.06.10, 22:23] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Remove the black background when viewing 3x3 and 5x5 ;(c) Therion ;(p) MEHRDAD ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
not tested
C702i-R3EF001-BROWN (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
W610i@K550i-R6BC002-RED (Generic)-
CID52 +patches M2-4GB
Check my
SE files
'Фу' сказали: radwkw31
Регистрация: 29.10.08 Сообщений: 310 Репутация: 2948 Откуда: Sri Lanka
#251 [03.07.10, 14:55] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001
Патч: ;W595 R3EF001 ;Delete folder Podcast ;V1.1 ;Now Multimedia upgrade sees the music, which are scattered in folders ;(C)MahmudS, Xless ;(P)Thilina ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
[ Edited by Thilina в 7.7.10 05:50 ]
Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness [FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |
Спасибо сказали: radwkw31
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