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DeskBar v3.33 : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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  #191 [24.05.10, 19:37] DeskBar v3.33   

Elf: Deskbar
Authors: mc_kibel
Version: 3.33

Big respect:
-KrasH - drawing on DB3210 before new elfpack was released
-Jasiek - drawing on older db3150
-Ploik, BigHercules, MoneyMaster - for BookmanagerMod - part connected with selecting java application is based on BookManMod.

1. Installation:
-Put elf ZBin or Daemons.
-Put SkinEdit.elf to Zbin
-Register .skd extension in FileReg or in ExtMan, and select SkinEdit as open elf.
-Disable shortcuts in settings.
-Create folder A2Deskbar in /usb/other/ZBin/Config/
-Put whole Smooth6 folder from Smooth6_example.zip to /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar folder
-Run elf
-You will see 'It's probably first run of elf, so you have to set skin now'.
-Go to skin folder, click on Config.skd, then select 'Set skin' option from list. After all, you can start using Deskbar.

2. Usage
-Set everything what you need in bcfg
-Changing skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Set skin"
-Editing current skin: run deskbar gui (through menu or by key) and select "Edit skin"
-Editing any other skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Edit skin"

3. Adding item 'Edit Deskbar' into menu:
-Install patch:
;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010)
;In menu.ml needed: MenuItem_EditDeskbar
;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher
;(c) mc_kibel

(search it in topic with patches for your phone)
-Add in menu.ml:
    <element id="MenuItem_EditDeskbar">
        <label type="name"><text>Deskbar</text></label>
        <link type="internal" />

4. More precise about features
-Showing icons on standby, switching between them by keys, starting by pressing select key
-Supporting for SKD skins (own file format, created especially for Deskbar)
-Scrolling animation in new skins
-Ability to set shortcut to item from menu, java application or ELF file

-Editing SKD files and setting skins by SkinEdit (skd extension must be added in ExtMan or FileReg)
->>Click on Config.skd in any folder with skin, then select option 'Set skin' from list - warning: Deskbar must be working when setting skin!
->>Editing (instead of set skin, select 'Edit skin')

-->>1st tab - General
---->> X position - position from left edge of screen
---->> Y position - position from top edge of screen

---->> Skin version
------>> Old skin - every icon in every file
------>> New (v3.20+) - one icon = one file, selector.png (should be the same size as icons) + bg.png - background of Deskbar

---->> Orientation
------>> Horizontal - switching between icons by left/right keys
------>> Vertical - switching between icons by up/down keys

---->> Space between icons

---->> Show/hide animation - Enable / Disable (if disabled, you can't hide deskbar).

---->> Show/hide direction
------>> Right
------>> Left
------>> Up
------>> Down

---->> Animation speed - speed of animation when showing/hiding deskbar and scrolling
---->> Affect softkeys - if enabled, softkeys are hidden and icons can be drawn on softkeys area
---->> Num. of items
---->> Deskar background - enable/disable deskbar background
---->> Background X - position from left edge of screen for deskbar background
---->> Background Y - position from top edge of screen for deskbar background

-->>2nd tab - Links
---->> Links from 1 to 10: Click on them, select option (Menu/Java/Elf), then write shortcut/elf name or select application from list

-Options in Deskbar.bcfg
-->> Language - language of .bcfg file (Polish/English)
-->> Phone (DB3210) - select phone model, if your phone is DB3210
-->> Config path - path with Deskbar config files (default: /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar/
-->> Lock when entering number - this option works on every phone, except DB3150v1 (w890,w910,k850,g502)
-->> Softkeys size - height of softkey area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys)
-->> Statusbar size - height of statusbar area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys, too)

-->> Keys settings:
---->> Select key - key for selecting icons
---->> Run GUI key - key for starting Deskbar's GUI
---->> Show/hide key - key for showing/hiding Deskbar

-Ability to start Deskbar's configuration GUI from menu.ml (needed patch + modified menu.ml)
-Options in Deskbar's config GUI:
-->> Reload elf data - reloading bcfg, icons, config.skd. Useful, when you updated files by pc - you don't have to restart elf, just select this option
-->> Configure elf - starting BCFG configuration
-->> Edit skin - run SkinEdit with 'Edit skin' option
-->> Close elf - description not needed


[ Edited by mc_kibel в 17.7.10 16:42 ]

[ Edited by mc_kibel в 18.9.10 13:38 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:
Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip (21.80 kb; 866 hits) Скачать файл
Skin_Single_3.20.zip Skin_Single_3.20.zip (24.81 kb; 867 hits) Скачать файл
Smooth6_example.zip Smooth6_example.zip (40.31 kb; 965 hits) Скачать файл
SkinEdit.elf SkinEdit.elf (19.09 kb; 1081 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.32.elf Deskbar_3.32.elf (17.44 kb; 490 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.31.elf Deskbar_3.31.elf (19.26 kb; 278 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.33.elf Deskbar_3.33.elf (17.66 kb; 875 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: Черный_Сгинь, E1kolyan, CleverUser, 273308715, ExTaZy, breeze81, shadow610i, willi_flow, PRO100light, Blend, radodendron, vile, Georgik, Cr@cShoT, -DeJaVu-, PulseDrive, Ridd1cK, FADISWF, caramba, duhh, anarkes, glebkotov, k510ilgiz, nagmet, MAVER145, Corman, DuMOHsmol, LitEFlieN, wagnerbraz, mortezaw810, KIBER-DEMON, Boysie99, IntrO, MiFa, thomassafca, bazya, AlexuS, razkolbazzz, DreamHack, nitr, Alex_E, skill_boy, clisto, beetlevdv, adekbiroe, laurafarsas, DaRkMaN, tutuncu08, BlooDer, Thilina, degafe, punchaleksey, JumpShoot, Sotik11, Wels, -sense-, AquaVinka, toha257, mordelon, Dimax69, alex555x, jimmy, Melodic_Death, Scetch, Atreyu, Pink_Razor, Shurik, nanoipod, SoLiDuS_91, Gurkan!, Сундук-самокат, Fable1, Pavlus, Metaler, g00fy, radwkw31, piotrekk6, SEVEN7



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  #192 [03.07.10, 20:10] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

это не баг. в настройках эльфа сделай чтоб при long press открывалось и всё.

ошибки в написании- стиль автора! =)



Регистрация: 18.11.07
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Откуда: Минск

  #193 [03.07.10, 20:46] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

Wels, какой баг? Конфиг внимательно посмотреть религия не позволяет?
для кого сделано:
Lock when entering number

W715 SW-R1GA030
Sony Xperia Z1
Спасибо сказали: Wels



Регистрация: 28.4.10
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  #194 [03.07.10, 20:57] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

Извините...просто не знаю английский..поставил галочку, всё работает отлично!

С510 SW-R1HA035 + 8gb + патчи + Elfpack + моддинг FS + разбитый дисплей
Пешу как хачу... Не нравится, убей себя! 8-)



Регистрация: 24.7.08
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Откуда: Thailand

  #195 [03.07.10, 21:35] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

DeskBar v3.20 work on my W995.
But, I found some bugs. +_+

-When run StandbyInfo.elf,
DeskBar v3.20 Icon not show.
But DeskBar v3.12 work fine.

-Show/hide animation not work,
When use Show/hide animation functions. my phone restart. Y_Y
But DeskBar v3.12 work fine.

W995 R1HA035 BROWN
W810 R4EA031 RED



Регистрация: 7.8.08
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  #196 [03.07.10, 21:57] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

При выборе из меню,то есть при прописывании,всё сохраняется,а при перезапуске эльфа работают ссылки лишь на яву,на меню не пересохраняет .



Регистрация: 22.6.10
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  #197 [03.07.10, 22:13] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

Троян писал:
как нажать на конфиг? у меня только передать его можно и всё. объясни пожалуста а то я не понимаю(надоедает этот скин))

ошибки в написании- стиль автора! =)



Регистрация: 27.9.07
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Откуда: Старый Оскол

  #198 [03.07.10, 23:16] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   


dahliana писал:
DeskBar v3.20 work on my W995.
But, I found some bugs. +_+

-When run StandbyInfo.elf,
DeskBar v3.20 Icon not show.
But DeskBar v3.12 work fine.

-Show/hide animation not work,
When use Show/hide animation functions. my phone restart. Y_Y
But DeskBar v3.12 work fine.

I have the same problem.
mc_kibel please look at a problem

Sony Xperia Z + micro SDXS 64gb & Sony MW1 + micro SDHC 32gb



Регистрация: 25.5.10
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  #199 [04.07.10, 00:26] Re: DeskBar v3.20 - [New!]   

i dont have problems whit this deskbar works fine on my w705 R1GA031



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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  #200 [04.07.10, 01:33] Re: DeskBar v3.21 - [New!]   

dahliana, beetlevdv - the problem is in standbyinfo. Run StandbyInfo first, then run Deskbar.

And next update, some more important fixes. Also SkinEdit is updated - you can enable/disable background image.

Спасибо сказали: thomassafca



Регистрация: 24.1.09
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Откуда: Tumaco (COLOMBIA)

  #201 [04.07.10, 03:38] Re: DeskBar v3.21 - [New!]   

mc_kibel пишет:

And next update, some more important fixes. Also SkinEdit is updated - you can enable/disable background image.

Hello ...
Is all that you strive for what you do goes well .....
But this new version V3.21 does not work properly on my W910
When loading the ELF, get a warning saying "probably is the first time you load the ELF, it is necessary that you give click on a Skin. SKD"

Ready, So far so good
Only when I go the route of my Skins and config.skd select a file, nothing happens ....
problem will be my platform ..?
Someone who has a A2V1 tell me if it works this new version
The version 3.20 works fine

[ Edited by mordelon в 3.7.10 19:41 ]

W910 SW-R1FA037 CID52 Brown +Acoustic TNE™ v.5.3® + Camdriver Mod K660 +15 Patches + Elfpack + 6 Elfs
W810 SW-R4EA031 CID49 RED + Knet Acoustics Final + 40 Patches
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