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DeskBar v3.33 : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Регистрация: 19.6.08
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  #291 [24.05.10, 19:37] DeskBar v3.33   

Elf: Deskbar
Authors: mc_kibel
Version: 3.33

Big respect:
-KrasH - drawing on DB3210 before new elfpack was released
-Jasiek - drawing on older db3150
-Ploik, BigHercules, MoneyMaster - for BookmanagerMod - part connected with selecting java application is based on BookManMod.

1. Installation:
-Put elf ZBin or Daemons.
-Put SkinEdit.elf to Zbin
-Register .skd extension in FileReg or in ExtMan, and select SkinEdit as open elf.
-Disable shortcuts in settings.
-Create folder A2Deskbar in /usb/other/ZBin/Config/
-Put whole Smooth6 folder from Smooth6_example.zip to /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar folder
-Run elf
-You will see 'It's probably first run of elf, so you have to set skin now'.
-Go to skin folder, click on Config.skd, then select 'Set skin' option from list. After all, you can start using Deskbar.

2. Usage
-Set everything what you need in bcfg
-Changing skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Set skin"
-Editing current skin: run deskbar gui (through menu or by key) and select "Edit skin"
-Editing any other skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Edit skin"

3. Adding item 'Edit Deskbar' into menu:
-Install patch:
;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010)
;In menu.ml needed: MenuItem_EditDeskbar
;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher
;(c) mc_kibel

(search it in topic with patches for your phone)
-Add in menu.ml:
    <element id="MenuItem_EditDeskbar">
        <label type="name"><text>Deskbar</text></label>
        <link type="internal" />

4. More precise about features
-Showing icons on standby, switching between them by keys, starting by pressing select key
-Supporting for SKD skins (own file format, created especially for Deskbar)
-Scrolling animation in new skins
-Ability to set shortcut to item from menu, java application or ELF file

-Editing SKD files and setting skins by SkinEdit (skd extension must be added in ExtMan or FileReg)
->>Click on Config.skd in any folder with skin, then select option 'Set skin' from list - warning: Deskbar must be working when setting skin!
->>Editing (instead of set skin, select 'Edit skin')

-->>1st tab - General
---->> X position - position from left edge of screen
---->> Y position - position from top edge of screen

---->> Skin version
------>> Old skin - every icon in every file
------>> New (v3.20+) - one icon = one file, selector.png (should be the same size as icons) + bg.png - background of Deskbar

---->> Orientation
------>> Horizontal - switching between icons by left/right keys
------>> Vertical - switching between icons by up/down keys

---->> Space between icons

---->> Show/hide animation - Enable / Disable (if disabled, you can't hide deskbar).

---->> Show/hide direction
------>> Right
------>> Left
------>> Up
------>> Down

---->> Animation speed - speed of animation when showing/hiding deskbar and scrolling
---->> Affect softkeys - if enabled, softkeys are hidden and icons can be drawn on softkeys area
---->> Num. of items
---->> Deskar background - enable/disable deskbar background
---->> Background X - position from left edge of screen for deskbar background
---->> Background Y - position from top edge of screen for deskbar background

-->>2nd tab - Links
---->> Links from 1 to 10: Click on them, select option (Menu/Java/Elf), then write shortcut/elf name or select application from list

-Options in Deskbar.bcfg
-->> Language - language of .bcfg file (Polish/English)
-->> Phone (DB3210) - select phone model, if your phone is DB3210
-->> Config path - path with Deskbar config files (default: /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar/
-->> Lock when entering number - this option works on every phone, except DB3150v1 (w890,w910,k850,g502)
-->> Softkeys size - height of softkey area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys)
-->> Statusbar size - height of statusbar area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys, too)

-->> Keys settings:
---->> Select key - key for selecting icons
---->> Run GUI key - key for starting Deskbar's GUI
---->> Show/hide key - key for showing/hiding Deskbar

-Ability to start Deskbar's configuration GUI from menu.ml (needed patch + modified menu.ml)
-Options in Deskbar's config GUI:
-->> Reload elf data - reloading bcfg, icons, config.skd. Useful, when you updated files by pc - you don't have to restart elf, just select this option
-->> Configure elf - starting BCFG configuration
-->> Edit skin - run SkinEdit with 'Edit skin' option
-->> Close elf - description not needed


[ Edited by mc_kibel в 17.7.10 16:42 ]

[ Edited by mc_kibel в 18.9.10 13:38 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:
Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip (21.80 kb; 866 hits) Скачать файл
Skin_Single_3.20.zip Skin_Single_3.20.zip (24.81 kb; 867 hits) Скачать файл
Smooth6_example.zip Smooth6_example.zip (40.31 kb; 965 hits) Скачать файл
SkinEdit.elf SkinEdit.elf (19.09 kb; 1081 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.32.elf Deskbar_3.32.elf (17.44 kb; 490 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.31.elf Deskbar_3.31.elf (19.26 kb; 278 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.33.elf Deskbar_3.33.elf (17.66 kb; 875 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: Черный_Сгинь, E1kolyan, CleverUser, 273308715, ExTaZy, breeze81, shadow610i, willi_flow, PRO100light, Blend, radodendron, vile, Georgik, Cr@cShoT, -DeJaVu-, PulseDrive, Ridd1cK, FADISWF, caramba, duhh, anarkes, glebkotov, k510ilgiz, nagmet, MAVER145, Corman, DuMOHsmol, LitEFlieN, wagnerbraz, mortezaw810, KIBER-DEMON, Boysie99, IntrO, MiFa, thomassafca, bazya, AlexuS, razkolbazzz, DreamHack, nitr, Alex_E, skill_boy, clisto, beetlevdv, adekbiroe, laurafarsas, DaRkMaN, tutuncu08, BlooDer, Thilina, degafe, punchaleksey, JumpShoot, Sotik11, Wels, -sense-, AquaVinka, toha257, mordelon, Dimax69, alex555x, jimmy, Melodic_Death, Scetch, Atreyu, Pink_Razor, Shurik, nanoipod, SoLiDuS_91, Gurkan!, Сундук-самокат, Fable1, Pavlus, Metaler, g00fy, radwkw31, piotrekk6, SEVEN7



Регистрация: 7.8.08
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  #292 [12.07.10, 14:53] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

mc_kibel, As I have already said that I am not an idiot, and the settings in bcfg were made as the location after installing the new version of an elf, I'll use the old version 3.25.

Thank you !



Регистрация: 19.6.08
Сообщений: 210
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Откуда: Poland

  #293 [12.07.10, 15:00] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

punchaleksey пишет:
mc_kibel, As I have already said that I am not an idiot, and the settings in bcfg were made as the location after installing the new version of an elf, I'll use the old version 3.25.

Thank you !

I didn't tell / write that you're an idiot, I saw a million of stupid questions and I need to consider every option ;-)

Anyway I checked v3.31 on K770, no problem with showing/hiding. I have no idea why this happened to you.


  #294 [12.07.10, 15:07] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

и ещё можно исправить скрытие панели. она передвигается гдето на 50 и остоновка?



Регистрация: 19.6.08
Сообщений: 210
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Откуда: Poland

  #295 [12.07.10, 15:22] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

Punchaleksey - can you test it once again, please? I think I fixed the problem, I just need a confirmation :-P I attached new 3.31 in first post.

Спасибо сказали: Thilina



Регистрация: 29.10.08
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Откуда: Sri Lanka

  #296 [12.07.10, 15:27] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

mc_kibel пишет:
Punchaleksey - can you test it once again, please? I think I fixed the problem, I just need a confirmation :-P I attached new 3.31 in first post.

Tested and working in W595 :-)

Sе Xperia Neo V Ice Cream Pureness
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]My Rom's - | Neo \ Neo V Pureness |



Регистрация: 7.8.08
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  #297 [12.07.10, 15:45] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

mc_kibel писал:
Punchaleksey - can you test it once again, please? I think I fixed the problem, I just need a confirmation :-P I attached new 3.31 in first post.

Good Job,working ;-)

Спасибо сказали: mc_kibel



Регистрация: 18.11.07
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Откуда: Минск

  #298 [12.07.10, 15:48] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

mc_kibel, on W715 works fine, but there are problems:
a random phone reboots.
Show/hide direction - Left - not all elements of the deskbar removed.

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

W715 SW-R1GA030
Sony Xperia Z1



Регистрация: 22.10.09
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Откуда: Беларусь, Брест

  #299 [12.07.10, 19:03] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

Уже версия 3.31 , а лог не обновляется :( Поделитесь же с людми списком изменений наконец.
ЗЫ Оромное спасибо за эльф =)



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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Откуда: Poland

  #300 [12.07.10, 19:10] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

A1z пишет:
mc_kibel, on W715 works fine, but there are problems:
a random phone reboots.
Show/hide direction - Left - not all elements of the deskbar removed.

Random reboots... Hmm I think it can be only library problem, I never had a restart with this elf.
There are problems with hiding horizontal skins to the left - I tried to fix that, but as you can see, without result.



Регистрация: 28.12.07
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Откуда: Днепр-City UA

  #301 [12.07.10, 19:41] Re: DeskBar v3.31   

on k810 r8ba024 orange and w610 r6bc002:
- Show/hide direction - Left - not all elements of the deskbar removed

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