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DeskBar v3.33 : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Регистрация: 19.6.08
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  #321 [24.05.10, 19:37] DeskBar v3.33   

Elf: Deskbar
Authors: mc_kibel
Version: 3.33

Big respect:
-KrasH - drawing on DB3210 before new elfpack was released
-Jasiek - drawing on older db3150
-Ploik, BigHercules, MoneyMaster - for BookmanagerMod - part connected with selecting java application is based on BookManMod.

1. Installation:
-Put elf ZBin or Daemons.
-Put SkinEdit.elf to Zbin
-Register .skd extension in FileReg or in ExtMan, and select SkinEdit as open elf.
-Disable shortcuts in settings.
-Create folder A2Deskbar in /usb/other/ZBin/Config/
-Put whole Smooth6 folder from Smooth6_example.zip to /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar folder
-Run elf
-You will see 'It's probably first run of elf, so you have to set skin now'.
-Go to skin folder, click on Config.skd, then select 'Set skin' option from list. After all, you can start using Deskbar.

2. Usage
-Set everything what you need in bcfg
-Changing skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Set skin"
-Editing current skin: run deskbar gui (through menu or by key) and select "Edit skin"
-Editing any other skin: go to folder with skin, click on Config.skd and select "Edit skin"

3. Adding item 'Edit Deskbar' into menu:
-Install patch:
;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010)
;In menu.ml needed: MenuItem_EditDeskbar
;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher
;(c) mc_kibel

(search it in topic with patches for your phone)
-Add in menu.ml:
    <element id="MenuItem_EditDeskbar">
        <label type="name"><text>Deskbar</text></label>
        <link type="internal" />

4. More precise about features
-Showing icons on standby, switching between them by keys, starting by pressing select key
-Supporting for SKD skins (own file format, created especially for Deskbar)
-Scrolling animation in new skins
-Ability to set shortcut to item from menu, java application or ELF file

-Editing SKD files and setting skins by SkinEdit (skd extension must be added in ExtMan or FileReg)
->>Click on Config.skd in any folder with skin, then select option 'Set skin' from list - warning: Deskbar must be working when setting skin!
->>Editing (instead of set skin, select 'Edit skin')

-->>1st tab - General
---->> X position - position from left edge of screen
---->> Y position - position from top edge of screen

---->> Skin version
------>> Old skin - every icon in every file
------>> New (v3.20+) - one icon = one file, selector.png (should be the same size as icons) + bg.png - background of Deskbar

---->> Orientation
------>> Horizontal - switching between icons by left/right keys
------>> Vertical - switching between icons by up/down keys

---->> Space between icons

---->> Show/hide animation - Enable / Disable (if disabled, you can't hide deskbar).

---->> Show/hide direction
------>> Right
------>> Left
------>> Up
------>> Down

---->> Animation speed - speed of animation when showing/hiding deskbar and scrolling
---->> Affect softkeys - if enabled, softkeys are hidden and icons can be drawn on softkeys area
---->> Num. of items
---->> Deskar background - enable/disable deskbar background
---->> Background X - position from left edge of screen for deskbar background
---->> Background Y - position from top edge of screen for deskbar background

-->>2nd tab - Links
---->> Links from 1 to 10: Click on them, select option (Menu/Java/Elf), then write shortcut/elf name or select application from list

-Options in Deskbar.bcfg
-->> Language - language of .bcfg file (Polish/English)
-->> Phone (DB3210) - select phone model, if your phone is DB3210
-->> Config path - path with Deskbar config files (default: /usb/other/ZBin/Config/A2Deskbar/
-->> Lock when entering number - this option works on every phone, except DB3150v1 (w890,w910,k850,g502)
-->> Softkeys size - height of softkey area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys)
-->> Statusbar size - height of statusbar area (needed for correct drawing on softkeys, too)

-->> Keys settings:
---->> Select key - key for selecting icons
---->> Run GUI key - key for starting Deskbar's GUI
---->> Show/hide key - key for showing/hiding Deskbar

-Ability to start Deskbar's configuration GUI from menu.ml (needed patch + modified menu.ml)
-Options in Deskbar's config GUI:
-->> Reload elf data - reloading bcfg, icons, config.skd. Useful, when you updated files by pc - you don't have to restart elf, just select this option
-->> Configure elf - starting BCFG configuration
-->> Edit skin - run SkinEdit with 'Edit skin' option
-->> Close elf - description not needed


[ Edited by mc_kibel в 17.7.10 16:42 ]

[ Edited by mc_kibel в 18.9.10 13:38 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:
Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip Skin_Elegant_3.20.zip (21.80 kb; 866 hits) Скачать файл
Skin_Single_3.20.zip Skin_Single_3.20.zip (24.81 kb; 867 hits) Скачать файл
Smooth6_example.zip Smooth6_example.zip (40.31 kb; 965 hits) Скачать файл
SkinEdit.elf SkinEdit.elf (19.09 kb; 1081 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.32.elf Deskbar_3.32.elf (17.44 kb; 490 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.31.elf Deskbar_3.31.elf (19.26 kb; 278 hits) Скачать файл
Deskbar_3.33.elf Deskbar_3.33.elf (17.66 kb; 875 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: Черный_Сгинь, E1kolyan, CleverUser, 273308715, ExTaZy, breeze81, shadow610i, willi_flow, PRO100light, Blend, radodendron, vile, Georgik, Cr@cShoT, -DeJaVu-, PulseDrive, Ridd1cK, FADISWF, caramba, duhh, anarkes, glebkotov, k510ilgiz, nagmet, MAVER145, Corman, DuMOHsmol, LitEFlieN, wagnerbraz, mortezaw810, KIBER-DEMON, Boysie99, IntrO, MiFa, thomassafca, bazya, AlexuS, razkolbazzz, DreamHack, nitr, Alex_E, skill_boy, clisto, beetlevdv, adekbiroe, laurafarsas, DaRkMaN, tutuncu08, BlooDer, Thilina, degafe, punchaleksey, JumpShoot, Sotik11, Wels, -sense-, AquaVinka, toha257, mordelon, Dimax69, alex555x, jimmy, Melodic_Death, Scetch, Atreyu, Pink_Razor, Shurik, nanoipod, SoLiDuS_91, Gurkan!, Сундук-самокат, Fable1, Pavlus, Metaler, g00fy, radwkw31, piotrekk6, SEVEN7



Регистрация: 25.4.10
Сообщений: 375
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Откуда: Ульяновск

  #322 [20.07.10, 02:04] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Yes, in skin.skd, or in bcfg (I do not remember where, but i think in skin) there is an option about softkeys. Enable it.

Sе K810 Golden Ivory SW-R8BF003 49BROWN
Спасибо сказали: Dimax69



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  #323 [20.07.10, 09:55] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Eazy-bl, you didn't understand. I can't choose softkeys size = 0, it should be more than 20. And I want mc_kibel to lower this parameter to the value of 0.

Добавлено 20.7.10 08:01

Eazy-bl, thank you. I have found this function. It's better, than it could be. =) Sorry for my ignorance. :-)

Добавлено 20.7.10 10:32

mc_kibel, can you make 12 links? For 3x4 icons list. Please, it will be so useful!!!



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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Откуда: Poland

  #324 [20.07.10, 17:25] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Dimax69 пишет:
Eazy-bl, you didn't understand. I can't choose softkeys size = 0, it should be more than 20. And I want mc_kibel to lower this parameter to the value of 0.

mc_kibel, can you make 12 links? For 3x4 icons list. Please, it will be so useful!!!

1. Why you need to set it to 0 ? It's size of softkeys. Elf can work, for example, on W610, there softeys aren't 30pix. You must have written correct size of softkeys for correct drawing on softkey area. In every A2 240x320 softkey size must be 30 pix.

2. Maybe :)



Регистрация: 23.12.08
Сообщений: 223
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Откуда: Украина.Сумы.Конотоп

  #325 [21.07.10, 15:11] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

mc_kibel, I think, that putting shortcuts settings into .ini file is better idea, because in ini file number of shortcuts isn't limited.



Регистрация: 25.4.10
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Откуда: Ульяновск

  #326 [21.07.10, 17:57] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Why in .ini? It will be more comfortable just add option "add shortcut" in .skd.

Sе K810 Golden Ivory SW-R8BF003 49BROWN



Регистрация: 23.12.08
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Откуда: Украина.Сумы.Конотоп

  #327 [21.07.10, 21:22] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Because Ini can be changed without any additional tools, when changin skin by elf can reboot or hang down phone, or added shortcut can reboot/hang phone that make editing shortcuts list or disabling elf unavilable.



Регистрация: 19.6.08
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Откуда: Poland

  #328 [22.07.10, 00:14] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Pavlus пишет:
Because Ini can be changed without any additional tools, when changin skin by elf can reboot or hang down phone, or added shortcut can reboot/hang phone that make editing shortcuts list or disabling elf unavilable.

Did your phoe ever hanged while editing skin by SkinEdit? :-o

[ Редактировано mc_kibel в 21.7.10 23:14 ]



Регистрация: 23.12.08
Сообщений: 223
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Откуда: Украина.Сумы.Конотоп

  #329 [22.07.10, 00:18] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Not yet. But mistake in function/dyn_const can do it.



Регистрация: 25.4.10
Сообщений: 375
Репутация: 138
Откуда: Ульяновск

  #330 [22.07.10, 00:18] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Don't know, what you are talking about - never reboot while editing skin.

Sе K810 Golden Ivory SW-R8BF003 49BROWN



Регистрация: 19.6.08
Сообщений: 210
Репутация: 1819
Откуда: Poland

  #331 [22.07.10, 00:50] Re: DeskBar v3.32   

Pavlus пишет:
Not yet. But mistake in function/dyn_const can do it.

Of course! And PC can reboot when editing .ini, didn't you know that ? It may explode because of temperature, someone may disable energy in your home...
I'm sorry, but your statement is just ridiculous :-)

Спасибо сказали: Eazy-bl
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