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C902 SW-R3EG004 AO : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: Legas



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  #21 [03.03.10, 11:10] C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для C902 SW-R3EG004

Перед тем как выложить патч, смотрим Правила оформления патчей.

Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждениеТУТ

This topic is for patches only!!!!
All discussions are here!!!

Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!

Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других.
В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).

Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка - vkp

a2 runtime patcher для патченья платформы а2 обсуждается в этой ветке

Using patches with a2 tool

Учет замейна: 

[ Редактировано Legas2 в 17.3.13 22:45 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

ElfPack_C902_R3EG004AO.rar ElfPack_C902_R3EG004AO.rar (41.59 kb; 57 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: centrumse, buhh83, BrghtnsS, matii_ziomek, farid, omdhar, MiFa, josthyn05, biems, a6b6, Aang, Ersin, dimon_13



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  #22 [26.07.10, 17:48] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add left softkey "options" in flight mode menu
;Options: Calendar, Camera, Sound Recorder, Radio
;(!) Need to use patch "The work of the radio in Flight Mode"
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;R3EG004 change ANDROID
;(c) matii_ziomek

Спасибо сказали: Sandre
'Фу' сказали: MiFa



Регистрация: 13.12.09
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Откуда: Poland

  #23 [08.08.10, 18:12] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Ability to redraw player with the help of elves
;Sends an event with 0x3019 DISP_OBJ interface pointer to the player when his turn
;© MaPkiZzz, UltraShot
;(e) mc_kibel
;(p) buhh83
;After edit:
;Changed event num to a higher constant
;Added handler for AdvPlayer book
;Removed some (unnecessary) part of code

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Increase photo counter limit to 4000
;(c) Vitor_Boss®
;(e,p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Delete MobileTV from phone and window MobileTV "The application uses too much memory"
;© matii_ziomek & Juhu07
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change function left and right softkey to desire function
;Label wont change!
;(c) MILAD
;(e,p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Full access to FS phone using OBEX protocol
;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ...
;Attention! Delete / move the files, you can deprive the working phone!
;Full access to OBEX protocol in FS phone
;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ...
;Attention! Having removed / having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;Added the ability to copy in a folder (except for Drivers)
;Conclusion 8 folders at once
;change in lng-file the following tags
;0x412: Preset
;0x413: System
;0x414: User
;0x417: Drivers
;v. 2.5 (FIX)
;(c) Zormax
;(e) MILAD (Make it work on A2!)
;(e) matii_ziomek
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: matii_ziomek, Sandre



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  #24 [08.08.10, 23:05] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Changing display text labels in the service menu
;Added icons for each item and the number of tags
;(c) MahmudS
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;When music is playing the composition factors are taken from Multimedia
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Diferent icon for images
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone"
;(i) Need to use patch "The work of the radio in Flight Mode"
;(c) Tartes
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Vibra in early admission - file transfer via Bluetooth and OBEX
;(c) Sic
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add icon in the headline service menu
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) matii_ziomek



Регистрация: 13.12.09
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Откуда: Poland

  #25 [16.08.10, 02:03] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Cierra el radio cuando se presiona el botón "atras" en lugar de minimizarlo
;Close Radio when press button "Back" instead of minimize it
;© K790alex
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add option "record" in the functions of the FM Padio
;Record is in the folder "/ card / music / FM"
;File Name type: "fm-frequency-station name.amr
;Agregar la opcion "Grabar" en el Radio FM
;La grabacion está en la carpeta "/ card / music / FM"
;El tipo de nombre del archivo: "fm-frecuencia-nombre de la estacion.amr"
;Ver 2.0
;(!) Had recording sound NOT vedetcya, neobxodimo vepnyt opiginalnye dpayvepa sound of
;(c) KrasH, Joker XT
;(p) buhh83

;c902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Admin de botones en la aplicacion de música 1.1
;Management buttons in Music Application 1.1
;Oficina del reproductor de música
;Office of Music player
;1 - Ecualizador/Korektor
;2 - Volumen +/Volume +
;3 - Informacion/Informacja
;4 - Ultima pista/Poprzedni utwór
;5 - Reproducir / Pauza/Odtwórz
;6 - Siguiente Pista/Następny utwór
;7 - Stereo widening/Dzwięk przestrzenny
;8 - Volumen -/Volume -
;9 - Ampliación estéreo/Stereo widening
;* - Modo horizontal/Mode horizontally
;0 - Modo vertical/Mode vertically
;# - Minimizar/Minimize
;Joy Up - Mi música/My music
;Joy down - Play Quoe
;Button call - No hay nada/Nothing :P
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) Thilina
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 17.8.10 00:27

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Extended character table. Added 88 characters.
;(!) remove the old version patches with the same name
;(c) CyberMaster
;(r) SlaveMaster
;(e) beetlevdv
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability to select item with numeric keys in USB Connection Menu
;1=Phone Mode
;2=Media Transfer
;4=Mass Storage
;(c) K790alex
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 17.8.10 01:00

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Long hold Button Focus = Play/Stop"
;© 2007KrasH
;(r) jamesbond22
;(e) matii_ziomek
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 21.8.10 09:21

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;View elf Call Logger logs at 5 tab
;Patch is in addition to the elf Call Logger, without it, it does not make sense
;In "Calls" appears 5 tab, where you can see/remove logs
;Added parameter Internet for viewing Internet traffic
;Added choice of dates for which logs should be filtered
;Added "Off the items without file" supplement patch.
;(c) IronMaster (Patch)
;(c) myrzeug (AddOn)
;(p) buhh83
; HoloSan (joining both patches)

Now the patch is working properly

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Blacklist Reject mode
;Add "Reject mode" option to the Accept calls menu for Change blacklist reject call mode
;Reject mode contain 2 mode:
;1. "Busy" - send busy tone
;2. "RF on/off" - the phone is not available
; What edited:
; - changed way of showing items "Busy" and "RF on/off".
; - code changed for work patch on db3150.
;v 1.0
;(c) Amir_82111
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Turn off the Player/Radio when you remove the headset
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 22.8.10 14:04

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Diferent icon for images
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) buhh83

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add left softkey "options" in flight mode menu
;Options: Calendar, Camera, Sound Recorder, Radio
;(!) There is no need to use the patch "The work of the radio in Flight Mode"
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Work keys in message "Phone ready to be used with computer"
;Right Softkey=>Close menu and return to standby
;Center Softkey=>Close
;(c) K790alex
;(e) farid
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1
;(!) To start the patch you need to go: menu>settings>display>brightness and you must change brightness to different level !
;From 00:00 to 04:59 = 15%
;From 05:00 to 16:59 = 60%
;From 17:00 to 19:59 = 40%
;From 20:00 to 23:59 = 30%
;When battery level is lower than 10%, brightness will be reduced to 10%
;(!) To use with "Advanced range of brightness adjustment"
;(!) Heapshift [4BBFF590 - 4BBFF5A0]
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Adding contact number while writing MMS
;Function appears instead of Add. Signature
;To add tel. numbers click Options -> Advanced -> Add. contact
;v. 1.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 25.8.10 22:52

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Saves backup phonebook on the memory card in a folder other
;(c) McG
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Phone book in full screen
;(c) Dimon_p25
;(p) buhh83
10b42dd6: 0121 0421

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Smiles table :)
;(c) Pakoko
;(e) Gurkan! (New design)
;(e) HoloSan (added 2nd table for use with patch "Extended character table - add 45 chrs")
;(e) buhh83 (added 3nd table for use with patch "Extended character table. Added 88 characters")
;(p) buhh83
;11b07d70: 2E003F0021002C003A003B002D002700 F7F8F9F8FFF8FEF8FDF8FCF8F4F8FAF8
;11b07d80: 22002F0028002900F7F8FFF8F9F8FCF8 F6F8F5F8FBF8F8F82E003F0021002C00
;11b07d90: FEF8FDF8F4F8FAF8F6F8FBF8F5F8F8F8 3A003B002D00270022002F0028002900
;If you use patch "Extended character table - add 45 chrs" uncomment lines below:
;Jeżeli masz wgrany patch "Dodaje 45 symboli w sms" usuń ;
;1261ab30: 2E003F0021002C003A003B002D002700 F7F8F9F8FFF8FEF8FDF8FCF8F4F8FAF8
;1261ab40: 22002F0028002900F7F8FFF8F9F8FCF8 F6F8F5F8FBF8F8F82E003F0021002C00
;1261ab50: FEF8FDF8F4F8FAF8F6F8FBF8F5F8F8F8 3A003B002D00270022002F0028002900
;If you use patch "Extended character table. Added 88 characters" uncoment lines below:
;Jeśli masz wgrany patch "Dodaje 88 symboli" usuń ;

Добавлено 9.9.10 20:25

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music Player, Alarm, Calendar, Timer, On/off Bluetooth (Turn On when BT is off/Turn Off when BT is On)
;Added icon on Item list(idea by madfish)
;v 1.1
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
; <element id="Goto_Shortcut_Id">
; <label type="name"><text>Goto Shortcut</text>
; </label><link type="internal" />
;(c) farid
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 11.9.10 09:12

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add item "Tag Editor" to Options->File menu in MusicApplication_Book
;Elf should be placed in "/usb/other/ZBin" and named as "TagEditor.elf"
;Original idea by ilmir5555
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 17.9.10 18:28

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add item "Smart Search" in File Manager Option
;Elf must be in path "/usb/other/ZBin/FindFiles.elf"
;(c) Ploik
;(p) buhh83

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Ability to select GUI of Music Application
;Added configuration with ini file
;place MPSF.ini (Music Player Settings File) at "/usb/other/ini"
;[FULLSCREEN]: 0x0 ; Standart
;[FULLSCREEN]: 0x1 ; Fullscreen W Softkey
;[FULLSCREEN]: 0x2 ; Fullscreen W/O Softkey
;(c) farid
;(r) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 18.9.10 16:15

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add item "New" in the file manager
;Options -> Create new.:
;- Record (starts recorder)
;- Photo (launches the camera)
;- Text (Elf CreateTXTFile)
;Path to elf "/ usb / other / Zbin / CreateTXT.elf"
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 19.9.10 02:21

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music player, Alarms, Calendar, Timer, Bluetooth (Turn On when BT is off/Turn Off when BT is On)
;Added icon on Item list (idea by madfish)
;Added Alarm State(Alarm: hour.min) at 2ndLine of Alarm item
;Added Date state(dd-mm-yyyy) at 2ndLine of Calendar item
;Added Bluetooth state(Turn on BT-Turn Off BT) at 2ndLine of Bluetooth item
;Improved code
;v 1.4
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
;© farid
;® blacklizard
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: MiFa, centrumse



Регистрация: 11.4.10
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  #26 [22.09.10, 22:03] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Run elf Myshortcuts © albertnet3
;for runing elf press short press the softkeys lefth in standbybook
;© albertnet3
;(r)Blacklizard (Remove unnesesary code)
;(p) buhh83



Регистрация: 13.12.09
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Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #27 [25.09.10, 08:39] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

corrected version of this patch - the previous was wrongly defined area of Heap space

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) buhh83
;info 4 patchmakers: 4BBFF6AO ... 4BCFF69
;this info is firmware version dependent

update patches

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Playing sound file while charging
;When the battery is fully charged or charger is disconnected then stops playing
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBFF6A0)
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time.
;(i) HeapShift (4BBFF6A1)
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Reminder of missed calls by vibration and melody
;Place file notific.mp3 to folder /usb/other/ini
;During a voice call vibration/melody terminated, after the end again included
;v. 1
;(Heap shift 0x4BBFF6A3)
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Office player, radio and video through Headsets
;One pressing - next song/station/play video
;If not included radio, player or video, pressing includes that set the button music
;Must be included a set of voice
;v. 4.0
;(Heap Shift 0x4BBFF6A7)
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

updated patch

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1
;(!) To start the patch you need to go: menu>settings>display>brightness and you must change brightness to different level !
;From 00:00 to 04:59 = 15%
;From 05:00 to 16:59 = 60%
;From 17:00 to 19:59 = 40%
;From 20:00 to 23:59 = 30%
;When battery level is lower than 10%, brightness will be reduced to 10%
;(!) To use with "Advanced range of brightness adjustment"
;(!) Heapshift [4BBFF700 - 4BBFF710]
;(c) mc_kibel
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Opening symbol table by long pressing key "*" (star key)
;Function T9 switches On/Off by triple by pressing "*" (star key)
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBFF6D4)
;(c) RandoM
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;When you delete a file(s) to remove the added possibility of dialogue to move the file(s) to the trash
;Clicking key "*" before the evidence - if confirmation file to go to the trash
;Pressing the key "#" in the dialog disposal - the entrance to the Trash
;To enter the "shopping cart" must enter the code the phone (standard "0000", see Options-> Security-> Locks-> Security phone)
;(!) Conflict with patch "Deleting file without confirmation"
;(!) (HeapShift 0x4BBFF6B3)
;© KrasH
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;FlashLight on/off by long pressed "Volume +/-"
;(!) (HeapShift 0x4BBFF6AF)
;(?) SiNgle
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Office player, radio and video through Headsets
;One pressing - next song/station/play video
;More than two clicks - turning off player/turning off radio/pause video
;If not included radio, player or video, pressing includes that set the button music
;Must be included a set of voice
;v. 4.5
;(Heap Shift 0x4BBFF6AB)
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Reminder of missed calls by vibration and melody
;In folder /usb/other/ini to put a file notific.mp3 and notific.ini
;Flag description:
;[PRE_TIME] - time before the reminder (in hex)
;[TIME] - the time between reminders (hex)
;[MELODY] - on / off reminder melody
;[IGNORE_SILENCE] - on / off ignoring the silent mode when playing melodies
;[VIBRA] - on / off vibration reminders
;During a voice call, vibration/melody stopped, after once again included
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBFF6A4)
;v. 4
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page
;(!) Heap shift (4BBFF6B4 - 4BBFF6C0)
;v 1.0
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Selection an event by Timer
;For events you can set:
;item 1: standard action
;item 2: shutdown
;item 3: restart
;item 4: included the last profile from the list
;item 5: key lock
;item 6: play music when music not playing/stop music when music playing
;item 7: turn off Bluetooth
;item 8: turn on silent when silent is off/turn off silent when silent is on
;Added information about patch
;Ability to choose action by numeric buttons
;(!) Must be rollback patch "Shutting down the phone by an timer"
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBFF6A5)
;v 1.1
;(c) Sic
;(r) Ploik
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change items in SleepMode
;Standard hour is removed
;Colors are reversed
;Added: frame, day of week, date, time and icons of events
;(!) (Heap shift 0x4BBFF6D2)
;(c) Ploik
;(p) buhh83

New patches

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Blinking LED flash for incoming call
;v. 2
;(!) (heapshift 0x4BBFF6D6)
;© IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Change shortcut "bookmarks" to "Java App" (Java Manager.elf)
;Put JavaManager.elf to folder: "/ usb / other / Zbin / JavaManager.elf"
;(c) Lathander Crusader
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Quick access to the functions of the phone via the number keys 2-9 in standby mode
;Press the button [2-9] in standby mode/Options/shortcut
;Select a shortcut to a function
;Go to standby mode ,press and hold the button
;Ver. 3
;(!) Shorcut add fix
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBFF6E0)
;(c) Sic, Joker XT
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add item "Create" in the file manager
;Options --- Create new.:
;- Record *. amr (runs Recorder)
;- Photos, Video (launches the camera)
;- Text. file (elf CreateTXTFile)
;- Label (Elf LinkExecutor)
;Path to elf "/ usb / other / Zbin / *. elf"
;Names "CreateTXT.elf" and "LinkExecutor.elf"
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability to set player in a fullscreen and back
;Ability to show/hide softkeys. Works in both styles
;(c) D3mon
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add item "Block keypad" to the player
;(c) D3mon
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 28.9.10 20:12

db 3210 -> db 3150

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS
;Choice of items (elements) using the number keys
;(c) anarkes
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add item "File Manager" in the function of player
;It shows all the music that is on the memory card and the phone
;Now "Play" located at the central softkey, as well as in the standard FM
;(c) D3mon
;(p) buhh83
;(r) k790Alex, MaPkiZzz aka Vital

Добавлено 28.9.10 20:36

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add a choice of time playing tunes in the incoming message
;Choose alert message. Options -> Melody Time
;(!) Must edit LNG ID
;0x41A -> 10 sec
;0x41B -> 20 sec
;0x41C -> 30 sec
;0x41D -> 40 sec
;0x41E -> 50 sec
;0x41F -> 60 sec
;0x420 -> Unlimited
;(c) Ploik
;(r) RandoM
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 2.10.10 16:43

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Show/Hide contact phone number when Incoming/Outgoing calls
;Settings / Calls / Manage calls/Accept calls/options/Show/Hide number
;v fix for db 3150
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 2.10.10 23:54

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Displays the name of the subscriber number with the number of SMS
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 12.10.10 20:12

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers
;V. 1
;(C) E1kolyan
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 17.10.10 09:03

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add menu Stuff Player in WALKMAN
;Add item "MusicDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "VideoDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicTagger" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicWidget" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "Visualization" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;The path to the elf MusicTagger /usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf
;The path to the elf MusicWiget /usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf
;The path to the elf Visualization /usb/other/ZBin/Visualization.elf
;Stuff Player->Music DJ
;Stuff Player->Video DJ
;Stuff Player->MusicTagger(MusicTagger.elf)
;Stuff Player->MusicWidget(IMW.elf (C) mc_kibel)
;Stuff Player->Visualization(Visualization.elf)
;Not need to edit .Lng
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 17.10.10 09:04 ]

Спасибо сказали: AlexuS, Эриксон62



Регистрация: 11.4.10
Сообщений: 30
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  #28 [23.10.10, 17:00] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Changing display text labels in the service menu
;Added icons for each item and the number of tags
;(c) MahmudS
;(p) buhh83



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
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Откуда: Poland

  #29 [23.10.10, 17:05] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004
;Add item "Total delete" to More--File in the player
;This item removes current track from the memory
;Added ask for deleting from memory
;Added ask for deleting from list
;(c) D3mon
;(R) Ploik
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS
;Choice of items (elements) using the number keys
;v fix [Display count of recent contacts] for db 3150
;(c) anarkes
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 23.10.10 22:17

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in
;Service -> Service Info -> Configuration.
;(!) To show IMEI or Show Message, you need press right softkey in the GUI of IMEI (*#06#)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 23.10.10 23:06

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add menu "Video Shortcuts" in video player
;Add item "Radio" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;Add item "VideoDJ" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;Add item "WALKMAN" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 23.10.10 23:52

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Restore ability to select item with numeric keys in ServiceMenu
;(c) farid
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 24.10.10 00:55

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change style in file manager
;v fix Hide/Show Softkeys
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) buhh83

I changed patchbody

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu
;(c) farid
;(p) buhh83
;+ add icon
;+ Change style of menu

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 24.10.10 09:07 ]

Добавлено 24.10.10 10:38

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add item Divert Calls and Management Calls in Calls Menu(Fast Access)
;Divert Calls
;Management Calls
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 24.10.10 12:43

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Quick access to "Elfos/ZBin" in Menu Activity
;Activity Menu -> Internet -> Elfos/ZBin
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83
;(i) Should edit LNG file:
;0x3FD - "Zbin/Elfy"

Добавлено 26.10.10 21:12

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Display state of battery in StatusRow
;v. 1.2
;Added display of icon when the battery is charging
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 27.10.10 17:05

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options"
;(c) yener90
;(e) albertnet3
;(e,p) buhh83

Добавлено 27.10.10 22:09

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options"
;(c) yener90
;(e) albertnet3
;+ Bluetooth
;+ Profiles
;(e,p) buhh83
;+ Flash light
;+ Automatic Keylock
;+ service menu
;need to instal patch "Replace Update Service Menu with Service Menu"
;need edit lng 0x421 = Service Menu

Добавлено 27.10.10 23:05

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Date with weekday everywhere as "sa 09 jan"
;The new element of a format of date %a - day of week is added
;© Lost
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 31.10.10 15:37

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows
;Choose a style OneOfMany here:
;Main Menu -> Options ->OneOfMany
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) k790Alex, ZEN
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 1.11.10 09:19

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Cambia el estilo de "Atajos"
;Change style of "Shortcuts"
;- Add icon in the title
;- Change style of items
;- Show window in full screen
;- Show phone heap in second line of title
;- Ability to select item with numeric keys
;(c) DaRkMaN
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys
;(!) You can select if add the number in 2 titles or 1 title, in the end of patch
;(c) anarkes
;(p) buhh83
;Original Idea by DaRkMaN

Added 7.11.10 19:15

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Service Menu Mod.
;View in full screen and chage style items in:
;+Service Menu
;+Service info
;+Service setting
;+Service test
;Add icon title in:
;+Service Menu
;+Service info
;+Service setting
;+Service test
;Viewing phone's heap in second line title in:
;+Service Menu
;+Service info
;+Service setting
;+Service test
;Restore ability to select item with numeric keys in:
;+Service Menu
;+Service info
;+Service setting
;+Service test
;(p) buhh83
;(!)Original idea by farid
;=============GUI STYLES==============================
;============Service Menu=========

Added 7.11.10 19:36

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add title, icon and label number in Service menu-->Text labels
;(c) anarkes & Cr@cShoT
;(p) buhh83

Added 9.11.10 01:05

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Selection menu style in all OneOfMany Windows
;Change GUI in all OneOfMany windows (Fullscreen, Normal Screen)
;Ability to select item with numeric keys in OneOfMany windows
;Choose a style/GUI OneOfMany here:
;Main Menu -> Options ->OneOfMany
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) k790Alex, ZEN
;(p) buhh83

[ Edited by buhh83 в 9.11.10 01:14 ]

Added 1.12.10 20:31

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Enable / disable the light sensor
;Adjustments / Brightness / Options / sensor lighting.
;Need to edit. Lng
;Tag 0x3FE - Sensor lighting./ Czujnik
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) buhh83

Added 5.12.10 21:25

Add item "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml

<element id="Brightness_AdvancedSettings">
        <label type="name"><text>Automatic Brightness</text> 
        <link type="internal" />

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Automatic control of brightness v2
;Much improved version of BrightnessController patch/elf
;Ability to set brightness level in four time intervals
;Ability to decrease brightness level if battery is low
;Special menu with option to enable / disable automatic mode
;Showing icon in Tray, if automatic mode is enabled
;Configuration menu for intervals / brightness levels
;Showing work mode under "Brightness" in menu (example: Automatic : 70%)
;After phone restart, automatic mode is disabled! You need to enable it again in menu
;What edited:
;+change some code for proper work on db3150v1
;+Ability to run item with numeric keys
;(!) You must add new item "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml
;(!) Dont remove "Settings_Brightness_Id" in menu.ml
;(!) Heapshift(4BBFF711-4BBFF714)
;(c) mc_kibel
;(e) farid
;(p) buhh83

Added 17.12.10 22:03

ElfPack v1.999 C902 R3EG004 AO

[ Edited by buhh83 в 19.12.10 00:02 ]

Added 23.12.10 16:16

I added a few addresses in the library
I fixed dll library
now fully working, "my standby.elf"

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

ElfPack_v1.999_C902_R3EG004_AO.zip ElfPack_v1.999_C902_R3EG004_AO.zip (36.17 kb; 25 hits) Скачать файл
Library.dll__lib.rar Library.dll__lib.rar (20.32 kb; 19 hits) Скачать файл

Спасибо сказали: Happy, Эриксон62



Регистрация: 22.2.10
Сообщений: 201
Репутация: 2324
Откуда: Poland

  #30 [06.01.11, 13:09] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;Go to file manager-"options
;Choosing is now a more integrated and more appropriate. You can not select the item that is currently used.
;Now, automatically refreshes the page
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x422 - "Activity Menu Style" styl menu czynności
;0x418 - "Softkeys" przyciski
;0x409 - "This element is already in use" ten element jest juz w użyciu
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) albertnet3
;(p) buhh83



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #31 [06.01.11, 13:11] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 REG004 AO
;Selection Style, Mode GUI, Softkeys and ManagementCalls in CallsMenu
;-Style Menu -> Style 1/Style 2/Style 3/Style 4
;-Mode GUI -> Fullscreen/Normalscreen/ActivityStyleMenu
;-Softkeys -> Hide/Show
;-Managent Calls (shortcut)
;-Is Added information in items Style Menu, Mode GUI and Softkeys
;-Is Added automatically refreshes the page
;-Is added state of the currently selected element is updated
;-Is added you can not select the item that is currently used
;Choose a "Style Menu", "Mode GUI" and "Sofkeys" here: Calls -> Options
;(!) Not includes "tab Call Logger" in calls
;(!) Should edit LNG file:
;0x408- "Style Menu" Style
;0x401- "Style 1" Styl 1
;0x402- "Style 2" Styl 2
;0x403- "Style 3" Styl 3
;0x404- "Style 4" Styl 4
;0x400- "MODE GUI" Tryb GUI
;0x422- "ActivityMenuStyle" Styl menu czynności
;0x418- "Softkeys" Przyciski
;0x424- "Hide" Ukryj przyciski
;0x425- "Show" Pokaz przyciski
;0x423- "Softkeys Hide/Show in calls" Pokaz/Ukryj przyciski
;0x409- "This element is already in use." Ten element jest już w użyciu
;0x40A- "Choose a Style Menu for the Calls." Wybierz styl z menu
;0x40B- "Select the display mode for the Calls." Wybierz tryb wyswietlania z menu
;V. 3
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 6.1.11 11:13

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;add digital key's management to the SMS list
;4:previous 4 items
;6:next 4 items
;7:previous 20 items
;9:next 20 items
;*:go to the first
;#:go to the last
;(c) rong862
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 6.1.11 23:04

I changed patchbody

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Appointment of tunes on contact groups
;Patch allows to add sound to a contact group which will be played for incoming calls
;Personal ringtone of a contact has the highest priority
;Appointment occurs in Contacts -> Options -> Group
;Also lets you set a melody for the unknown and hidden calls
;Put the files unknown.mp3 and hidden.mp3 in card/music
;In the absence of files,ringtone will be played
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 7.1.11 21:57 ]

Добавлено 7.1.11 23:17

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Flash and Silent SMS
;For Flash SMS:
;To send after a recipient, select Options - Options - Flash SMS
;For Silent SMS:
;To send after a recipient, select Options - Advanced - Silent SMS
;If a text message to dial up to 7 characters (English), then the recipient will receive a message on voice mail)
;V. 2.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(P) buhh83

Добавлено 8.1.11 18:40

added a few addresses to the library

2EB: void MainInput_Hide
3CE: int ListMenu_DispObject_GetItemCount(DISP_OBJ*);
3CF: int ListMenu_DispObject_GetSelectedItem(DISP_OBJ*);
3D0: void ListMenu_DispObject_DestroyItems(DISP_OBJ*);
3D1: ivoid ListMenu_DispObject_SetItemCount(DISP_OBJ*,int count);
3D2: void ListMenu_DispObject_SetCursorToItem(DISP_OBJ*,int item);
FF1: DISP_OBJ* DispObj_Create( DISP_OBJ*, void(*DispDescCreate)(DISP_DESC*), int, int );
FF2: void DispObj_Destroy( DISP_OBJ* );
FF3: void DispObject_SetTitleType( DISP_OBJ*, int type );
FF4: void DispObject_SetStyle( DISP_OBJ*, int style );

added two functions to library.dll


now it works

Blinked LED while charging .elf

I did three versions library.dll

First Edition

See photo above

In Life uses LED number 5
Blinked LED uses LED number 10

Second Edition

In Life uses LED number 9
Blinked LED uses LED number 14

Third Edition

In Life uses LED number 13
Blinked LED uses LED number 2

If someone wants other LEDs
let them write in the topic

LED number 3 and 4
turn off after going to sleep mode

anyway here you have the latest dyn_const revision 3512

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Library_C902_R3EG004_AO.rar Library_C902_R3EG004_AO.rar (16.16 kb; 22 hits) Скачать файл
Library.DLL.rar Library.DLL.rar (13.62 kb; 17 hits) Скачать файл
DYN_CONST.rar DYN_CONST.rar (0.98 kb; 17 hits) Скачать файл

Спасибо сказали: antoniomun
Страница 3 из 14: « 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 ... 14 »

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