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C903 SW-R1GA028 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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  #21 [10.04.11, 01:38] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Dobavlenie tel. nomepa DURING napicanii SMS / MMS
;control allows dobavlyat nomep of telefonnoy book nepocpedctvenno DURING napicanii CMC
;dealer service tools poyavlyaetcya vmecto Dobav. podpic
;For dobavleniya nomepa nazhimaem dealer service tools - Dopolnitelno - Dobav. kontakt
;v. 1.5
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc



Регистрация: 3.1.08
Сообщений: 116
Репутация: 1373
Откуда: Turkey / Azrael's bedside!

  #22 [10.04.11, 18:42] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

15E1E650...15E1FAAF - Folder Lock v3 (Private) 

iPhone 4s [16GB White] - new iPad [64GB White]
W800i - W810i [Black] - C901 [8GB White] - WT19i[2GB White]
'Фу' сказали: pavelsh


  #23 [15.04.11, 19:57] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Change style QuickAccessMenu
;Claims: Shutdown, Restart, Bluetooth, Flight mode, Silent Block, Stand, Phone Status, Profiles
;As well as games, applications, Player, Radio, Play-Stop Music
;Added title and an icon to it
;Removed the window of the on-off Silent
;Possibility of regime change GUI menu
;Ability to change the orientation of the menu
;Vosmozhnomt change the style of the menu
;The opportunity to show-hide software
;The opportunity to show-hide icons
;Ability to change the designation "C" button to open the menu filemanager or calculator
;Opportunity On-off audible warning when entering the menu
;You can not choose who is already in use
;AutoUpdate menu after changing the GUI, sexual orientation or identity
;The soft: Password Manager, TrackID, info about the patch
;Hold button Activiti "menu offers the usual QuickAcessMenu
;Refactoring, fixes bugs
;(!) File QAM.mp3 throw in card / other / ini
;(!) Should edit LNG
;(C) Juhu07
;(R) michlantecuhtli, jamesbond22
;(E) MiFa corrected code for DB3210, and helped him Juhu07
;(P) Ersin
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc



0x18F1 :Tuslar / softkeys
0x18F2 :C tusu / Buton C
0x18EF :Goruntu Duzeni / Image Layout                 
0x18E5 :Tarz 1  / Style 1        
0x18E6 :Tarz 2  / Style 2        
0x18E7 :Tarz 3  / Style 3        
0x18E8 :Tarz 4  / Style 4        
0x18E9 :Tarz 5  / Style 5        
0x18EA :Tarz 6  / Style 6    
0x18F0 :Tarz 8  / Style 8    
0x18EB :Tarz 7 / Style 7    
0x18EC :Zaten kullaniliyor  / Already in use        
0x18F4 :Telefonu kapat / Shutdown phone
0x18F6 :Ucus modu ac / Open Flight mode
0x18F7 :Ucus modu kapat / Flight mode off
0x18F8 :Ana ekrana don / Return to Standby



Регистрация: 21.3.10
Сообщений: 4
Репутация: 12

  #24 [19.04.11, 19:00] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add the ability to choose Flash-file as a menu
;Flash files are in folder "/ tpa / preset / system / desktop / flash"
;Original idea by RaANdOoM
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

Спасибо сказали: cobatab, a6b6


  #25 [19.04.11, 19:07] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add the question of replacing the file (if file name already exists)
;Works for copy / move one / multiple files
;"Yes" - to replace coincided file
;"No" - the standard kopir. / AC. with a small difference is the file name to "filename (N)"
;When kopir. / AC. nesk.faylov question will be asked about each matched
;Added, "Yes, all files" and "No, all files" for kopir. / AC. nesk.faylov
;(c) RaANdOoM
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Flash and Silent SMS
;allows sending Flash and Silent SMS
;For Flash SMS:
;to send after a recipient, select Options - Options - Flash SMS
;For Silent SMS:
;to send after a recipient, select Options - Advanced - Silent SMS
;in the message text did not type!
;If a text message to dial up to 7 characters (English), then the recipient will receive a message on voice mail)
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;v. 2.5unified
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Ability to show / hide the contact number for incoming / outgoing calls
;the "show room" added to Options-Call-driving. Call-Accept calls
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) Ersin


  #26 [23.04.11, 02:49] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 R1GA028
;Radio Autoshutdown
;Allows users to switch off the radio at the scheduled time
;Added new item "Self-timer" in Radio more list
;Ability to disable/change the timer manually
;(c) DuXeN0N
;Thanks to ploik
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;The player controls with the keyboard
;1 - Volume +
;2,8 - Playlist
;3 - Equalizer
;4,6 - Previous, Next Track
;5 - Pause / Play
;7 - Volume -
;9 - Play Mode
;And 0 - Information
;* - Collapse
;# - Lock the keypad
;Call Button - Portrait
;Joystick up - "My Music" as a Walkman, 4 in both orientations
;Joystick down - Playlist
;(C) jamesbond22
;(E) lost
;(E2) HotRabbit (Mobilefree.Ru)
;(p) Ersin
;Original idea by Sic
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Added item "Vibration" in Walkman
;And when the item is activated, include short vibration
;(!) To disable Vibra-music to kill AudioPlayerBook
;(c) K790Alex
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) Ersin
;v. 1.1

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Vibra at a tube raising on other end at an outcoming call
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;choice of style, mode and GUI software in the "Call"
;-Styles -> Style 1/Stil 2/Stil 3/Stil 4
;-Mode GUI -> Full screen / Normal screen / Style Activiti
;-Soft -> Show / Hide
;-added item "Call Management" (Link)
;-added information on the items Styles, mode and GUI Software
;-Added automatic update of this page
;-Added showing the state of the selected style
;-added information that you can not select the active element
;Click "Styles", "Mode GUI " and "Soft" in the "Challenge"-> Options
;(!) does not work on the tab Call Logger
;(!) will need to edit lng
;(c) Antoniomun (mobilefree.justdanpo.ru)
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc


0x18EF ;Goruntu duzeni        
0x18FB ;Goruntu duzenini degistirin        
0x18E5 ;Tarz 1         
0x18E6 ;Tarz 2         
0x18E7 ;Tarz 3         
0x18E8 ;Tarz 4        
0x1069 ;Ekran         
0x18F9 ;Ekran gorunumunu degistirin             
0xCF9 ;Aktivite menusu;         
0x18EC ;Zaten kullaniliyor         
0x18F1 ;Tuslar         
0x18FA ;Tuslari; goster gizle 

0x18EF; Image layout
0x18FB; Image Change layout
0x18E5; Style 1
0x18E6; Style 2
0x18E7; Style 3
0x18E8; Style 4
0x1069; Screen
0x18F9; change the screen display
0xCF9; Activity menu
0x18EC; already in use
0x18F1; Keys
0x18FA; Keys show / hide

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Change the style of "shortcuts"
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc


  #27 [28.04.11, 02:08] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;c903 SW-R1GA028
;Select text color in the windows of Information
;Changes the color of the information on file and the phone
;Service Menu -> Options Service -> Options -> Color ...
;(!) Lng: Add tags
;(c) HotRabbit
;(p) Ersin
; 0x18F9 ;Beyaz - White
; 0x18FA ;Sarı - Yellow
; 0x18FB ;Yeşil - Green
; 0x18FC ;Kırmızı - Red
; 0x18FD ;Turuncu - Orange
; 0x18FE ;Gri - Grey
; 0x18FF ;Mavi - Blue
; 0x1900 ;Siyah - Black

;c903 SW-R1GA028
;Advanced image management
;Ability to put pictures on:
;- off the phone
;- the main background
;- background to the menu
;(!) LNG
;0x1902 - Arka plan
;0x1903 - Anamenü arka planı
;0x1901 - Kapanış ekranı
;0x1902 - The Background
;0x1903 - Main Menu background
;0x1901 - Closing screen
;(c) Therion
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc


  #28 [30.04.11, 21:12] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Advanced Sound Control Slider
;Ability to select 5 different sounds or turn off the sound at all
;Setting here: Settings -> Sounds & Alerts -> Alert Call -> Sounds slider
;(!) Requires patch "Sounds of the opening / closing slider"(c) John North
;Put it in tpa / preset / system / sound 10 different sounds:
;slideropen0.mp3 - sliderclose0.mp3
;slideropen1.mp3 - sliderclose1.mp3
;slideropen2.mp3 - sliderclose2.mp3
;slideropen3.mp3 - sliderclose3.mp3
;slideropen4.mp3 - sliderclose4.mp3
;194D - Sesler
;194D - Sounds
;(c) Antoniomun
;(e) D3mon
;(p) Ersin
;- Optimized patch
;- Added ability to disable the sound in general
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

need patch:
;C903 R1GA028
;Sounds on opening/closing slider
;To folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place files slideropen.mp3 and sliderclose.mp3
;No sound when silent mode is on, music, video, fm radio application is active.
;v 1.4
;(c) John North
;(e) jamesbond22
;(r) blacklizard
;(p) Gurkan!

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Add icon in the window, "Delete file? " in the File Manager
;Add icon in the window "Remove video? in multimedia
;(c) thomassafca, D3mon
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Increased number of items up to 12 EQ
;0x1905 - Kendi ayarim
;0x1905 - My setting
;(c) diezil
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc



Регистрация: 3.1.08
Сообщений: 116
Репутация: 1373
Откуда: Turkey / Azrael's bedside!

  #29 [02.05.11, 23:57] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

Fixed for DB3210, now no problem to DB3210 =)

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Added is "MultiMedia" in the Walkman - Options.
;Working With File Manager.
;## Picture / Music / Video
;(c) Gurkan!
;(p) Ersin

iPhone 4s [16GB White] - new iPad [64GB White]
W800i - W810i [Black] - C901 [8GB White] - WT19i[2GB White]
Спасибо сказали: Veronicus, glebkotov


  #30 [03.05.11, 17:08] Re: C903 SW-R1GA028   

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Amend the fourth tab in Activiti menu for File Manager
;Available Folders:
;1: Camera Album
;2: Music
;3: Images
;4: Video
;5: Topics
;6: Miscellaneous
;7: Elves
;8: All the Java
;9: Shopping (need to install the patch "recycler")
;10: Internal FS
;11: Personal information (where you can store data that are hidden from others)
;------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
;Folder "Personal information ":
;1: Create a folder folder / system / privat (on the phone or memory card)
;2: Put it in your files
;3: Restart the phone
;------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
;- Ability to select folders with the numeric keys
;- Ability to change the display mode and sorting into folders (Camera album, Pictures, Video)
;- Running in the background of the book is not closed on exit from the File Manager
;- Standard action for files
;(!) LNG
;v2.2 Fix
;(c) yener90
;(e) jamesbond22, MEHRDAD, Antoniomun, D3mon
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

0x1906 ;Elves        
0x1907 ;All Java        
0x1908 ;Shopping        
0x1909 ;Internal FS        
0x190A ;Personal data

;C903 SW-R1GA028
;Renaming files together with extension
;Now when pereimenovke shows full filename including expansion
;Ver. 2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Ersin
;pAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

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