far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
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1212B370-1212B3EB ;Поддержка русской WIN- кодировки в плеере(ID3), почте, txt файлах и т.д. 1212B3F0-1212B479 ;Расширенный диапазон регулировки яркости 1212B480-1212B4A3 ;Регулировка яркости клавишами "Громкость +/-" 1212B4B0-1212B4FF ;The choice of colors when viewing SMS 1212B500-1212B5E3 ;Extended character table. Added 33 characters 1212B5F0-1212B66B ;Открытие таблицы символов, на долгое нажатие "*" 1212B66C-1212B68D ;Замена имени оператора на своё 1212B690-1212B6A7 ;Смена цвета фона в картинах и предпросмотре видео на белый 1212B6B0-1212B6FF ;Cвободно 1212B700-1212B721 ;Heap shift!
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;Shorcut add fix ;Allows assignment of labels as to db2020 ;Is necessary for compatibility with some elves (eg BookManager) ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;Add item "Smart Search" in the file manager ;Place FindFiles.elf in ZBin at Phone mem or Card mem ;SoftKeys only in FileManager ;Fix.2 ;(c) Ploik ;(e) farid with help from K790Alex ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;Clear off sleep mode when connecting/disconnecting the headset ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;SMS Backup v1.5 ; ;+Auto reboot after Restore SMS ;+Ability to delete backup file at list menu by pressing button "C" ;+Added question before Restore sms ;+Added question before Delete backup file ;+Code rewritten and optimized for db3150v1 ; ;(i) Backup file saved in "/card/system/SMSBackup" ;(!) Add to menu.ml element id="SMS_Backup_Patch_ID" ; ;(c) Laura_P ;(e) farid ;(p) buhh83 ;
;W890 R1FA035 ;Changing the color of the string in Settings Cameras ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 R1FA035 ;PAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Remove message "Errors occur in the menu.ml file. This may render the menu unusable." ;if there is error in menu.ml file ;(c) blacklizard ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 R1FA035 ;Activate the item Find in the phone book ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;Blinking Orange LED while charging ;Stop Charging when battery is full/unplug charger ;v.2 (menu.ml version) ;(c) blacklizard ;(p) Godlesplay ;OLED ID ;0 - Display ;1 - Keyboard Left ;2 - Keyboard Right ;3 - YoyBar (Button Select) ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc
;W890 R1FA035 ;Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone ;Added viewing of current percent of charging battery ;Added display of date ;Added display seconds in time format ;Date and time does not disappear when fully charged ;v 3.0 ;(c) RandoM ;(e) HotRabbit, MaPkiZzz ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 R1FA035 ;Retrieve new track information with the help of elf ;Send event 0x3030 to elf with a pointer to tracks data ;(c) blacklizard ;(p) Godlesplay
;W890 R1FA035 ;Ability to view the full text in a text label ;Click "View" button ;Display Hex-& Dec-indices in the 2nd row ;Added icon for each label ;(c) K790Alex ;(e) anarkes, D3mon ;(p) Godlesplay ;v 1.1
;W890 SW-R1FA035 ;Ability to set the player in full screen and back ;Ability to hide / show the softkeys. Works in both modes ;v.2.3 ;(c) D3mon ;(p) Godlesplay
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