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W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: ThilinaDaRkMaN


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  #111 [19.08.09, 19:01] W595 SW-R3EF001   

Отдельная ветка патчей для W595 SW-R3EF001

1. Правила оформления патчей смотрим в теме Оформление патчей
2. Обсуждение работоспособности патчей в теме Обсуждение патчей A2
3. Запросы о портировании патчей в теме Идеи и запросы патчей А2
4. Far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
5. SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке

For creators and porters of patches, you must look the first post and use free space according the list (don't look the last post and add 0x10 in your patches). Sreenshots and patches description must be in english or russian. Any post without this features will be deleted.

Те кто портирует патчи смотрим учет в первом посте, а не по последнему патчу!
Все кривые патчи, патчи с неправильно оформленной шапкой или с не правильно взятом замейном будут удаляться, а авторы наказаны!
По возможности выкладываем скрины к патчам.
Не умеешь портировать не лезь!

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!

2012.03.28 last updated
Used space list


*In list XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX - FREE are parts where is free for code and use those spaces instead using space from end till these ends.

Mismatching patches

latest en.lng file

[ Edited by Thilina в 28.3.12 11:40 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

en.rar en.rar (151.18 kb; 85 hits) Скачать файл

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: Zormax, Danik, D3mon, Desperanto, vodoo999, TahaSpawn, H0sseiN, DjRedOFF, kubus92, laurafarsas, radwkw31, mc_kibel, modder101, Olegat0r, Thilina, willi_flow, E1kolyan, antoniomun, thomassafca, centrumse, D-SHEL, skill_boy, michel1907, BrghtnsS, DaRkMaN, -DeJaVu-, juhu07, LathandredCrusader, Veronicus, farid, MiFa, SIRIUS-SE, a7b7, biems, omdhar, josthyn05, buhh83, Se-MaG, piotrekk6, a6b6, Эриксон62, LoDark, SEREGAW595, STRANGERIGOR


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  #112 [19.12.09, 16:29] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Set Quick Access menu in mode landscape
;(c) Ploik
;(p) jamesbond22

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: WAPD


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  #113 [20.12.09, 00:12] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change the writing language at long press #
;Window "Writing language" doesn't appear
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) jamesbond22

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Remove message "Sending cancelled" in OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer etc.)
;Now proper work
;(c) myrzeug
;(p) jamesbond22
;Original idea by E1kolyan

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add softkey "Minimize" for sending files via Bluetooth
;What edited: removed unnecessary stuff
;(c) E1kolyan
;(e) myrzeug
;(p) jamesbond22

Added 19.12.09 22:22

117 posts in this topic "W595 SW-R3EF001". This is unbelievable. =) :lol:

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: kubus92


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  #114 [20.12.09, 13:37] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Playing sound file while charging
;When the battery is fully charged or charger is disconnected then stops playing
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBF29F0)
;(c) den_po, IronMaster
;(e,p) jamesbond22

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008


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  #115 [21.12.09, 11:39] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Management of buttons
;ACTION1: press button "vol+" on keylock - turn on/off silent mode
;ACTION2: press button "call" on keylock - open Calls
;ACTION3: press button "vol-" on keylock - open Multimedia
;ACTION4: press button "activity"on keylock - open Messaging
;ACTION5: press button "c" on standby - open Radio
;ACTION6: press button "c" on keylock - open Quick Access Menu
;(c) Joker XT
;(e,p) jamesbond22

I very like this patch. =)

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008


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  #116 [21.12.09, 14:19] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Addon for patch "BookManager v2.0"
;Ability to run items on second and third tab by using the numeric keys
;(c) jamesbond22

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008



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  #117 [21.12.09, 19:01] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 R3EF001
;Heap shift! More stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) Juhu07
;Info 4 patchmakers: 488DE8D0...488EE8CF
;This info is firmware version dependent

[ Edited by juhu07 в 21.12.09 17:01 ]

Спасибо сказали: MiFa, blacklizard, kubus92, TahaSpawn


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  #118 [21.12.09, 21:35] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change Quick Access menu style
;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Exits to standby mode, Phone status, Close all java's, Close connection and Profiles.
;In the table of contents menu added Number of free Heap.
;In the absence of running applications and active compounds points are not active.
;At the close of Java, the connection or the inclusion Flaymod will question "Yes/No".
;For the activity bluetooth (reception or transmission) point is also not active.
;All icons, titles and captions for the items vary in accordance with the mode enabled.
;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display information about patch.
;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c".
;(!) Should edit Lng file
;(!) Minimalize books
;(c) 2007KrasH, Ploik
;(e,p) jamesbond22

p.s. I can not test item "Close connection"... I don't know that it work. =)
I wish everyone happy christmas. ;-)

Labels for edit to other languages:
0x3e6 - Restart
0x3e7 - Turn off the phone
0x3e8 - Disable Flight mode
0x3e9 - Enable Flight mode
0x3ea - Return to standby
0x3eb - Exclusion is not possible to send and receive data.
0x3ec - Turn on Bluetooth
0x3ed - Turn off Bluetooth
0x3ee - Control Bluetooth
0x3ef - Java is not running
0x3f0 - Turn off all java applications
0x3f1 - Close connection
0x3f2 - The combination is in the process
0x3f3 - No connection
0x3f4 - There is an active Internet connection.
0x3f5 - Turning on Bluetooth in flight mode
0x3f6 - Turn on Flight mode
0x3f7 - Turn off Flight mode
0x3f8 - Turn Mute
0x3f9 - Show the status of phone
0x3fa - There is no running java applications.
0x3fb - Closure of java

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

pl.zip pl.zip (196.92 kb; 79 hits) Скачать файл

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: Alex_E, MahmudS, MiFa, ploik, juhu07, D3mon, blacklizard, maciekbronkz


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  #119 [22.12.09, 20:05] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change Quick Access menu style
;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Exits to standby mode, Phone status, Close all java's, Close connection and Profiles.
;In the table of contents menu added Number of free Heap.
;In the absence of running applications and active compounds points are not active.
;At the close of Java, the connection or the inclusion Flaymod will question "Yes/No".
;For the activity bluetooth (reception or transmission) point is also not active.
;All icons, titles and captions for the items vary in accordance with the mode enabled.
;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display information about patch.
;Ability to select menu orientation "Landscape" or "Portrait".
;Updating state of Quick Access menu.
;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c".
;(!) Should edit Lng file
;(!) Minimalize books
;v. 1.1
;(c) 2007KrasH, Ploik
;(e,p) jamesbond22

+ fixed some wrong ported address
+ improved item "Close connection"
+ added ability to select menu orientation "Landscape" or "Portrait" ((c) Ploik, (p) jamesbond22)
+ added updating state of Quick Access Menu ((c) jamesbond22)

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: timos_06, juhu07


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  #120 [22.12.09, 21:21] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Selection an event by Timer
;For events you can set:
;item 1: standard action
;item 2: shutdown
;item 3: restart
;item 4: included the last profile from the list
;item 5: key lock
;item 6: play music when music not playing/stop music when music playing
;item 7: turn off Bluetooth
;item 8: turn on silent when silent is off/turn off silent when silent is on
;Added information about patch
;Ability to choose action by numeric buttons
;(!) Must be rollback patch "Shutting down the phone by an timer"
;(!) HeapShift (0x4BBF29F1)
;v 1.1
;(c) Sic
;(r) Ploik
;(e,p) jamesbond22


[ Edited by jamesbond22 в 23.12.09 20:48 ] - changed address for body of patch

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: MiFa, polza, Corman


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  #121 [22.12.09, 23:05] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Adding icons in Notes
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(p) jamesbond22

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: centrumse, juhu07
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